MENA heroes edition
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
second for UQUQ
what is King Felipe VI doing on that pic?
>King Felipe VI
THAT bashar syria president they look the same and both 190 cm +
absolutely... kek
I always think the same when I see one of them.
They even share the dark hair / light eyes trait.
>spain is not ara
what is "ara", m8?
define 'ara'
also they both have the same hairline
Al-Andalus when?
Good thread.
soon,soon inchallah
>ⵏⵜⵜⵓ ⵓⵀⵓ ⵎⵙⴻⴳⵣⵓ ⴰⵎⵎⴻⵍⴰⵢ ⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢⵜ
why /moan/ is so ded today it's sunday
what are the normies doing
15th for Iran
Does anyone know what font is used for the lower inscription? This هـ is rad as fuck.
>khomeinist flag
So which flag do you want then senpai
I like the king's flag with a lion
How do I respond to this?
السلام عليكم
I responded with Alaikum as-salam
Hope ISIS doesn't neck me
You must wink at all chances
it depends who said it and irl or online?
say hi or salam
Kufic probably
Online ofcourse. I'm western af
The lion one.
It's not the Pahlavi flag, Lions where a symbol of Iran long before Reza Khan.
Help me.
>Ur name is afgan
>I am from egypt
>Where do u read taraweeh?
what the fuck
if a boy say salem
if a girl say 3asslema xd
Based Khomeini
>''''''Ayatollah''''''' Ruhollah ''Traps are not gay'' Khomeini
>''''''Ayatollah''''''' Ruhollah ''Fucking goats is fine'' Khomeini.
>Traps are not gay
Wtf I love Khomeini now!
>'''''Ayatollah''''''' Ruhollah ''Traps are not gay'' Khomeini
based pershit beard man
>tfw Iran got cucked by some poo-in-loo islamist from Lucknow
>He was then succeeded by some incompetent Turk with dick cancer
This is why you don't let minorities run the country.
I am not him
I'm fine with any Iranian leader, as long as Pershits are kept in check.
can't deny the khamenei
can't expellah the nasrallah
>As long as the Pershits are kept in check
Hope you're okay with Iran interfering in the entire Middle East then, that's what happens when Pershits are in check, you get this islamist bullshit
i hate Khamenei but don't be racist about my fellow Azeri.
This. Khomeinist trying to destroy countless countries while their own people live in poverty and shit.
imagine what we could've done with all the money that was spent on Assad, Iraq, Hezbollah...etc
I don't want Ir*n to expand nor to succeed.
I want it to be like Afghanistan but worse.
By the way, never asked you.
I'm curious, are you a monarchist? republican? leftist?
just curious.
>Hope you're okay with Iran interfering in the entire Middle East then
Can they even do that ? Their only hope is that the hate against the Saud/Israel/US/Egypt alliance is strong enough to unite Russia, Turkey, Syrian, Iran and Qatar. Only if they stay bound together through this shit will they have a chance to compete against the main power in ME. They'd be too weak otherwise.
>He doesn't like the current ruler of his country
Wow, you must be subhuman.
t. FLN pro
>I want it to be like Afghanistan but worse
Well you can join the Turks, kikes, and burgers in this dream, the choice for Iran is either islamist expansion or secular nationalism, that's the only thing Iran has been for the past 500 years
Azeris are Turks though, nobody in Iran refers to them as Azeri
khosrow is alright, you don't need to push it lad
Too bad he's a zombie now
He always was brain dead.
why you hate iran that much better than every arap cunt
Yeah he's good when he posts thicc anime tiddies
Go niggers:
How dare you insult his highness Brouetteflika?
I'm a secular nationalist, but I'm willing to support anything that works in Iran's favor.
Based Phalangist. Hope Bashir rises from the grave and saves Lebanon.
Aboogiehoo, how dare people be succesful/happy.
fuck those autistic nazi shitheads, this is muh safe space
>that's the only thing Iran has been for the past 500 years
So true.
what?? that thread is 10 times comfier than /mena/
man you are killing their general and our general
it would be better to associate with /TR/ or /IBERIA/ no sweden oh god reee
Oman should've killed R*za's family before the escape with the Gypsy horde to Romania
Nice. Same here to a certain degree. I am secular, want the mullahs back in their place, but also i'm somewhat conservative.. and generally right-wing, i believe in the free-market, private business...etc
i am a nationalist but a ''civic'' one, i'm a half-breed so pure ethnic nationalism doesn't appeal to me that much.
but as you said right now i'll support anything that'll help the country.
/Maghreb/ + /Ibe/ would be a good idea, but not now.
>their general
no. it's really not affected
>our general
our general is shit, theres really no two ways about it. theres max 2-3 posters at any given time and when mona shows up everyone starts samefagging and sperging out. /mena/ is shit
Iran is Pars
all right i'm off, sun about to set, going to eat
i haven't gypsy posted at all today and still you hate on me. Seriously mate you're ridiculous
not really, they have a tedency to associate me with the fat one
i miss that spic, we need to get him back here
kek, you mean the right wing facist who doesnt think he's a shitskin?
Ramadhan's getting to him
Here is the menu order for me Someone else is paying so don't worry about the price
why the 14 mena threads?
where are the fucking mods?
Is the size of the meal also proportioned for ants ?
A couple of maghr*bis feel like playing boss and open threads to exclude posters they don't like
>on Sup Forums
>A couple of maghr*bis feel like playing boss and open threads to exclude posters they don't like
Maghreb needs a good genocide tbhwyf
i'd get a fattoush with a falafel sandwich and garlic hummus
I wholeheartedly agree
Yeah IKR we still have some left.
And you need to post what you ate yesterday
I made the chicken, with mustard like someone here told me.
Didn't take pics.....
Qatar is the No Man's Sky of arab countries
I told you.
Was it good? Did you put bread crumbs on it?
no salad or potatoes ? if you only eat prots you'll starve during the day
yeah put bread crumbs too. it was nice thanks!
i made mashed potatoes in the end... and a ''green salad'' that's how we call it here.
all right suns down, gypsy girl is coming soon, see you tomorrow everyone.
have a good night.
>my best pop culture reference is aged and met with sarcasm
still got it
2500 too many
0 is too many.
Would rather import 14,000 Sahar*wis than have 1 gypsy in the country
Duly noted give me an entree too I was gonna get a chicken shawarma but if there is something else that you feel is way better please say
>falafel for ftoor
wtf? do people really do this?
why not? falafel is amazing
Lmao this faggot probably eats dates for ftoor
yeah i also recommend the chicken shawarma unless you're not a garlic man
Are you guys memeing me? Ftoor = samboosa, kebbeh, salad, soup, vimto and the main course
even during normal days falafel is never a lunch course, falafel is for breakfast or dinner when you dont have any money for shawerma at best