I don't know anymore edition

Chicanos should be killed. You are foreign invaders.

oh the irony

white girls love Latino cock
just go back to your home country and you will get all the poon you've ever dreamed of

that makes no sense

Funny thing is that brown latinos are gonna be labeled white in the next decade. I mean Zimmerman was called white already and it's only gonna get more prevalent. With European descent whites dying out there was be a scapegoat to blame problems on and feed the welfare negros. Sorry Chicanos but you gotta pay for Jamal and his family now. This is what happens when you become successful.

shitty fashion

wear baggy shit

life just doesn't seem to go right.

how's your weekend going?

It's going alright, actually did some sports for a change. It really drives home the point how out of shape I am since I used to play sports through my school years and I was actually in good shape. It's been all downhill after conscription for my physical condition, it still is not that bad but it's nowhere near to what it once was.

How's yours?

nothing ever changes for me i'm doing the exact same thing i did yesterday

What car should a /chi/ drive?

I often go months without doing anything "different", though every once in a while I do something out of my routine. It's good every now and then to get out of the house even if you don't really do anything, just going for a walk on a nice day can do you some good.

i've been doing the exact same thing for about 4 years now also I live in the ghetto so going for walks isn't my best option
low rider

>living in the ghetto
I almost forgot that you don't live in a first world country. I would probably stay home 24/7 too if the streets were filled by violent dindu and chicano gangs. Stay safe and try to atleast make your surroundings inside your home better, that is atleast something that you can do to make things a little better.

i'm surrounded by misery inside and out

>work as a doctor's receptionist
>in order for us to process Medicare claims, we need to make copy of photo ID
>old lady comes in and shows her US passport as identification
>tfw I sit there for almost 5 minutes feeling the texture and studying every page, knowing I may never have one of my own

Parents who bring their children to this country illegally are such myopic and inconsiderate people.

When you fall off the train of life it can be next to impossible to get back on. That doesn't mean you can't make your life a little less miserable. It's easy to think "why bother I will be miserable anyhow", still doing even tiny improvements will on the long run be better for your mental health. I know even little things that people think are nothing can be very hard to achieve too. For instance one day I decided I would try to "fix" my sleeping rhytm and get up before 12, needless to say I failed in doing so. But I do keep my room a little more organized so I don't have to look at a massive mess from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep.

You should do tons of physical activity during the day and stay away from sugary foods, that'll leave you exhausted enough to fall asleep early.

>When you fall off the train of life it can be next to impossible to get back on.
i know what you mean I feel like i'm stuck in this rut

My sleeping rhytm has always been fairly nocturnal, even when I did sports. I have been going to sleep after 12 since I was like 12.