Star Wars Rebels

Thoughts on the new ep?

What do you think of season 3 in general so far?

Where would you like to see the show go from here?

thoughts on having sex with a woman?

How about I slice your throat open chad you fucking faggot? I cut your fucking cock off and then slice that fucking throat of yours right in front of Stacy.

Clone Wars and Rebels are cartoons for babies and not worthy of discussion.


I did not expect to get a Rome main cast reunion on Star Wars cartoon of all places.

You'll anger the underage fucks who grew up with them, and they'll try to convince you that Clone Wars is a deep and mature show for all ages.

That's fine. I grew up watching the Ewok films and the Droids cartoons, but when I'm doing a Star Wars rewatch, I don't try to shoehorn them in, because as an adult I understand that I'm not the intended audience.

Clone Wars has that beautiful prequels feeling to it... Rebels is just very safe disney shit and looks abysmal.

Well, this thread is off to a great start