ITT: actors with unfortunate deformities
ITT: actors with unfortunate deformities
she got a hank hill ass
That just means you can get deeper inside her ass
>wanting to fuck a skinnyfat 3/10 with no ass
yeah nah m8
ooga booga
Take that back you fucking pleb
Nah Sigourney Weaver is a ghoul and literally nothing about her is attractive.
>t. a gigantic faggot
This isn't helping your case user.
>face of a goblin
t. Americans after obesity epidemic
>not craving a sweaty, mannish tomboy
you'll probably be happier when you just accept you crave cock
This fucking thread
>mfw she had an alergic reaction to the fake sweat so she was really that sweaty
She's just skinny user, butts can be fixed by doing squats and gluts exercises, putting on weight.
Bitches are too lazy, which is why they have to resort to artificial cosmetics.
>tfw some no-name costume handler got to bury his nose into that stagnant, swampy spacesuit and take deep, moist breaths between takes
is autism a deformity
>ywn sneak off to the cooling ducts to get smothered by Ripley's bush
Imagine being the xenomorph in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sigourney Weaver, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with white panties and gross flat ass. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real animatronic me." when all it really wants to do is lay eggs in another 16 year old in its dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be the xenomorph and not only hide in that ship while Sigourney Weaver flaunts her flat ass in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her legs going directly into her back, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she works it. Not only having to tolerate her disgusting fucking gluteus minimus visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SIGOURNEY WEAVER GOT A BOOTY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her strut around in her disgusting granny panties; never before have you seen legs directly connect into someones spine before, no ass, no hips, you didn't even know that existed before today. You've been killing nothing but a healthy diet of colonists and later alleged space marines for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of LV-426. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's trickling down from her lower back to her knee caps as she shakes her ass to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to hide there and revel in her "voluptuous(for that is what she calls herself)" ass, the ass she worked so hard for with personal trainers in previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could eviscerate every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, cuz you're a fucking xenomorph. You're not going to lose your galactic conquest over this. Just bear it. Hide both mouths and bear it.
if i made this thread i'd get banned
It is a superiority. Left to their own devices autists can be pretty useless, but properly motivated they are capable of things most normies wouldn't even consider.
>All of that wasted brilliance poured into linerider, minecraft and warhammer 40k lore.
What manner of sorcery is this?
it's gotta be fake
>board taken over by basketball-americans
Goblins are cute. Please don't insult them like that.
No deformities there.
Perfect height for fucking.
ain't no cure for that ass man, that shit is unfixable and undickable, I don't care how many backwards sideways glute raise squatting you do
>Droopey small tits
i need more
Nothing squats can't fix.
>Being on /fit/ so long you can't actually separate memes from reality.
I don't think there's a cure. You should probably kill yourself.
Normally I'd call this disgusting but after seeing Weaver's I deeply appreciate this.
>tfw no hobbit gf
>ain't no cure for that ass man, that shit is unfixable and undickable
>Nothing squats can't fix.
who is in the wrong here?
i legit want to know because ass is my passion
fed em after midnight, they were warned
Look pretty suckable to me
The amount of faggotry in this thread is well above Sup Forumsaverage.
Nonetheless, look at her older photos, she DID squat/exercise, she put on more curves, and the good kind.
Nice the three S's
And sloppy
Thanks for the vomit
Lawrence Fishbourne's facial skin
>not Googling that shit because it is gross
Never understood the attraction to Sigourney Weaver either. Her puffy eyes, tiny mouth, no curves. inb4 pictures of her wearing the most ridiculous pushup-bra ever created in Galaxy quest.
She looks like a dude in drag.
>Sup Forums fetish face.png
I'm all of the sudden in the mood for pancakes.
why have you shown me this you son of a bitch
thats just called being white.
In the 70s and especially 80s for a moment they were really into women who were just totally skinny and shapeless and tall. It was supposed to be this somewhat androgynous, 'sexy', high class model look or something.
Look at an old ZZ Top or Robert Palmer video. The women are supposed to have these 'great legs' but they're just total sticks, no shape to them.
I've never seen a woman of any nationality who's ass was fucking concave.
and you can thank to them they gave you a free ticket to america
It was because of the rampant drug use in the 70s and 80s. Notice how in the fashion industry the slim, tall and sickly figures still exist.
White women have shape. It's just that model look that was popular in the 80s that made having no ass or shape a thing for a while.
White women can have great asses, they just don't have these absurd, ballooning bubble butts like black women (which just looks weird imo)
Legit looks like comedy dentures.
His wife a cute though
everyone in that show has bad tits
... on the list?
100% boner killer
She could have been a fucking 10/10
Now she's just
I can dig it.
True Lies?
Oh shit, I just realized
She played Crawford's dying wife in Hannibal, didn't she?
That must have been hard to film
Do you deny she has no ass?
fucking hell this is proof Sup Forums is overrun by niggers
Stop posting.
you will not go unchecked
i wanted to fuck her in kick-ass though
>i was 15
Nothin sexier than an inverted ass, i wonder if its prolapsed?
Why is her mouth so straight?
boyish asses are the best though
Nice quads.
When will this meme end?
I think you mean
>Why is she so perfect?
autism is a powerful thing
This is shopped, right? And you used Brock Lesnar, right?
How come her butt so big?
ireland pls
ASR is perfect
Genetics and fitness
I'm Irish, her ass is fantastic.