We don't serve Tibla here
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric General
>estonian soldiers shit their pants
>tibla walks into office asking for the bossman
>what you want tibla?
>sent my cv, no answer, came to bring print out, pls give to bossman
>yeah, sure
threw it in the garbage bin immediately
>Russians so butthurt bc they lack the strength to shoulder fire a the MG with the fastest rate of fire in the world
russians are so poor they don't have pants lm(pants covered)ao
who said Tibia?
Lmao my friend used to work in HR and he basically discarded every resumé with a Russian name on it
yep. also have a friend in the hr department who said basically if you have a tibla name you're not gonna get through the initial selection
btw same goes for pakis/indians or any other shitskin with a not estonian name
What is a Tibla? Here's who it is. Also tibla applies to all Russians not only those living in Estonia
That's what I like. Also I wonder if we have the same friend?
my friend works for a BIG international concern giving jobs to about 2k people here (with minimal wage of 1200 eur)
i work for a small start-up with 5 people currently (looking for two more people atm)
so youre directing russians willing to work to a path of crime? sorry but that sounds really counterproductive.
>my friend works for a BIG international concern giving jobs to about 2k people here (with minimal wage of 1200 eur)
Oh no. Please tell me ur friend's name doesnt start with M
we are segregating them to productive manual labour
Basically all Russians who want to apply are under qualified and lie on their resumes. It ends up costing the company money when their bullshit comes out. Also most of the time they can't be trusted not to steal ur shit
oh. we're getting different sort of russians then since the ones i know are qualified engineers and such.
What does ur startup do?
industrial control systems and it's not mine, i joined after 8 months of work already put it so i'm like the "new guy" or something.
soovituslik kuulamine: R2 ööülikool, matemaatik-informaatik Leo Võhandu
hetkel kuulatav
>tfw no Tibla gf
>Tfw no tibla to kill in hand to hand combat
Real sadboi hours
too bad genocides are illegal in estonia...
It's not illegal to oppress them to the point where they become drug addicts and kill themselves
Call me naive or ignorant but I kinda feel bad for the Russians
So how many of you know each other irl?
U naïve ignorant nigger. That's precisely why ur cunt is so cucked
all i want is an ordinary girl (not necessarily cute) to start a family with. too bad i'll die alone
All of us know all of us
do you believe in space culture?
Anyone else going along with the KL recruitment campaign?
That's beautiful thanks
Have you tried integrating the Russians? If you stop opressing them and start treating them as equals they may cease to be a bunch of criminals
sooo edgy, basement dweller
We tried. We tried so hard. Then we gave up
>We tried.
Not really.
But it's not like i want them to be integrated (or here in general).
gtfo turkshit
>the butthurt Russian immigrant living in Germany has arrived
I've never met a Russian in my life, why do you hate them so much?
so what? doesnt make my view invalid
oh, it's that retard. thought it was the one roleplaying greece.
now all we have to do is wait for the "swiss" poster
Remember, tiblasi me ei teeninda!
Dumb question tbqh considering our history with the r*ssians
>approving a genocide is not retarded
any knowledge fug exhansion students? in tartu?
reminder that slagposting is the patrician choice
forgot pic, oops
Yes, I know they took Ingria, Karelia and eastern Sápmi from us and I would gladly fight a war with them to take it back, but that doesn't mean that Russians deserve to be genocided. That's going too far
>spend 12 hours debugging a power supply
>probing everything
>making calculations
>inspecting every last point of interest
>all voltages and currents are within fault tolerance
>whad fug????
>finally after having two bears notice something funny in the consuming circuit
>a faulty solder joint... causing mechanical bounce in operation
i guess the morale here is that having bear is a good idea
ps. i also herbed my post so don't shit me up
They do. They did things to us that words cannot describe
question is should i go to toomemägi right now
or should i wait about 12 hours??
"More than 300.000 citizens of the Republic of Estonia - almost a third of its then population - were affected by arrests, mass murder, deportation and other acts of repression. As a result of Communist occupation, Estonia permanently lost at least 200.000 people or 20% of its population to repressions, exodus and war. Even today, there are less Estonians in Estonia than before WWII. In addition to immediate persecution, hundreds of thousands suffered from indirect repressions and discrimination. Estonian culture was hit heavily; hundreds of cultural monuments were destroyed along with millions of books. Church members were persecuted. By 1989, russification and colonization had reduced the percentage of Estonians in the population to 61%. When Soviet occupation ended in 1991, Estonia had fallen far behind the free world in terms of economic and social development."
i dont see any russian or pole calling genocide on germans here and in rl
you guys are just edgy, interestingly most of the balts here absolutely lack empathy, hopefully the gerneral population doesnt share your views
>should i go to toomemägi right now
what's up on toomemägi?
Russians treated us like absolute shit for 300 years. You cannot comprehend how much we hate them
how do I do things like this, like actual computer repair and electronics
because my method of "fixing" computers right now is to just throw out the bad part and replace it :^)
Yes I'm aware that the Soviets commited atrocities, and they didn't just do it to Estonians. Everyone who lived in the Soviet Union suffered.
It still doesn't justify genocide. Nothing does.
Do you think I want to genocide Swedes and Norwegians for what they've done to us? Of course not
dont mix up general population with their leadership
and justifying genocide on people who may have skewed, nostalgic imagination about revival of communism is sick
obviousl you meant it srsly
>let me tell about your country
Thing is that the "Russians" living in Estonia still continue to act like chimps. It's like if current day niggers in USA don't deserve to get gassed
Then why don't you deport them?
Viimein saapui paperi tärkeä
Hypin ilmaan kuin vailla järkeä
Too easy on them. They need to suffer
Mikä paperi?
i am talking about the balts on this site, and not in rl
I havent even made any assumptions about them
whenever I encountered estonians on omegle (more often than one might think desu) and ask them about this shit they always say like "oh haha nobody cares except for old racist people :^^^^) my grandmother is like that and we dont agree with her" or something
it wasn't computer related tho, just general electronics stuff. it's a lighting system i designed with photoactive region targeting in a hydroponic system for a friend who grows the funny herbs... tomatoes are very funny haha xD
but if you want to git gud at electronics you ought to hang around /diy/ ohm general. pretty solid place to get into hobbyist EE stuff
obviously they care, but are not edgelords like some anons here
Teens think that. Teens are also faggots. Also >Estonians might actually not be Estonians
Viisumi Tallinnan
Tai tämälanka, kenties
fug I immediately assumed desktop psu
see you sound smart, I could never be like that
maybe you are the faggot who knows?
normal people don't want to kill thousands of innocent people for something the Soviet government did decades ago
>Teens think that. Teens are also faggots. Also >Estonians might actually not be Estonians
this so hard.
only a retarded underage fagtard would say something like that.
everyone with half a braincell would say gas the fucking chimps asap.
it doesn't really matter what psu it is, the principles are the same. just git gud with basic circuit analysis and using a multimeter and you're set
when she was just a girl
It's along the lines of asking random people if they like niggers. Ofc they wouldn't say they hate them.
See for a reference:
>Anonymous Estonian government ran poll found that 80% of Estonians dislike non-white immigrants
>Non anonymous survey by Postimees found that only 25% do
Second reference is also dislike percentage
it used to be disadvantageous to say out loud things that are not politically correct. happy the situation seems to be changing at a fast rate as seen by recent articles and public discourse
Kommarid ahju ja neegrid ristile
põhimõtteliselt jah
muuseas. kui see soome user küsis selle päevalehe reklaami järgi siis ma hakkasin lugema mingeid vanu artikleid u. aastast 2002 jne. ja seal tarvitati täiesti vabalt sõna neeger. seda siis trükikõlbulikus meedias. mingit probleemi ei olnud. tänapäeval kujutaks ette sellist asja, et artikli pealkirjas on sõna neeger? ega vist
when translated interesting reading for eesties and soomes
LoL a swed will fight with russians hahahahahaha hahaha
I dont know if i should fuck You or fight You realy Swedan You so cute and weak and gay country just stop women You have no idia what the fuck You get Your self into
Russian guys will never come first if You come to us You die with us then we take more lands from You and Your friends and stop only whan all of scandinavians will be our
Just deal with this we are barbaric us hell You can't beat us we have nukes to we are gona drink vodka from Your skull later
Swedan is nothing now yes mabe our rus pepole are swed but now the World make fun of Your old cool viking flag You all gayeuropien for us now even the kids in Russia make fun of You we all know Swedan is gay haven in Russia just women stop
I am 6ft7 tall You have no chance i look like a viking and act like a barbaric viking and whan i talk i scream with my katcap long gout face and long hair i will crash Your bons with my heands just stop
Lets just drink finlandia with radbulls and lisan to old black metal like dimmu borgir 1995 legendary vinyl just stop siriosly
>I am a Vikang
no u r a jew schlom
>thinks poster is swedish
>even tho name says it's a sami
>retard doesn't even know what or who sami are
here retarded loser, let me get you up to speed with it
now pls take your embarrassing pasta and go shame in the corner when you're not being a manual worker slave for schlomo and brothers
Nice pictures. I googled that Varlamov guy and one of the first results was that he got beaten up because Putin doesn't like him very much.
No Man i look like this i am slav i only work in jew land and fuck. Jews
You try to fuck me lets see You lol just lets see You
You pics russian us gobniks but this pepole dont go to army
Now go pic russian army guys not gobniks do You realy think they teach us how to be nice ???
We are all kiler masins fucking robots some time i am myself get apset from our subhumens
Like yeasterday in Russia a guy kiled all of his friends just bcoz they dident Belive him he was in the army retorn from Syria
seems to be a very popular thing to do with politically unpleasant people there. beat them up and sprinkle them with "briljantroheline" (a chemical used for disinfecting)
With You american i will not even gona talk with them i will talk but with You never i will crash You and nothing will stop me from killing You them i will sper You no i will not sper You
They teach us to hate americans hate all of englo World hate it so much thet we dont even see You us a humens for us You just a english toy nothing more or You kill me or i kill You or we Both die but one of us will need to go to hell
>Slav slave to Jew
>working in Israel as slave
a level of butthurt incomprehensible by any sensible measuring category
the irons are red
He has written about Viipuri (Vyborg):
Those are some really sad pictures about what they have done...
Yes us progromist my secend diploma after long hard army serves i am one year here whan this year end in six monthe i will back to mother Russia with a lot of mony from my job us progromist in iptv russian company here
Btw if pepole pay me mouny here why not ??
>Keep Your friends closer and Your anemys even more closer plus make mony from them not even knowing hebrow or arabic
I sighn i prety good deal
>Russians in Estonia are diaspora scum not willing to assimilate
>Russians in Finland are hard-working individuals wanting to escape Russia who assimilate perfectly
I feel bad for our southern brothers.
because those aren't R*ssians in Finnistan, they are Karelians
okay shartie, tell me more about my country!
Are you actualy saying that a Finn can't tell the difference between a Karelian and a Russian?
You should worship Erdogan, Patrushev told in an interview that blocking Bosphorus would be regarded as casus belli and Russian army will immediately take over Pribaltika. If I were you I would seriously think about emigration overseas before your tibla neighbours make a friendly visit to you to thank for Estonian policies since 'independence'.