Why doesn't this country have a name?

"United states of [continent]" is not a valid name for a country, especially when there are other countries on that same continent that don't belong to the "united" one.

Compare that with Germany for example: Germany consists of 16 federal states from the same continent (Europe), similar to the one I'm referring to, but Germany also has its own name. It even has multiple names in different languages.

So why is there this big country in America that doesn't have a name? Couldn't they agree on a name or what happened? I'd really would like to know, please enlighten me, thanks!

As a follow up question, what do citizens of this country call themselves? Eg: I call myself German, because I'm from Germany.

Reminder that Germany is nothing without the EU.


What is united States of awesome sweaty

>united states
>united kingdom
>new zealand
wtf anglos?


It's named that because, it's the United STATES of America, AKA the united states that are united, that are on the continent of America.

We call ourselves Americans you dumb fucking kraut.

We should've finished krauts off after WW2

They tried to have a name once. It was called the continental states of america.

I'm not native american at all, so I call myself american, or if you want to get larpy family history about it I'm irish-english american. You'll find all kinds of blends in certain states liek CA or NY, where people are half english and 12% polish or some shit.

It's basically "ethnicity" - "nationality" here.

Usasians even name their cites after European ones

You sound like a South American lel.

>I call myself american
I'm european, because I'm from Europe.
You're american, because you're from America.

Makes sense, but I didn't mean on a continental but rather on a country level.

What would happen if Canada and Mexico unite? Would they be the united states of America as well?

>it's basically ethnicity - nationality here.

Your worse than muslim """refugees""" in Europe when it comes to assimilating.'

Are you a fucking retard?

America is a CONTINENT.

>Your worse than
Are you fucking retarded?

Wow dude you sound kinda butthurt

I'm telling him what the general rhetoric is here. I don't run around telling everyone I come from irish and english people who moved here.

I'll tell you what I do see though is people with a drop of native american blood and suddenly they're applying to live on reserves and gambling their savings away at the local casino.

why the fuck is the first stripe white?

I know what you meant. I was making a civil war joke.

Funny enough that part of the united states probably cares most out of anyone about their ethnic heritage and they actually supported nazi germany on its rise to power because a ton of germans were living there.

>of America
WTF I hate united statians now

>Continental States of America
looks REALLY cool honestly

Can your cunts please unite?

It's a sound argument, but when we say it, "you're only saying that because you are a butthurt south american". It also makes sense because when Americans are abroad and we ask them where they are from, they usually say the name of the state or city, instead of USA, indicating possibly a lack of national identity, or maybe just an identification stronger with the state rather than the country.

Why do other americans not from the united states need a special snowflake name? They shiuld kust call themselves american

*should just

>they usually say the name of the state or city, instead of USA, indicating possibly a lack of national identity
That's surprisingly true... Why didn't I notice this before?
>inb4 German identity crysis

Feel free to learn all fifty states and identify us with them instead. It's really for your convenience so don't complain.

>Feel free to learn all fifty states and identify us with them instead.
I do already, maybe not so much the stereotypes of smaller states, but I know more than you know about west european stereotypes, which is much easier, because our countries have names...

Because they're not a fucking country, they're a federation of independent states under a common federal government.
And those states have their own names.
They're what European Union will be in the next 30-40 years if EU doesn't fall apart due to national sentiment.

Christ Germans are dense.

Because nebraskan and idahoan aren't ethnicities and it's disingenuous to say you're native american when actual native americans exist and are like 1% of our population.

It's the difference of askign someone what their ethnicity is and what their nationality is. We're just a weird country like that ever since 1965. We're not like super inbred like some of the other commonwealths and claims a particular ethnicity because of it.

Germany is a federal republic of states too. I doubt theirs are anywhere near as autonomous as ours however.

and can claim*

Their government model is exactly like ours from our republican days. If the USA isn't a country due to it being a federation than neither are we.

why do you think entire planet calls you Holland and not "The Netherlands"?

The Kingdom of the Netherlands even consists of four full blown countries, while the Netherlands itself consists of provinces which used to be called states.

Our parliament and senate combined is called The States General. The senate represents the states while the parliament represents the people.

Argentinians live in the american continent, and are therefore americans
your country's name is so lame, as much as United Arab Emirates

In the Netherlands the provinces have the exact same powers as the national government, as long as they don't contradict the laws of the national government.

Same goes for cities. Cities have the exact same powers as the national government, as long as they don't contradict the laws of the national government.

So what? Mexico is also a bunch of united states on the continent of america. Get a real name fags

City laws can't contradict provincial laws either. Obviously.

Kinda funny that you're responding with such a statement, while is able to give a good explanation.

So you're the united states of America? Interesting...

Every fucking federal state works like that. Ever heard of the HRE, or the Dutch Republic?

>Because they're not a fucking country, they're a federation of independent states under a common federal government.
Is this a joke? A common federal government is exactly what makes a country.
Following your logic, no federal countries are actual countries, which includes brasil, mexico, germany, and others

I suggest a new name: shartinmartistan

>Following your logic, no federal countries are actual countries, which includes brasil, mexico, germany, and others
they aren't.

Lol ok
Go to bed Polaski

It's not a nation-state, so it's hard to pick a name to it.
Plus if they even get some now, the paperwork would be immense.
So fuck off with autism, m8.

Who's 'you'? I'm portuguese m8

Lets gave burgers a real name

I intended to also click on because of my post , but must have misclicked... Don't know what happened...

Columbia would be the closest to the kind of name you're looking for. In the 18 and 19 centuries, other countries referred to the USA as Columbia in the same context that the UK would be called Britannia.

But Columbus was looking for India and found your continent instead. This makes you Indians, or not?

That's what we call our natives

There are two kind of countries my friend:
Those with names and those who sent the man to the moon

That would be like everyone not Greek referring to themselves as Barbarian.

Thank you named american


>What would happen if Canada and Mexico unite? Would they be the united states of America as well?

If they became US states, yes. Otherwise they would probably be protectorates like Puerto Rico or Guam, AKA "sort of states but not really."

Germany is literally named "Federal Republic of [fuzzy geographical region]". You country doesn't even cover all of what is historically and culturally included in the geographical concept of Germany.

>[fuzzy geographical region]
Nah man it's the "People's land", that's why all the immigrants want to go there

lol stupid g*rm subhuman

It's still a better suited name m8.
When you think of it, pretty much all countries in Europe are named 'land of' followed by a generic vague description of the area or the people that lived there.
Only exception I can think of right now may be Portugal.

the US always thought state > federal government

are you actually retarded

That's literally the same thing as America, you're just replacing one explorer for another.
Plus, it is and was already the name of another country.
Dumb yankees at it again.

I hereby christen thee Burgerland.

It has a nice ring to it.

1.) Colombia was not a country yet. District of Columbia predates Colombia's independence.
2.) Colombia is not Columbia. I knew some faggot was going to mix this up.
3.) I merely stated facts that you could look up and verify.

Why are Unitedstatians / Shartinmartians so butthurt in this thread?

you sound like the butthurt one

Australia is 6 united states on the continent of Australia. Why don't we call ourselves the Unites States of Australia

>I'm not native american at all, so I call myself american, or if you want to get larpy family history about it I'm irish-english american. You'll find all kinds of blends in certain states liek CA or NY, where people are half english and 12% polish or some shit.
>It's basically "ethnicity" - "nationality" here.

Gran Colombia was already a thing.
Just name it after some English explorer or something, jeez.

Why don't you??

You do actually, except Australia isn't the continent but the landmass.

Australia is the continent

2/10 australia where's the argument?

Everyone in america has a snowflake attitude we know this already.

I'm not arguing just laughing you dumb fuck

The continent is either Oceania or Sahul, depending on what language you speak.

Oceania is the region, not the continent


>depending on what language you speak
Oceania is continent in Spanish

In my language that region is a continent. In english, it's Sahul.

they call themselves americans because they are from united states of america user-kun 0: no one else in the american continent refers to themselves as americans as europeans refer to themselves as european because americans have pretty much taken that title for themselves and they seem content with that

literally never heard of Sahul, we say the continent is Australia or Australinea

Probably wrong, since you assume bigger landmass = continent, when in reality bigger landmass + the other landmasses = continent

It's like us calling ourselves united states of asia, saying we are asianz when someone asks for nationality fucking kek this is ridiculous. Come on united statesians, get a real name. Every real real country has like 10 different names in different languages xD

Fuck you. Your name rules don't apply to us. We do what we want.

Konungarilet sverige

Sweden has 5 names for itself, yet america has no name? Wew.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

why don't you read more about the American Revolution before you talk shit about our country's name.

>the world's country naming system doesn't apply to us
>the world's date formatting system doesn't apply to us
>the world's length measuring system doesn't apply to us
>the world's weight measuring system doesn't apply to us
>the world's volume measuring system doesn't apply to us
>the world's temperature measuring system doesn't apply to us

Yeah, all of that applies, and we're doing fine.
Don't like it? Stop us.

You're on the best way of stopping yourself with your political issues...

There were 13 colonies fighting against the British in the American Revolution.
since they declared their independence, they were no longer colonies. So they were called states instead.
All 13 were United in fighting the British for their country.
Finally the continent was North America, thus America.
That's basically how the United States of America got it's name.
>As a follow up question, what do citizens of this country call themselves?
No other nation in the Americas calls themselves American. hell, some even get offended if you call them that.


this is not even an argument this is the stupidest thing i've ever heard, i'll keep this retard reply.

This can be explained by comparing it to the formation of the German Empire.

The demonym "German" had been in use since the Romans identified the area as "Germania". The Germans called themselves "Deutsche" and it naturally came to be that they inhabited "Deutsche Staaten" which would eventually become "Deutschland". "Deutsch" has its roots in a old Germanic word for people so their country literally means "Country of People".

The United States was on a new continent and was inhabited by many different peoples from all across Europe and indigenous tribes. They identified by their ethnicity and colony (eg Virginia, Maryland etc) but what united them all when it came to fighting the United Kingdom was that they were "American". When the colonies united to fight in the Revolution they were no longer English, but rather they were Americans belonging to different colonies which would eventually become united states.

We originally intended to conquer the entire continent when we named our cunt.

The 13 colonies formed an alliance to fight the British, and were meant to be a union of mostly-independent states according to the Articles of Confederation, but that system crashed and burned almost immediately. So even though the government changed, the name stuck.

OP are you a fucking retard? IT'S A NAME! And it's our name! No one else has that name but us, and it works with us due to our history where we united to kick brit ass. Also let's be honest, think of America and you INSTANTLY think of USA. Fucking even the leafs and mexicans say they hate Americans and are talking about USA. We're NUMBER ONE BABY!

>No one else has that name but us.

did u know that an entire continent has that name?

>those stripes
Because that country doesn't exist. Where did you find such a silly picture and why did you think it would be a good idea to post it?

i understand now