How popular are neo-Nazis and right-wing ethnic nationalist parties in continental Europe?

How popular are neo-Nazis and right-wing ethnic nationalist parties in continental Europe?

>little dick euros
>American BBC
On topic I'm sure you already know. There are sone legit neo-nazis mainly rednecks in my shitty rural town

>american flag
what state/are you a tourist

Kentucky. Not a tourist. Mostly its biker gangs but there are a few of them around. They're almost universally hated.

do the bikers enjoy cockriding their bikes?

nationalists got 10% of the vote last ellection, but they don't get to be openly ethnocentric, just semiopenly

they could at least get rid off the gypsys in bulgaria. I love balkan countries but those dirty gypsys are a real pain in the ass!

I don't understand the question.

2nd most popular party here

if there are no gypsies nobody would bother voting nationalist

there are no nazi parties, at least in the parliament. the nationalist party is the 2nd biggest here and got 21% of the votes.

Nordfront is popular. Sweden democrats is now the second largest party, they were natsoc untill like 2009 when they cucked out. Svp is gone. A shame, they had a cool logo.

>if there are no gypsies nobody would bother voting nationalist

See! It's two birds with one stone!

never mind. i was just saying bikers are faggots.

The guy on the pic looks cute, i'd fuck him

In Finland there I don't think there's actual parties that would be so radical.

They got around 1,5% of the vote during the last federal elections.

on the topic of Asov Battalion, why are supposed nationalists so hell-bent on supporting the EU and preventing the self-determination of ethnicity?

polling 3rd


>supporting the EU
>self-determination of ethnicity?

Also check the the third guy from the right bottom row

I'm assuming it's more fuck Russia than support if the EU. Between the Federation and the EU they would have more independence in the EU.

They don't support the EU. Not sure where you got this idea.

which is dumb because the conflict is over whether Donbass gets to go where they please

It's inherently anti-nationalist to side with Ukraine

Wrong time zone to shill for Russia m8

>shill for Russia m8
kinda i guess, i just don't see why Donbass should be kept from their decision

it depends how much your country sponsored it

>It's inherently anti-nationalist to side with Ukraine
5 rubles

1. We're not really "continental Europe".
2. Nordfront is not popular.
3. Sweden Democrats haven't been natsoc in your lifetime, blöjnasse.
4. Kill yourself, cuck.

You do not seem to understand the mentality of the slaves broken to Russian rule. They did not choose to attempt to secede, Russia chose it for them. Before the Russian operations in Ukraine, no region of Ukraine had wanted to secede. After Russian muscle showed up and told them they were seceding, they did the safe thing: praised the new regime and proclaimed to have been for it all along, even if recent polls indicated that very few had been.

In Germany, they are not popular at all, for obvious reasons

>little dick
>Not an aesthethic and convenient fair-trade rubber plug of style vs vulgar phallic imitations catering to unrealistic bodystandarts out of chinesium