We do love each other but it does make shit complicated. If she has cheated on me in the past what’s gonna stop her from doing it again in the future?
Can we get a feels thread?
Never been more stressed or depressed in my life,
just got denied from a university and everyone's on my back recently gotta retake a class because I almost failed it because of a dickhead teacher that moved to Israel after the semester. Still virgin and my peers social life seem to progress monumentally compared to mine.
What are we drinking tonight then?
It’s definetely not a kill her situation I have other options. The only thing that’s stopping me frlm leaving her at this point is My 2 kids and the financial commitment I have with her
so you found obvious evidence of her cheating and ignored it, its time to do something
Will this eat at you for the rest of your life or can you truly let it go? If she truly good to you now? Is she a great mother?
Well, don't expect improvement as long as you are still blaming other people.
>tfw no extraordinary girl for me on this planet