
Tired of living in a landlocked cunt.
I need to move somewhere with a coast for a while. Preferably warm but not too hot. And with job opportunities.
Where do I go?

Really? Personally I'd love to live in Switzerland since I love mountain terrain.

On topic, France is probably your best bet. Maybe Denmark, but it's only really warm in the summer. However, there's easy access to the sea regardless of where in the country you live.

Really? Personally I'd love to live in Switzerland since I love mountain terrain.

On topic, France is probably your best bet. Maybe Denmark, but it's only really warm in the summer. However, there's easy access to the sea regardless of where in the country you live.

Really? Personally I'd love to live in Switzerland since I love mountain terrain.

On topic, France is probably your best bet. Maybe Denmark, but it's only really warm in the summer. However, there's easy access to the sea regardless of where in the country you live.

>tired of living in a wealthy, prosperus and beautiful country
>because Sup Forums told me landlocked countries aren't cool

Finish highschool before considering immigration.

>tired of living in a landlocked country

How does this affect you, exactly?


Ive finished university.
Want to live somewhere else for a bit.
Switzerland is great but it can get boring.

>I-I don't agree with your opinion!

Go drink some olive oil you revolting baboons

Ok, kid

Dont really want to go to France.
I was thinking more like Malta or maybe even Australia

tfw you've lived in a beach city for 6 years and you've never gone to the beach

I like the sea. Would like to do a skippers license/training if I can.
Also love scuba diving

Spen has some of the best coasts and the weather is perfect.

True Spain is nice. But full of the worst British tourists. And I dont speak Spanish so it will probably be hard to find a good job

Switzerland is literally "Life Lottery: The Country"

Even people in the developed world would kill to be an average swiss McDonald's worker getting 25$ an hour.

Being landlocked must be like being in a prison though. You will never have access to the vast undless open sea.

>You will never have access to the vast undless open sea.

Nigga I didnt say Im leaving forever.
And I already have some money saved up

You could try Portugal then. I heard it's basically just better spain. Knowing portugese might open up some doors in brazil. What's your field anyway?

>What's your field anyway?

Swiss Tourist like coming here and almost drowning in the beach
Is that what you want

Im a very good swimmer.
Dont worry

Unironicaly my cunt. Places like new brunswick don't have typical beaches but they're still quite nice.

Immigration is hard but with a finance degree it should be easier.