She better not be dead Edition
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reminder that shrinkfags got BTFO'd
you fucking retards.
could you please just write "westworld" so it fucking shows up when you search for it?
it's the second time.
Looks like it was Thor's brother
that's the current school uniform in cornwall mate
>mfw phonefags dont have / and \
Ford is a robot. Capping my own post now.
stop that you massive autist, nobody gives a fuck.
I just open the catalog and see every thread I want to immediately. Phonefag screens are too small for that, however - pathetic.
Im on PC and it doesnt work, faggot.
Why does the shrinkray affect her boobs so much?
Not enough piss in the machine
>bernard goes to old, abandoned part of facility
>has old logo that appears with william+logan
>felix goes exploring with maeve in the upper facility
>has new logo
>maeve looking at advertisement of older builds, back when she wasn't a whore
>sees random black chick next to clementine
>same black whore that appears next to clementine with william and logo visit
its actually happening
I suppose I'm the minority in the opinion that this was not a particulary good episode? Characters making nonsensical decisions, forced scenes etc...
Jesus christ, shes the best.
On a side note, why on earth would the chink and the beta docs go with whatever Maeve demanded? It made no sense and they could easily stop her from doing any type of """""harm""""" to them, that was some really cheap writing.
she 's raising more than my hopes if you know what i mean
where did they find this boy?
he's so cute
no homo
stop what? height and clothing seem to be consistent with thor's brother grabbing her
thats what you get for thinking youre a strong independent woman who dont need no escort
That's the shrink ray rumbling. They're right on top of the facility that houses it.
She's not dead, just captured.
typical Sup Forumseddit desu
Not the minority user, it was a mediocre episode, I have no idea how it managed to last 60 minutes
Oh, hello stranger
Damn that's a good match user
If he's there I guess they must have retconed the film into using shrink beams too
So when he peed on the map was there a flood in the park?
Because someone above them in rank was already altering Maeve's code. If they don't do what Maeve says, the worst case scenario is that she kills them. The worst that could happen by helping her is that they get fired.
No, he only hit the holographic array
why don't they just shut Maeve down. they don't need to take orders from her
>Arnold is doing all this phantom menace shit
>except it's all convoluted, aimless as of yet, and entirely uninteresting
If it weren't for the violence and nudity, this ship would have sunk.
where were you when white bois got BTFO twice?
>first panel
>trusting a niggers words
They know that someone else is already controlling her and that she can remember things. If they shut her down, she would just kill herself in the park and be back the next day to wreck their shit.
She doesn't have super human strength or anything like that, they could easily overpower her, specially when the white guy said he agreed to make the changes she wanted, it was clear opening to stop that shit.
that whole sequence was triggering me
he's talking to her, in full clothing, walking her around the place, using the escalators and elevators in full view of dozens of other personell. all the cubicles are see through. everyone probably knows maeve because she's in the park trailer thing. last episode they were scared shitless because a supervisor was simply looking at them and now this
just seems pretty inconsistent
LITERALLY grab the slider and turn it down to ZERO. Now she's a tard.
Drop all her values to zero as well so she can't do shit.
Now just smash her face in and call it a day.
Wait so why are there all these abandoned floors in the complex with electrical hazards and water leakage and a bunch of equipment left behind?
Thats retarded, they can simply tell their superiors theres something really wrong with her and shell be decomissioned, the way they handled the Maeve scenes was really awful.
they wanna see where it leads
they could report her unit to a supervisor but one guy wants pussy and the other wants to scratch his cerebral itch
human curiosity will be our downfall
Because script. When in reality, you just have a janitor host to keep it maintained 24/7 because they require no sleep or rest.
Exactly, I dont mind they want Maeve to "awaken", but the way they did it was felt cheap.
Well that is is now canon
An abundance of shrink fields are in that sector, entering those floors would be dangerous, lest you become shrunk to the size of an atom
What should've happened is they use the login to access the behavioral sliders and then she grabs the pad before they can react and turns it all to 11.
you do know she was just pissing him off just so he could kill her and wake up at the table, right? RIGHT you dumb shit?
I didn't like it, thought the writing was lacking
Nolan said in an interview not to read too much into it.
>he's a big guy
Let's say for a moment that the two timelines theory is correct.
What would exactly be the point of it?
Next time she is sent into the park just tell your boss about what happened and go over the security camera footage showing her wake herself up from sleep mode.
Next time she is decommissioned, have the techs saw her head off and throw the whole corpse in the incinerator. With a security detail of course, because I'm not retarded.
maybe to explain this:
along with whatever "incident" happened 30 years ago
Muh deepness
One timeline fights for the shrink beam
One timeline fights for the embiggen array
In the end, whoever wins, we all lose
why the fuck is that asian guy obeying the fucking robot? he was about to kill a coworker and he just stood there. holy shit that cuck pissed me off to know end
>white boi getting mad when someone makes fun of his small dick
>same thing happening in this thread
what are you gonna do, choke me to death white boi?
she's the only one telling him that he's a good programmer, not to mention, his "friend" was an asshole
>user avoids the fact that niggers words can't be trusted
what are you gonna do, try and be racist toward a white man? oh yeah, only whites can do that toward blacks LOL
Arnold built Ford and then Ford killed him. It all makes sense now.
So what the fuck was this all about?
The sad thing is that you're more likely to be banned for than that other faggot is for I guess that's what
>only whites can do that toward blacks LOL
was about
man, that guy didn't realize what he's doing huh?
ya but she's a fucking robot. what she says is pre programmed. he also walked every floor with her surrounded by glass cubicles and literally nobody even glanced at him even though everyone on that floor should know maeve and that there's cameras everywhere
this episode sucked
What turns me on about the whole Westworld setting is that women get wet about getting some robo dick there.
It would be really hot to bring a wife in there so she can get robo-dicked while I watch. It wouldn't be really cucking since he'd be a robot.
mind blown
maybe that's actually Arnold and he was just pretending to be a host, so he hangs out with Ford all day and they touch dicks
Why didn't the tech just punch Maeve when he got the chance?
>S-she could have stabbed him with a scalpel
Maybe, but any scuffle in that busy lab would be immediately noticed. She might stab you, but I doubt she could kill you before security shows up and fills her with lead.
arnold is fords dad, it was a father and son company. father didn't want to sell out but the son did, classic tale
> They name-dropped "hentai" in this episode
Imagine that spike in the internet searches.
Imagine all those people getting to know what "2D" is and does
Imagine what % of people will find /d/
We needed more robot porn anyways
>> They name-dropped "hentai" in this episode
it was so nonsensical
cosplay would've made more sense
Jesus Christ, what an episode.
Fuck, why is no one talking about this scene. Raises so many questions.
I didn't quite get this. He's modelled after Ford's father, yet he looks like Arnold in the old photo?
it was meant to be racist and show how much of an ass an "not a real friend" that guy is. It's to give the asian guy more of a reason to prefer the host than the human
>>I imagined a story where I didn't have to be shrunk
How many guests drowned because of Lee's little prank?
Arnold IS his father
Ford is a robot
i thought this was obvious
Ford is like a caretaker robot ie robots designing robots
when Arnold died it was by Ford's hands
I bet shrinkfags are the same autists shitting up True Detective threads with "LE SHOOTING AT GOD XDXD"
I bet anti-shrinkfags are the same autists shitting up westworld threads with "I bet shrinkfags are the same autists shitting up True Detective threads with "LE SHOOTING AT GOD XDXD""
lol this meme is funnier than bane desu
Do you even understand why they have such loose mouths?
It's the future of the younger generation you see who are faggets that have all grown up, it's like that college humour skit where the next president talks about calling someone a fag on the internet.
That's the future that's why the writer guy, programmer girl and the asian/white butcher all talk like fucking morons
>that face when Fuckfu shows you how she got that name
oh boy look its another low IQ shrinkfag theorist, ready to enlighten us with his subhuman level intelligence of a plot that a five year old could have conceived after drinking some red cordial. You got completely BTFO by a giant yellow piss stream into your little bitch mouth. I'll let that all sink in your tiny little mind.
>low IQ
Doesn't add up user, everyone knows shrink theorists are the peak of Sup Forums posters
>don't mind me, just walking a host around the Westworld compound while talking to her and explaining what everything is
>don't bother him, he's a VIP
>b-but he's making Delores waddle through the mud! now he's riding her into the salloon, and even offering others to ride her!
>as I said, V. I. P.
so is sizemore fired or is he getting a promotion?
considering his piss flooded part of westworld, i'm assuming he's fired
he's being downsized
I've seen countless lesbian movies. Softcore, hardcore, with prolonged kissing that lead into sex, with girls better looking than this two. But why does this one give me such a fucking boner every time I see it?
> all our faces when it turns out this mannequin has the same face as Teddy
so Arnold uploaded his mind into a host before he died ?