
Bulgarian kids against homosex edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>Greeks call democracy Dhemokratjia

stop brainwashing kids into hatred, you disgusting slavs


Father Kleomenis btfoing the Gay 'Pride' parade

subhuman shitskins

t. Shqip

Why do balkaners behave so islamically islamic towards homosexual individuals?

Cultures which don't like homosexuals:

>pre-enlightenment christianity
>chinese culture
>japanese culture
>korean culture
>african traditional cultures

Cultures which like homosexuality:
>post-enlightenment western countries

I dont see koreans, japanese, traditional africans,chinks, hindus and jews behave toward homosexuals like balkaners do

any of those will disown you if they find out you're gay

As i said, and I do not like repeating myself, none of the above behave in an islamic manner like balkaners do. Balkaners even have an islamic body odour. I suggest balkaners to take a shower everyday

musulmanic bastards why did you not use my thread

Fuck anime

Balkaners are more attracted to Islamic themed threads like this

Because you are a weebfag living in Burgas
I know, i know - it's a specific hate towards you, but it is how it is

Actually is because he din't put Old



manga is the superior medium
burgas weeb a CUTE

This greek comes up to you in the club and slaps your ass
How will your gf react ?

turkish cum drinkers how dare you abandon my thread

Balkaners are bond to choose Islamic threads

o αλλάχ αγαπάει τους βούλγαρους

>No sir, I dont have any coins I am afraid

*accidentally open /balk*
*a cacophony of middle eastern noises and islamic smells assault my senses*
*quickly closes balk*

The leader of ISIS is dead

Sad day for bosniaks

>*quickly closes balk*
thank you, the sound was getting unbearable
You gypsies really need to get your shit together

there's literally nothing wrong with being an Albanian


Sure thing

>Those katunar deusvults in pol
Its funny how in English they write so fondly, but when writing in Albanian they sound so provinciali

Sod off tinfoil

why are the balkans pro-rusian

>enter thread
>an overwhelming stench fills my nostrils
>"ahh the romanians are here"

I just ate an icecream

Ask me anything

wait why is this a reply to you?i didn't do that

we're not

/balk/ is NATO clay


What flavor?

Those who don't belong at NATO are losers

sieg heil

i like how NATO quickly gobbed up albania, montenegro and croatia, completely blocking Russia off from getting in the balkans for good

Good thing , Balkans had enough Russian influence in the past 100 years

Full gorilla on his ass in return

How much do you love Greece out of /10



Bulgarians and Serbs are our Byzantine bros, Macedonians are our little cousins

They all love us

10/10 mpest country


fuck NATO and fuck anybody supporting it

Fuck you russhitophile go suck Putin's minidick

fuck NATO and fuck anybody supporting it


seriously how the fuck could you thank that faggotry is a positive thing? like i get why some people would have a not my business approach but to think its actually something to be happy about is utterly beyond me




fuck off mudshit






were not rating your wife xpozed

At least he has a wife ikibey


having a wife is just one woman away from being a homosexual
hes basically a faggot

>defending xpozed
Quick Guide To Spotting a Newfag

think about it he likes to cook
he must be a poofter

I'm sorry but xpozed is my pizzabuddy

now that's what i call logical thinking

Nice to see he has a fellow shiteater

>I'm sorry but xpozed is my pizzabuddy
t. John Podesta

I love greece now

>Knowing how to cook makes you gay
I love how Balkanics will never leave their Islamic ways

everyone should know how to cook but if you actually enjoy it that means you love the sensation of jizz in your asshole

Based Toni, desu

t. not xpozed

How come Balkanic people in an Islamic manner crush the joy to create and make art? And why do you strictly use Islamic words for unnecessary unislamic everyday objects?

>implying anyone cares what xp*zed thinks

rate my gf

gypsy memes are shit and unfunny

i leld

Real question is, why do you still bother answering to a shit stained diaspora?

>liking girls
>not boys


If you were to translate that sentence in Balkanic it would contain at least one Islamic word


Eбeм мaйкaтa ти

It's not like i personally know each one of your fag names like you know mine.
To me it seems like i'm a solid factor in here.

Actually it wouldn't.

>To me it seems like i'm a solid factor in here.
holy fuck

>To me it seems like i'm a solid factor in here.
more like a solid turd amirite?

Balkanians are unable to feel compassion or any emotion other than envy and hatred

>ikibey humor
Wtf happened to you iki?

>xpozed thinks so highly of himself

r8 my gf ;3

10/10 if those scars are permanent.

Do you guys vape?

who here hangover as fuck and eating a shaorma?

it's been 2 months since the last time I got drunk.

I kinda miss it