Damn, this is just one notch below Team America. Was this satire played really, really straight?
Also, what's up with the forum for this on IMDb? It's mostly just one guy posting some crazy thoughts.
Damn, this is just one notch below Team America. Was this satire played really, really straight?
Also, what's up with the forum for this on IMDb? It's mostly just one guy posting some crazy thoughts.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cannabis Is Now Kosher
oh g-d
i still haven't watched this because of the scene with the fake baby, its laughable
>gets cucked while in saudi arabia
>dude at the end is obviously gonna shoot him but hes like "ya come on bro lol cya in a few hours honey!"
I didn't notice it.
How do you know the real dude acted or looked "creepy" in real life? Even if he did, he had an explanation, because he's a "troubled" veteran.
This is legitimately one of the worst big budget movies I've ever seen. It was so bad, I was wondering if it was a big fucking joke the entire time. I don't even remember any scenes from it. Literally nothing happens in the movie.
didnt say he did, but i just think it was funny how they portrayed that character
>h-hey man i g-got this new gun l-let me show ya. come alone..
>guy goes to the Iraq War
>gets PTSD and murdered by a fellow comrade
Never understood why liberals and Yuros think this is jingoistic propaganda.
Sometimes it was borderline ridiculous and I couldn't tell if it's all an elaborate setup to ridicule war and the US. For example those scenes when he's calling his wife while literally being in action and those cliche "it's a boy!" conversations.
The only thing which had potential were the counselling sessions with other veterans and ending, which they didn't utilize at all. Cinematography wise I couldn't care less about it.
satire played so straight barely anyone noticed it was satire
His PTSD wasn't portrayed as something negative. All it did was constantly tell him "go back, defend your country, defend freedom from the savages, kill, kill, kill".
As for pro-war or pro-US propaganda, just watch the rest of the film. It's out of the question what message it's trying to convey. So much out of the question, that people are obviously having trouble to distinguish it from a satirical film.
I liked the part where they were talking about how the insurgency was using terror tactics to keep the locals silent, then in the very next scene the US had an entire platoon chilling in a potential informant's house with high explosives and automatic weapons pointed at five generations of his family.
>His PTSD wasn't portrayed as something negative.
Yes it was. He could barely function, was genuinely psychotic, and looked about half an instant away from snapping at any given moment, at all times, no matter the context.
Of course those symptoms are negative, but you can't judge it out of context. His wasn't one of those "damn war, I hate this. stop it", his was "fuck, get me back to spread more freedom".
Literally America LMAO xD: The Thread
Republicans are so lame guys, I'm with her.
Yes? And? Portraying the US military as a self-reinforcing machine that intentionally inflicts psychosis upon people in order to keep them in the military isn't negative, in your mind?
>US military ... a self-reinforcing machine that intentionally inflicts psychosis upon people in order to keep them in the military
I don't see where you got that from the film.
I actually thought the imdb dude was just a bot at first but he's actually real.
honestly, as an Eastwood fan, this movie was pretty fucking shit
I sort of realized he gave up the art for the money some time ago, but a part of me wishes he wouldn't turn into such a hack on the level of Bay
Did you even watch it?
So you didn't watch flags of our fathers.
daily reminder Chris Kyle was a pathological liar
All these burger pieces of shit like Hurt Locker try to rewrite American soldiers as not retarded baby killing scum because the military industrial complex is the backbone of American industry
Are you the guy from the IMDb forums?
not war but I'de like to add United 93 and Zero Dark Thirty
pure propaganda shit to reinforce bluepills