Holy shit this was the first time in my life that a movie actually scared me to the point of jumping back in my seat

Holy shit this was the first time in my life that a movie actually scared me to the point of jumping back in my seat

Horror kino at its finest.

I thought it would be terrible because of the all female cast but it actually works pretty good

Has Sup Forums lied?

>Has Sup Forums lied?
About fucking what? It's always been a Sup Forums-favourite.

About all female casting destroying movies

Also I've never seen it discussed here

well you could say it´s quite decent

So were the monsters real or not?

no they were a metaphor for women being sneaky cunts

yes but they were framed.

women are the real monsters

this movie is great, the thing is great. are movies with no gender mixing better?

which version did you watch? The UK or US? Is that separation still there? I remember when it was first released there were two different endings. I don't know if, being this far removed, we've converged into a generally accepted ending or not.

>From the studio that brought you

>All female casting destroying movies

Sup Forums never said that

Remaking a film for the sake of just filming it with an all female cast is destroying movies. Remakes are just garbage in general, just look at Ben Hurr

The UK ending is generally accepted as the correct one. Probably because it's a lot better.

pick your waifu


What's the difference. Is the US one the one with the dream sequence?


1 or 5

The US one is the shorter one that cuts off after she sees Juno. The UK one is the one with the birthday cake and her daughter.

It was made by a man and also had no Hollywood involvement

Did someone watch the American version?

The UK, not that there's much difference.

it's one of my fave's

#4 Asian is all me, bebe

>Also I've never seen it discussed here

It's an eleven year old movie. We've discussed and mentioned it many times. Consensus is Sup Forums likes it.

>never seen it discussed here
it appears in every horror thread
it's a really good movie.
like pontypool it's not that well known but it's solid

Ok I don't really like horror movies so I don't go into horror movie threads I guess. This one is really exceptional.

>Ok I don't really like horror movies so I don't go into horror movie threads I guess. This one is really exceptional.
pontypool amigo, it's pretty unique and everyone I've recommended it to loves it.

Can you explain the ending with them role playing? It's one of my favorite films but that seems so out of place.

that shit where the blonde fucks the asian in the leg is just so retarded.

she was willing to kill one of her oldest friends so god damn easily and the asian was just plain stupid for not being like, oh my god i accidentally killed our other friend because i was shitting myself and she snuck up on me. and the friend that accused her of killing her, what the fuck? why would she immediately jump to that conclusion? shit was an accident.
