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International #759
/sino/ -中文- Chinese Thread
How are Gülenist refugees treated in your country?
Green = countries with a metro
Daily reminder that if you live in some of the red areas you're probably the offspring of some moors or turkic people...
Which countries are best for white girls with dark features? As in dark brown hair and eyes
You wake up in a Neanderthal settlement
Your country
Childhood is lusting after White girls
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ fio lusofono
Here's a guide of Brazil
How did YOU survive the 2008 hyper-recession?
Why is your capital city the capital?
Give me actual photographic proof of Sharia law being enforced in a European city
What is the legal drinking age in your country?
How come these 2 countries never entered a full blown out war considering their proximity and land conquering dispute...
I am a Finn
/flag/ /extraflags/
I just found out hot water in Iceland smells like farts
Reminder if you're not green, you don't have a culture
Countries in Europe come and go but Portugal always stays
You wake up in southern Italy
What are your opinions of politicians in your country?
Is this really how average Americans look like?
Quiero mandar un saludo a estos chupa penes, putas de los gringos...
What's the relationship between these cunts? they actually dislike each other or that's just a meme?
Your country and its neighbours go to war
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Culture Pals - /cp/
You have 3 seconds to choose a country to emigrate to
I liek Turkey, Turkey great frens
/MeNa/ /MoAn/
he has either of these in his country
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
What does Sup Forums think of french posters?
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric General
Don't forget Bongs. Terrorist attacks are a PART and PARCEL of big city life
How tall are you? I'm 171cm
With Puerto Rico trying to become a state, shohldthe US be considered part of Latin America?
/deutsch/ ehemals und nie wieder /deutsch/
Why are Americans so brainwashed?
Your country
Brazilians, tell me about Florianopolis
/ITA/ - il filo
Why do countries not build cool monumental architecture anymore
/fr/ - le fil franc
Is this image real?
Faces of Sup Forums
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Why is this board so anti white ? What did a white person ever do to you ?
What country should i move to? Being completely serious here
Do any third world girls want a (relatively) rich American bf?
How do you say:
Tell me Sup Forums
Gib african gf
Be light skinned mulatto
How often do you come across autistic people in your cunt?
Alexander the Great was a Slav
Close the border!
African """""""culture"""""""
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Why is Poland such a giant shithole?
/ita/ - il filo
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1866
What is this called in your language?
Who was your country's greatest thinker?
/asean/ thread
This is the forth time I fail my driving test. I'm going to kill myself. goodbye
Kurva anyátok
Is Poortugal really THIS bad?
Why are americans so racist?
Without googling, name 10 African countries
President of the European Union
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Will they ever join the EU?
Hey int!
Why are Germans so based?
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
Mfw there are """"'"'poeple"""'""' who unironically get triggered by these games
Anybody go wayyyy up the family tree and apply for Italian Citizenship...
>tfw born a Pajeet
/balt/ /ausnz/
ITT: underrated countries
/ita/ - il filo
Is Latin America a part of Western Civilization or not?
I fucking hate Germans what is this shit?
Why this pic triggers medcucks so much?
Beg on their knees to join EU
What are history classes in European schools like?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Why Indian intellectuals don't prohibit people from worshipping cows shit everywhere etc ... ?
/fr/ - le fil des /fr/ qui sont /fr/
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Are you related to any form or kind of royalty Sup Forums?
Why do immigrants adopt nigger culture when they get here? Even most asians do...
Tell me your image of japan/Japanese in negative aspect
Solidarity is a two-way street. Get ready for sanctions, the rest of V4
Why do 60% of Americans idiots?
Happy Russia Day Sup Forums
What country is the most junkie in Europe ?
Common English mistakes caused by your native language
What's your life motto?
Why do Singapore people pretend that they can speak English decently?
Hilo Mañanero
/alphaeber/ ehemals /deutsch/
"i put something on my upper body" - oblicham (oбличaм)
Make ironic thread about moving to europe
What country has
Why do some western people especially europeans eat this shit ?
South Korea
In South Korea...
> he unironically wipes his butt without cleaning it with fresh water
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
1)Your cunt?
India 2020
Post your ancestors
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Leftist: Loser, millennial, lazy, spends time at demos and blaming society for their problems, poor whiny SJW...
You guys don't actually believe Mediterraneans have African and middle eastern genetic input do you ?
/ex-ussr/ general
Post a typical lower class, middle class and upper class neighborhood from your city
How does a white American get his hands on a Japanese prostitute? Im in Tokyo and am tired of jacking off...
Post your cunt's ancient clothes
/ibe/ - Fio ibérico
Why are swedes on this board such gigantic assholes when it comes to Norway...
Could a movie with such a crazy concept be made in your country?
Post best Flag
Foreigners start responding to each other's posts in their languages
What did he mean by this?
"you're... a wh*tey? you know we persians dont like wh*teys. not after what you did to us"
Your cunt
Today is philippine independence day
ITT: Accents you recognize immediately
Kurva anyátok
When you hear the countries 'Bulgaria' and 'Hungary' are you immediately able to recall which one is slavic and which...
Which country exports the most prostitutes and other sex workers?
Go to
The most and least respected game publisher in your country?
With Puerto Rico voting for statehood, are we closer to becoming a Latin American country?
Why do Germans hate USA so much?
Brazilians, tell me about Florianopolis
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Why are East Asians so often lumped in with actual people of color...
This confuses & angers the Indian
Quiero una novia
Tfw i'll never be american
What does Sup Forums think of Milan, Italy?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
51st state celebration thread
Pls don't die edition
Who is your patron god?
Would Adrien Brody pass as a local in your country?
Muslim era
ITT: Post the greatest shithole of your country. Not only pic related is full of piss poor people...
For non-native English speakers, what was the hardest part of the language to learn for you?
What are these called in your country?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan 2
Puerto rico just voted for statehood
Hilo putaso
This is what Americans used to look like
Post milk from your country
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Any white mexicans here?
What is your purpose in life?
ITT: post your next president/prime minister of your country
Wow really makes you think
WTF, US Air Force dropping white phossphorus on Raqqa civilians
Why don't Americans just fuck off?
A custom from your country that utterly baffles foreigners
Share folk tunes from your country
What if the land France is on had never existed?
/ita/ - il filo
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
His cunt doesn't have a Wizardry School
International qts thread
Mfw I get a (You) from Poland
Why do Europeans drive tiny cuckhatches?
Portugal is making Europe's average HDI go down...
Macron's movement La République en marche! set to win the biggest majority since general de Gaulle in 1968
What is this called in your country?
Gay domar edišn
Easy Company would have jumped in Normandy on D-Day 73 years ago now
Eketorps fortress
Please guys send help :(
French is an ugly language
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1865
Perfect countries don't exi-
Ex-yu pajdo edicija
Brits will unironically defend this
What is this called in your country?
Muh Heritage
ITT countries that do not deserve the amount of hate on Sup Forums they get
Sup Forums I'm interested in learning a Scandinavian language, and Danish is just nope...
Wew lads
Why doesn't this country have a name?
/nachtschicht/, bald wieder /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Post the downtown of your city or simply your town
Why do Slavs inhale this shit like it's air?
All mongoloids welcome
How different are Russians from Hohols?
Is this the best country of the world?
Culture Pals /cp/
Why Argies hate Italians so much?
Lexical similarity maps
/éire/ /eire/
I went to polish death camps last summer during my vacation in Europe. How can poles do this? Why are they so racist?
"Kyrgyz my son, we need a flag"
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Armed conflict in your cunt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/broat/ - Brits + Croats Fucking Sup Forums's Shit Up Forever
Albania will defeat Israel
Ask a Nigerian student studying full-time in Lithuania anything
Me and 2 other friends had dinner with 3 grils yesterday...
Which Empire contributed the most to modern society?
Seriously, why are brits so ugly?
ITT We post things in our native languages and others read them on Vocaroo
Polish food>>>french food=british food>greek food>slavic food>spanish food>portuguese food>other balkan food>german...
Kurva anyátok
/balk/ - Balkan thread
I tried this stuff frist time in my life and what the hell, it was good. What a delightful surprise
Why is the fetishization of New York City so common among Europeans?
I've never seen this fruit in my life
SvT - Mena
just bee yourself bro
Sverigetråden - Vargupplagan
Too many muslim
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Everbody loves Madrid when they visit Spain
ITT: post a .gif or image that defines your country
Why is this country so fucking big?
If you have never seen this, you are not first world
Average Indian male vs average wh*te """"male""""
Muslims believe Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse
Your cunts flag
What anxiety meds can I get to stop caring what normalfags think?
What's the difference between Kurds and Arabs?
/asean/ thread
/flag/ /extraflags/
He needs laws in his country to tell him whats right and whats wrong and cant make any moral decisions on his own so...
1.your cunt
World population percentage by country
/fr/ - le fil français
We laugh at Britcucks
Rank these shitholes
Why aren't the balts more grateful?
What do you think about India?
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
Age of consent map
I'm 171cm
Global warming isn't re-
How did you learn English?
Why do continental Europeans suck the EU's dick so much?
Just took shower
Why is Ukraine such a big country though it's irrelevant as fuck?
Who are the worst posters on Sup Forums?
So you're telling me that you basically live less than a day's drive from the entirety of the birthplace of western...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/V4/ + friends
Best Italy
My first love
/ausnz/ and /balt/
/ita/ il filo
Reminder that you can also become a nordic
Tfw no qt russian bf
Why won't England have friends in Europe?
Catalan independence referendum
Is Sup Forums banned in Iran?
Ylis lanka vol. 1
Does an anglo accent sound good/not completely annoying in ANY other language...
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Swedish women will love my muscles
What do these countries all have in common
/österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
We Germans are peaceful people
I want to escape this hell
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Since 00:01 today citizens of Ukraine can travel visa free in the EU
This terrifies and enrages all Eastern Europoops, balts and churkas
This is what napoleonic france would have been like if russians had minded their own fucking business
You have completely destroyed our image, Ikibey
This is what Israel would've been like if Romans had minded their own fucking business
Why is this country so aversed to being called Eastern European and say they're 'Central' European?
You're cunt
Japan is paradise on earth
European Average Net Wage
Why the colder a more developed place is it is?
She's intended to ban sites like GitHub and Sourceforge that makes it easier for people to use encryption tools in...
/hagestolz/ ehemals /deutsch/
World's 10 Most Prosperous Countries
What is our country's sterotypes?
Historically surounded by the prussian, russian, swedish and ottomam empires
Be me
H-hey guys look how invested I am in this politics business
Why is Russia so strange?
Hello Dad, this is my new bf Günther Stahlhelm. He's German
WTF i hate Germany now
See a French person on the internet
Kurva anyátok
This is what latvia would have been like if russians had minded their own fucking business
This is what mexico would've been like if spain had minded their own fucking business
Asscrack itches but i dont want my fingers to smell like poo
This is objectively the best state, right?
Post your country's highlands
Tfw your country is responsible for causing the migrant crisis by constantly destabilizing the middle east and bombing...
Am British, Ask questions
Where do these cunts get off thinking that they deserve their own country...
Why are Germans so self-hating? We are proud of our German heritage and traditions meanwhile Germans don't even care
I fucking hate deutschland. Scheissland sind sie
What do you think about English?
1) Country
ITT things you have learned on Sup Forums
Post mixed races
Learning a language is hard as fug
Do you have national rivalries with other countries?
Why are Germans often so smug? What makes them have that sense of superiority and that feeling of self-righteousness...
Can spics tell the difference between eachother just based on accent because you all sound the same to me?
Where are they now?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Why didn't the Japanese just invade the Soviet Union from the east?
What's her name boys?
The size of USA or Europe
Explain to me how we're suppose to get girlfriends when we have to compete with THIS?
Imagine living in a country where your greatest national accomplishment and the thing you're best remembered for is a...
Why do no Latinos come to Australia
Culture Pals /cp/
Is there any other country in history that has grown so rapidly in global mass recognition and cultural popularity as...
Suppose to be losing weight
Gf went on another missionary trip to Mexico for a couple weeks
China is the future. China was the richest and most powerful country in the world for thousands of years...
If you're white, please! Don't breed with a brown person!
/Norge tråden/
ITT: Sup Forums in 1966
Guatemala protests against Mexican newspaper for discriminatory cartoon
Having sex with your cousins when you're growing up is normal in Latin America and Iberia
Ancestry thread
Hey Sup Forums
I would only trade Brazil for these countries
Sverigetråden - Mysig Nattuplaga
I'm Japanese
Your country
Heritage Thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
Why do nips dress up their emperors stupidly? You know you're probably embarrassing them
/brit/ patriotic edition
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und nie wieder /deutsch/
Why are Arabs country so fucking weird? the Lebanon its the only that looks fine
1. Most popular pizza chain in your cunt
If you could have Sup Forums waifu who would it be?
Are mixed race people hated in your country too?
Based Germany, my greatest ally
Hilo de emocion
/hell/ /gr/
Which country's culture do you admire the most?
Serbian diaspora here. Why is my home country such a failure, and what can I do about it?
/fr/ - Le Fil des Français français
What would you say the differences between America and Britain are? Culturally, that is
Things foreigners don't know about your country, but should
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
Why it's so hard even for a european to immigrate into the USA ?
A four-way world war breaks out tomorrow
If you could choose, would you prefer your country being full multikulti (with muslims...
"slavs are wea-"
What would euros think if these rolled down their street?
How is life in Finland?
Kurva anyátok
This is the best part of europe
Ethnically German
Ywn have an italian gf
Lightly banter a European
Sverigetråden - FÖR FET
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What are the main differences between american english and british english?
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
/deutsch/ Basel uezs
You mess with Canada, you mess with me
Do they hate each other in real life too?
ITT: post the image that sums up your country
The First Official /SVT-Mena/ = /SvT/ + /mena/ cooperation thread
/sag/: South Asian General
I've always loved the look of these San Francisco townhouses...
Why does /cum/ speak in english when 2/3 of the countries speak spanish?
Which one has the worst looking people?
Is there a better region to live in? I think not
Oppai or Oshiri?
Culture Pals /cp/ generation Summer
What is life like outside of the first world?
What do you think about Tunisian girls and Maghreb girls in general
I will be treated like a God is sweden and germany
Are Asian women racists like African girls? They only like light skinned Asian men?
Why are all Americans so confident and charismatic...
Would you support the creation of a 100% ethnical catalan country?
Why do Russians like this poster so much?
Post your perfect Europe
One shot at life
Americans LARPing as Nazis and Crusaders
What are your thoughts on the Gypsy/Traveller/Romani people?
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
The Romani, or Roma, are a traditionally nomadic ethnic group...
Sverigetråden - Monaupplagan
You're forced to spend the rest of your life in one of these countries, which one would you choose and why...
This is a map of Europe if Nazis had won WWII. Convince me this Europe isn't superior to modern Europe
Wtf i love race-mixing now
She has a point
Tfw decide to talk to muslims a lot to maybe learn that they aren't all that bad
What is the culture of your country like?
This is why I'm a virgin... there's no hope!
Post female soldiers from your cunt
/v4/ + friends
Mfw someone said that he doesn't love Russia
/ita/ - il filo
Why egyptians steal American blacks history? Who woke here?
What's wrong with white """""people"""""?
Japanese girls hate foreigners
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...