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Television and Film #760
Television and Film
W/ - Westworld General
But who placed the wormhole
Max Landis just got REKT on Reddit
1 star
Was it really CP or was it legal porn and the hackers framed him for it?
Hey George, the ocean called
Evan Rachel Wood
Damn, this looks like a frame from a Kurosawa film
What is some shrink core movie and television?
What is this guys name?
What will his last two movies be about?
How exactly does Negan's harem work if he is against rape? He says that you can only have sex with them if they say yes...
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Its ok when the MCU does it
It's a "Jay laughs at every joke Mike tells" episode
Why didn't he stop 9/11?
Does the horse even understand what war is?
Who would you rather hangout with?
Watchable actors who never quite hit the big time
What's his fucking problem?
C - (minus) or D + (plus) that's all this shit flick gets
CGI should never be used by itself; instead...
Can we get a Jaredge Leto thread going?
I've watched the Sopranos to the point I finally reached the scene where he does this
What does Sup Forums think of Bane?
I thought maybe you guys would appreciate this post...
ITT: The last movie or TV show you had sex during. Pic related
Mfw watching Eyes Wide Shut
ITT: post CUTE
Is there any worse case of jewish nepotism than these two?'s died down
This is a 10/10 in L.A
Thoughts about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?
W/ - Westworld General
Got to see a test screening of Cars 3, yesterday. It was actually pretty damn good...
Narrowed it down to Thunderball or Goldfinger. Which one should I watch this evening?
Iceberg right ahead
Donatello, Harry
Favorite ending?
Anyone seen Certain Women? Their story really hit close to home
What's this shooting stance called?
Snow White and Bored Thor
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Planet Earth II Thread
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
If Seth MacFarlane had woken up on time on September 11th, 2001, he'd be dead right now
This GITS teaser that came out looks very odd, i think it has to do with:
Why is no one talking about this movie
What's with retards telling people to watch shows out of order?
While most Pixar and other animated movies cost about $100 million to make...
Interested in this movie just based on premise/what I've heard
Could they beat Voldemort?
Planet Earth 2
It's a girl is an 11/10 but is concerned about her appearance episode
ITT: Flicks that turned out to be Kino®
Dumbledore Confirmed For Fantastic Beasts 2; Casting Underway
Well that was a really good movie
Ex Machina
Why are they making pop culture references that'll be dated in 5 years for a universe that's planned for the next 20?
Was Catwoman canon
Is this their worst work yet?
Is it really worth watching in 3D or is it a meme being pushed to steal coins from my pouch
Actor you didn't know have caught deth but they did
"He was buried right"
WB' Plans For The DCEU Moving Forward
Alien Covenant
Video surfaces of Norm informing the gals at the The View that Bill Clinton murdered a guy
Contenders for the best movies of all time
W/ - Westworld General
Claim your television or film waifu
What is your favorite part of the plane scene from The Dark Knight Rises?
We need someone to play a crazy bitch
Only Fellowship of the Ring was any good
So I finally sat down and watched this fucking thing, and I guess I'm stupid because I didn't get it, I think?
I watched the two first Twilight movies...
Fuck everything
A Doctor Strange + Tony Stark movie about them having to enter many different dimensions WHEN?
I have just finished watching all of TOS, TNG and DS9 over the last couple of months
I've got the DA breathing down my neck!
Sean Astin Joins Stranger Things Season 2
It's a Ronnie and Sammi break-up and then get back together episode
Can we agree that Elle Fanning is the best young actress Hollywood has to offer?
My new computer came with Windows Vista
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Watch 1st season
How cringe will the dialogue of their first encounter be?
New Half in the Bag
Who are you?
Girls are funny too, get over it!
Gimme a hug, man
I don't know whats true. No one knows whats true...
Comfy Sup Forums apartment thread
Recent asian movie recommendations
Try to name some redeemable things about this movie
By the time SkyNet became self-aware it had spread into millions of computer servers all across the planet...
"Dunder Mifflin? I haven't heard that name in a long time..."
WW/ General Thread
Does anyone have a copy of this video saved? It's been taken down everywhere online
How much will hollywood fuck up akira after ghost in the shell is a success and anime films become the new capeshit?
The only good and memorable MCU villain
What went wrong?
Which one is the best horror KINO
What was so fucking funny?
Best Sup Forums films
American """""""""""humor""""""""""""
Are you a real villain?
What was the meaning behind videodrome?
Juden. Juden. Juden. I'm Juden, you know? Juuuuudeeen
First, we had seinfeld
Criterion / Filmstruck
Ghost In The Shell
The Complicated Case of Leadership and Vision at Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment
ITT: films you thought were mediocre the first time you watched them but when you watched it again you now think it's a...
W/ Westworld general
This is the biggest piece of shit documentary I have ever seen...
Are there any fun examples of acclaimed directors not liking movies by other acclaimed directors?
Was this the best thing Planet Earth has ever shot?
Dr. Strange review when?
She raises some interesting points you know
LOGAN (2017)
Who are you?
Can you make a distinction between an artist's work and his/her personal beliefs?
Why are you watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, user? Are you a girl or a gay...
Was I supposed to give a shit that she used Dormammu jizz to keep herself young? Was I supposed to care when she died...
In zombie movies, why are there never any characters that wears full plate armor...
Damn, this is just one notch below Team America. Was this satire played really, really straight?
How are they going to end this season after tomorrow...
Hansen vs. Predator
Shit films you love
What's your opinion on Moonlight? I loved it. It felt like a superior gay black version of a Place Beyond the Pines
Middle Earth Marathon
Am I the only one who liked this movie?
Is Hollywood Capable of Adapting Berserk into a Live Action Movie?
/got/ general
This show is comfy as fuck
What did they mean by this?
Perfect Villains
Who is the best Friend?
So how is it?
Leave Animekino to me
Pretends to like basketball for camera time
W/ Westworld Thread General
Ticket prices
Aliens have landed. You are in charge of their movie watching. They have not seen a movie before
Who was the worst Bond?
So? It's the INNER values that matter. But I guess someone as shallow as you will never understand
Can't even kill an Uruk Hai with 2 (two) arrows despite having killed orcs by the truck load with far less
I lay in bed and think about Emma Roberts being a 5th year Slytherin student at Hogwarts...
Based Mel's at it again
ITT: Movies that could be Black Mirror episodes
What's his endgame?
ITT: Movies you're surprised haven't been exploited with a shitty remake yet
This movie was fucking crazy. I hated the ending. Why the little girl...
Yfw we're all still waiting on season 2 of The Expanse
Who's your favourite Dr Whoo villain?
ITT : Childhood kinos
I was happy to learn this would be her regular outfit
Well where I'm from, that's called SLAVERY
Ouija 2 Do you like the movie? webms and pics
How convenient
Whats the most strange looking actor you know?
Jonathan Kent: It's somethin', innit? One minute in Kansas livin' on a pancake so we come to the mountains...
So why didn't his career take off?
What movie had the best soundtrack, and why is that movie Terminator 2?
I'm voting for Trump
Name a better animated show
ITT: Incredible TV shows cancelled before their time
How is kathryn so cute?
Fuck this
Oh WTF, I hate toddlers now
Fuck Japs
If she had a sister, would she be february jones?
100% straight guy here, why am I so attracted to Jake Gyllenhaal...
Does Sup Forums like copyright? We don't know. But we know who copyright companies like
Good lord what a fucking shitshow. Why is this the most watched show on television?
Shows only you remember
The Pacific
Why is based Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ being called gore porn, torture porn etc. by some people?
Are homosexuals really this degenerate?
Kevin Feige phones you and tells you have to cast BAFTA Awards nominated Aidan Gillen in one of the upcoming MARVEL...
ITT: good product placement
I don't believe in fairy tales about chackras or energy...
Ẃ́́h́́́á́́t́́́ ́́i̇́́́ś́́ ́́/́́t́́́v́́́/́́'́́ś́́...
Mfw just watched The Accused
Fuck this
How do you feel about this wall?
Was it as bad as everyone said it was?
Why must the same episode of Family Feud be on four different channels at the same time?
Planet Earth 2
Is it just me or does Ben Affleck always look depressed? It's the eyes...
Fuck this guy
What was the best movie you saw in school?
Is this master class interview-kino?
DUDE Global Warming is real and dangerous, but ignore my energy-hungry mansions, yachts and private airplanes LMAO
W/ Thread General
Who was the best fictional president, Sup Forums?
Another promising show being ruined by feminism
What the fuck was his problem?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Which actor you think has banged the most girls in Hollywood?
Hacksaw ridge = christian propoganda
I got near the end of this flick but then I had to take my daughter to her basketball game
No memeing, in your heart of hearts, what is your favorite tv show?
Do I need to watch the show to watch the movies? Are they related in any way?
Fav snack for watching tv/flicks?
You will never watch LOTR for the first time ever again
What would a Vietnam War movie told from the side of the Vietnamese be like?
Name a better Religion-kino
Star Trek General: O'Brien's Life Is Suffering Edition
Why Community is so perfect?
What do you think about this movie?
What's Louis shouting about, Sup Forums?
How exactly is Robbie Rotten supposed to be a villain...
Uh oh, my wife's son wants to swim in the theater lake tomorrow after we watch a kino
Favorite Quotes Thread
Your badge and your gun
When you see it
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Why does everyone hate this week movie?
WW/ Thread General
*sniffs* ey rick *rubs head* mask u sumthang
What am in for Sup Forums?
The question is, which of these leagues will fall first?
Daily MDE Thread
What was his name again?
The Hacksaw Ridge director thinks modern films contain “violence without a conscience.”
Dr. Strange is Racist
Can you be an actor if you're ugly?
ITT: 10/10 profiles ONLY
Holy fucking christ...I know America has shit taste in movies...
Can't _____ the Mel
ITT: movie ideas
Can we all agree Doctor Strange is probably the top 3 best marvel of all time?
She's coming back right?
ITT: movies only you saw
Negan=unstoppable force
Is he a cuck?
Seriously what went wrong? This place was literally a cornerstone of Americana in the 90's...
W/ Westworld Thread General
Fucking really?
Black Mirror
Is he a has been?
Will James Rolfe have more hair in the Angry Video Game Nerd movie sequel?
Are you attractive enough to reject Olivia Wilde?
Should I drop this show? I'm only 2 episodes in and this guy has mentioned pie about 8 times already...
Awesome movies that you never see discussed on Sup Forums thread?
W/ Westworld Thread General
Film is over 2.5 hours long
What are the top 5 Pixar films in your opinion? I feel like I should finally watch them
If peggy was good looking would don have fucked her
This show went downhill fast
What the fuck was her problem?
Now that the dust has settled what did Sup Forums think of Jason Bourne and why was it so shit compared to the original...
Sup Forums core thread
W/ Westworld Thread General
The Crown
The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 3 The Cell Talkback thread
Walking Dead Chat: Negan Returns
Weak Chin Thread
The Green Inferno
Who is your favorite Dark Matter character?
Any updates on Season 9? When is it coming out
How was it?
Why aren't you watching Limmy's live stream right now?
Daily reminder that people unironically think this is a good show
Plinkett BTFO
What happened to the american dream?
Le silent autistic killers who suck at actually killing their target
Is there a chance Alien: Covenant will be good?
Did anyone actually find this sexy?
What the fuck was his problem?
Comfy Sunday Night set pictures thread
So I literally just binge watched this kino and loved it. Is that okay?
I love you :)
Films you watched this weekend
Is there better infomercial kino?
ITT: movies nobody wants
"Men are brave"
Hehe wow!
Who would you want to see direct a Hotline Miami movie and why...
Your Star Trek series pitch
Why Burton's Batman is so iconic?
What did Sup Forums think of this film?
Best Endings
What is the best film of 2016
Mad Men > Sopranos
Which one Sup Forums?
Star Wars Rebels
You guys excited for Wonder Woman?
''Villains'' who did Nothing wrong' thread
Is Alan Resnic The David Lynch of comedy?
What's this guy's name again?
W/ Westworld General
Its no secret Cumberbatch was seen as the safe choice to play Doctor strange but clearly it paid off...
W/ Westworld Thread General
So sheldor is a sex driven chad now. that will work well
I live my life a quarter pounder at a time. For those ten seconds, nothing else matters
What will this fat fuck's next excuse be for not finishing the series?
What should his final two films be about?
DORMAMMU, I've come to bargain!
Best marvel movie
ITT: TV shows liberals and women will never understand
Literally, what the fuck did he mean by this?
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
The Walking Dead Pre-Chat
Sex scene
Show about creepypasta
You're in the colony and this guy bursts up and eats through your girlfriend's chest. What do you do?
Planet Earth II
Why did bob cuts disappear from movies?
How many filler episodes do you think do we get before he reappears in a meaningful way ?
Is 1 video per week their schedule now?
ITT, we post Best Couples from each show. Pic very much related. Reminder that Doloresfu×Ted OTP. Williamcucks BTFO'd
Opinions on '3:10 to Yuma'?
The year is almost over. What's on your best/worst movie list so far?
A Christmas-themed nigger move
Luke, did I ever tell you about Bigger Luke?
Young Emma is best Emma. Prove I'm wrong
What does Sup Forums think of Jennifer Connelly?
"If Cage is innocent then why is he running?"
Finally watched this. Pretty good, sappy drama with a good message. I was nearly to the end of ep. 2 before I realized--
How kino is Hacksaw Ridge? Based Mel general
ITT: Perfect Cinematography
Let's decide once and for all. Is it kino?
What went wrong?
Has there ever been a bigger "fuck you" to audiences?
From now on, the only person who will imitate the mayor in Lazytown, is me!
There are no strings on me
Why does Evil Dead get a pass for transitioning to comedy, but not Freddy?
Why is Dukat the Hitler of Star Trek when he literally saved Bajor?
Based Patton Oswald
Tell me one thing bad about this show other than reddit
Hacksaw Ridge and Mel Gibson appreciation thread
Movies for this feel?
A new Ocean's Eleven spin-off with an all-female cast led by Sandra Bullock as the sister of George Clooney's Danny...
Ice Fantasy
Who was in the wrong here?
How could anyone dislike this woman?
Why don't you like my show user?
My best friend is coming over tonight, what movie should we watch?
Why did this faggot take the money?
Planet Earth 2 Thread 2
Would you cum inside her Sup Forums ?
There is not one good reason for why this girl is not a beloved Hollywood star but nepotism and jewism working against...
Is he our guy, Sup Forums?
Do you sometimes wish Mike was your dad?
What does Sup Forums think about pic related?
Louie Theroux Appreciation Thread
MacBeth 2015
Over 18 year old and virgin
Is he /our/ guy?
The Simpsons have been renewed for a 29th and 30th season
Mel is fucking back
Find a flaw
Going to start TNG after my bf and I finished watching DS9 and loved it...
What the fuck happened to this guy ? Wasn't Nip/Tuck huge ? Why didnt he get more role ?
Space Ships
When did you start hating star wars and at what age
Find a flaw
W/ Westworld Thread General
Army Dog: The kennel...shit; I'm still only in the kennel... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the dog park...
What is her most famous role?
ITT: best talk show appearances
How does Sup Forums feel about a gay Bond?
Rome >>>>> GoT
Black guy
The WSJ used data from "likes" on Facebook to determine what movies and TV shows were the top picks for Clinton...
So basically business school turns you into a sociopath
Tfw no pestposting
Why the fuck is this happening? When will they stop?
So TWD just went full "We Wuz Kangz". I can't take this show seriously anymore. What are some other good running shows?
Tfw in film school and a total pleb demands we should all watch 'Before The Flood'
Webm Thread
Meanwhile, beneath Flicktown, in Sup Forums
Luke, did I ever tell you about Bidlo Kwerve? He was a Corellian pirate and smuggler who served Jabba Desilijic Tiure...
"Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange… anyone who is a threat to HYDRA!"
What's next for their careers?
Americans unironically thinking this was the biggest sacrifice any Allied nation made in the Second World War
He is much better at reviewing capeshit than RLM
Is Lost worth a fourth rewatch?
Anyone here watched The Crown yet?
In case you've seen all god-tier superhero movies and want something else
What was this film called again, Sup Forums?
Pick one and only one Sup Forums
Gud aftrnoon frends i hop u hav a vvery niec day tooday i lov u soooo so much tanks bye
This is considered the pinnacle of British "comedy"
Would i look like a faggot if i use strange goatee?
Did Falling Down resonate with a lot of you, Sup Forums? Particularly D-FENS' final speech:
Vive la différence!
Was Batman V Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?
You are now aware that CIA had a parachute the whole time
What are some other films people pretend to enjoy?
That one faggot sitting alone
It's about British working class people
Post some political kino
Is she really a bad actress or do people just hate her because she is a feminist...
Why didn't he kill the Sheriff at the hotel?
Let's be honest
Watching the texas chainsaw remake
How would you stop him?
Your tears say more than real evidence ever could!
Is he straight?
Viggo Voting for Jill Stein
Technically speaking, isn't luke the single greatest mass-killer in the star wars universe?
Pizza crust (thin)
Monorail ep=next 4 years under trump
Who is your favorite villain in cinema?
People are getting maimed, injured, disfigured, and/or killed, whilst millions of dollars are spent...
What went wrong?
Efter that the ghem wiz mine
Planet Earth 2
Mel Gibson on Colbert
Which one'd scare you the most
Shows you dropped
Expectations on this Power Rangers movies? Thoughts on these designs?
Al "Eh" Andro has prep-aired a D light fuel mill forest, Chilean seabase. Abbo leave!
ITT:GOAT opening scenes
How were they able to pull it off? It's so far outside their typical oeuvre...
I never knew Teresa Palmer was that interesting of an actor until i saw hacksaw ridge
Marvel - 14
So this turned out pretty well
Was the director some kind of perv ?
"Men always think in terms of fight or flight," >"In fact...
Who's your favourite movie villain?
I don't know you, Mister...?
Gf just left me for a younger taller better looking guy
You die
Wtf is wrong with woman skin
You have thirty seconds to name one legitimately 8/10 horror movie from the last decade
Reminder that if you pay for Netflix you are financing this kind of shit
Mel makes the perfect Oscar b8
Tfw Doctor Strange comes to your dimension to bargain
Old Eastern European historical movies apparently had a shitton of great battle scenes...
You have 10 seconds to find an ideal film role for her
Where's the movie series, Jim? Why did you only let them make a shitty failed syfy series, Jim?
Whats the best movie about soccer...?
Want to watch cartoon
What message was this movie supposed to convey?
Are we witnessing the dawn of Radcliffe Kino?
Thoughts on Goofy Movie?
Say what you will about "Zombie Simpsons" but the lego episode is the best thing that they have done in recent years
Early 2000's movie
What was the point of this movie?
How can Robert De Niro rescue his rapidly declining reputation and UNJUST himself?
ITT: overdone themes, topics, and messages in movies/tv
Mr Robot is on fire!
/got/ general
You're not brave. Men are brave
A skeleton is now deemed fit to be Wonder Woman
Lost worth?
Seriously, is there anything this woman can't do?
Kitty will never be your mom
Are there any other movies like this? Not necessarily anime
Rewatching twin peaks pilot
Does she have a future in Hollywood? What roles would you like to see her in?
Is he /ourguy/?
What's next for her career?
Are the prequels underrated?
Why is this movie so perfect?
Are there any movies worth watching from 2015/2016, most of them look like shit
Why do people pretend game of thrones was ever good and not extremely boring?
I'm so pissed at how TWTWB has been abandoned. I mean, the movie flopped and we didn't get a sequel. Fine, whatever...
Funniest character
Good guys are a Republic / Federation
What if Matthew Mcconaughey was Cia?
Nobody is discussing this
Merry christmas Sup Forums
Did anyone else want Rust to fight the King in Yellow at the end?
Why won't the media let him alone? Nigga made the best movie of the year
There will never be a better war film will there?
What are some films where people have interesting conversations...
Who /hype/?
K I N O?
Just saw pic related
What is some essential 28 year old kissless virgin kino?
*walks off set without saying a word*
It's an "Alex starts crying live on air after praying to Jesus Christ to protect America's people from the occultist...
Is having a big dick kino?
10/10 masterpiece. Going in knowing absolutely nothing played a part too
How do we stop Marvel?
Where was Rolf From?
Luke, did I ever tell you about chairs...
How did Japanese studios produce so many classic/acclaimed films on shoestring budgets in the two decades after WWII...
Has anyone here actually been to a drive-in theatre?
What's your favorite tropes Sup Forums?
What the fuck kind of ending shot is this?
Besides Scream Queens has she been in anything worth a watch?
It's a "monster of the week episode that has absolutely nothing to do with the main plot" episode
Alright, they the hell has there been a sharp increase of people using handicapped people in media?
What is something witty I can say to a new tinder match? I'm not ugly but you are my only friends Sup Forums
You have 10 seconds to name a horror movie scarier than this
ITT: God tier CGI
She so gross lol
Doctor Strange
How and why did this get 8 oscars?
Wait, what was the point of this film?
This episode of Half in the Bag was really hard to watch. Mike and Jay are insanely jealous of the Duffer Bros...
ITT: actors with unfortunate deformities
What the fuck? Why did he do that?
What are some good docukinos
What did she mean by this?
Product Placement
Thoughts on the newest episode of modern family?
Is this the worst episode of classic Simpsons?
100% on RT
If you look closely you can see the disappointment in Harrison's face
ITT: we speak Italian
ITT - We post the worst season of their respective series
How powerful is Negan?
Is there anything wrong with going to the movies alone? Whole family is making fun of me for doing this. Also...
Are there more movies where romancing an underage girl leads to a happy ending?
Is it true they're looking for a new actor to play Wolverine?
Is it the cartoon GOAT?
What wars and battles deserve movies Sup Forums?
Just did a captcha with 25 boxes
Is it kino?
When did the cuck meme started?
Nobody ever gives me (You)'s and I have to settle for (OP)'s
A challenge
Who would you cast in a movie about the most controversial election season in recent history?
Who are some open Republicans in Hollywood?
ITT: We post movies which are reddit tier
Was the show any good? Is it redpilled and pro-Trump like Scott Adams?
With family
Is this movie worth checking out if I like Schlock?
Watching porn
Why do people say his death is what ruined the show?
Who made the best 90s cyberpunk masterpiece, Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
Calls another techie a "creepy necro-perv"...
What happened?
Channel Zero
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Trek will never be as good as TOS movies ever again
SNL General
Is Doctor Who worth watching? Where should I begin watching and should I stop somewhere? (if there is a drop in quality)
There will never, EVER be another truly iconic scene in cinema
Im literally shaking right fucking now
Why is this movie so great?
Is she our girl?
This movie was easily as bad as Green Lantern. Why do they get a pass EVERY FUCKING TIME?
Protagonist dies in the first 20 minutes
ITT: Shows only you watch
W/ Westworld General Thread
What does Sup Forums think of Dave Chappelle?
Why aren't you watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend again, user?
Contemporary American war/terrorist movie
Does /tv like The Young Pope?
What are some movies to watch when you have no gf
Who will play him in his inevitable biopic?
This is one of the worst movies I've seen in my life how did it get funded?
She will always be wasted on shitty phone commercials and D-tier web series
Dude, coincidences! LMAO
Is this a meme or is it actually good?
Why does Sup Forums love Redlettermedia again?
What the fuck is Viggo's problem? Is he actually autistic or was he just high during this interview
Black Mirror S3E3 Shut Up and Dance
Black Mirror
You got like 3 feet of air that time
Why the bacon is taped to the wall?
this is a 10/10 on planet Earth
What's a comfy show to watch on a Saturday night
Wtf I hate capitalism now
Sorry I'm late babe, my shoot ran longer than expected
How could they fuck up so badly after Casino Royale?
I watched La La Land at a festival. Ask me anything
ITT: Actors you can't stand
Walking Dead
If his name is Thor Odinson, doesn't that mean Odin's full name is Odin Odinson...
What is the best watchmojo video?
Black Mirror s3e3
Is he back?
Why are there so many bots on Sup Forums??
I hope you know what you're doing
Is her career dead?
Doctor Strange
Why was it so good?
Lord of the Rings
Luke, did i ever tell you about my friend Dex? He owned a 1950's themed diner on Coruscant and he was a good friend
Why is Stranger Things so misogynisict?
What movie? All hollywood actors/actresses are paid too much hence why most of these movies flop...
Who was in the wrong here?
I'm having a Pizza Party with some friends tonight. What movie should we watch?
With the future biopic that is inevitable, who will play him?
How does sex feels like guys?
What went wrong?
I am going to watch this for the very first time tonight
Visiting my grandma for the weekend, go in the garage and see a bunch of VHSs find her old VCR...
Could you even show Entourage in 2016?
Will it ever be topped?
Ms. Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Remember when original movies were actually huge successes?
This guy was a mexican right?
Are you ready for the new wave of Trump themed cinema?
Arnold shoots a stoner
Let's be honest, Emma Stone is the perfect actress
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2
Just marathoned the first 2, what am I in for
My theater had a bunch of women seeing this. it pissed me off. I can't imagine that they understood what was happening...
Childhood faps
What the fuck was his problem?
Star Trek DS9 General
Is The End of Evangelion the closest animation has come to kino?
Walkind Dead villains ranking
Does Sup Forums agree that this series is great and makes the prequels 10x better by filling in all of the missing...
Whats next for Bridget Regan?
Wtf I hate women now??
In all seriousness, what the fuck was he on about?
GOAT Action Kino right here. 9/10
Why is it so easy for Hollywood actors to transition into voice acting but so hard the other way round?
The great debate
But today the number of children having sex with adults is beyond belief. If you define a child as anyone under 30...
How do we save her Hollywood career, familiado? She was wonderful in Hercules, but she has not gotten work ever since...
Can I get some subtitles for these subtitles lmao
Who is your favorite villain in cinema?
Take pretty model
I get why people here don't like Rick and Morty now
Beware that Grima Wormtongue, Frodo...
Why didn't Dormammu just torture him?
Is Flynn her brother/father/son?
How can we prevent R*ddit influence from ruining any more shows?
ITT: post conservative Hollywood figures
How's it going, Sup Forums?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Hey white boy!
Alpha, recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!
I don't think a mobster being gay is a bad storyline for a show like The Sopranos
Is this worth watching?
Should I start watchign Archer or does it have that redditcore humor?
Shows Only You Remember
Be dromamu
Who /loveschristmas/ here?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Paris did nothing wrong
Can we all agree that this was quite the bomb?
Cable TV is invented and its premise is that since it's paid for, you won't have to see commercials
Dear Britbongs
Have voice actors ever transitioned to acting in Hollywood films?
How would you rate each season?
You are now aware that CIA had a parachute the whole time
So in Westworld, are there multiple copies of each robot?
Who has the best *looking* pussy in porn?
Star Wars fans BTFO! How will they ever recover?
Serial killer movie
ITT Romance movies that are realistic and aren't the typical Hollywood trite
These were men wea trade
Evil Dead (2013)
Hacksaw Ridge
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
No, Chris
What are some good films?
Is he /ouurguy/?
What is the most beautiful woman in hollywood and why is Emily Browning?
If the Assassin's Creed movie does well do you think it will give rise to vidyakino...
I liked it
If Ghost in the Shell does well/reasonably do you think Hollywood will start putting effort into live action anime like...
Just got out of prison
Godzilla Resurgence
Hello Sup Forums! It's me, CIA
How can someone say TNG is the best series when clearly DS 9 is the best?
So why was a fucking nuclear weapon just sitting there in the college library for any cheeky undergrad to experiment...
W/ - Westworld General
/got/ general
I am The Young Pope
What's his name again?
Was Cooper a competent detective?
Why does DONALD TRUMP want to keep these people out of the country but HILLARY CLINTON wants to bring in millions?
How will SNL deal with this one?
Why do the good girls never get the good roles?
Zero oscar nominations
Oh, no we can't disable 200 of them at once, it's going to distrupt the overall flow and ruin so many narratives!
It's a Kevin Smith whores his daughter out in order to stay relevant episode
Let's rob this bakery because all Germans are ebin nazis :^)
What is Russia's biggest contribution to the film industry?
So... i don't get it. Why does the spice equal the worm?
It's a "director lovingly pans the camera over a young pre teen actress's body" episode
Essential Christmascore
What was your biggest take-away from Black Mirror S03E06 "Hated in the Nation"?
There are people that don't recognise this scene as one of the greatest plot twists in cinema
[ Ouija.Origin.of.Evil.2016.HC.HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO ]
So, the other day, right
"remember remember, the 5th of november..."
ITT: Your reaction to the last movie you watched
Olivia Munn Joining Boyd Holbrook in Shane Black's 'Predator' Reboot
Anyone watching this kino?
I will never not make fun of this. Jesus fucking Christ what happened to Cinema
Is it true that moms kissing their kids on the lips is considered weird in America? Here it's the norm...
Xander cage
Git yo ass on the floor you damn terrorist fool
Who are the best female action stars that aren't named Sigourney Weaver
Whats his best film?
Why didn't you save her?
What is the worst song from a Disney animated feature film?
What's happening to Marvel Studios
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH aaaaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmmmmmm
Why was old Sup Forums so full of shut-ins?
The Avengers could just be these 2. They don't really need anyone else
How shit is this series exactly?
Why did Moneyball think he could compete with the yankees 200 million pay roll...
What went wrong?
Official Patrice Kino
I don't get it:
What was his fucking problem?
Why do people hate Scanners? I think it's great
Anyone else going to watch the series finale of America?
Pan nice and hot
Leo 52
It's snowing like crazy outside. Post essential snowkino
Literally threatens some guy who has been cuckolded to raise another man's kid
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...