Who /hype/ here?
Planet Earth 2
How many times will them mention climate change? I bet three times per episode on average.
The only people that talk about climate change more is fags like you complaining about people talking about.
Hold your tongue cunt, literally reach into your sore encrusted maw and take hold of it so no intelligible words can erupt from it, not that they would or ever have.
They usually save it for the last episode, atleast they did for the hunt
You need to return to English 101 m8
>complaining about people talking about.
I don't have a good enough TV for it to be worth watching.
Are you upset?
Meow meow dats a cute kitty
>being so buttblasted you can no longer form a coherent sentence
Irony that you complain about my english when it's clear you didn't understand any of it.
you got a problem with that? you want to admire the nice scenery and cute animals but you dont want to consider the reason why theyre going extinct all the time and will do due to humans fucking the planet up.
keep living in blissful ignorance
How is it clear? I spoke nothing about your message and only about your faulty attempt at correct grammar. It seems you're a douche again.
tfw have to watch this in shitty hdtv until the bluray gets released
How do I watch this terra-kino in America? Do I actually have to wait til January or will it be on Netflix by then?
Just pirate it goober.
>he's on Sup Forums
>doesn't have a BTN account
when did 1 come out?
what ever happened to global warming, it was fucking freezing here today. heating on full blast.
you're living on it
>climate change
>humanity's doing
Sure, Sir Jew, I shall pay for my carbons. Even though climate's been changing for billions of years way before first protohumans even appeared, I have no reason to doubt your trustworthy research, you are my greatest ally
>Global warming
>House is fucking freezing
>1-0 athiests
Top kek.
Cant fucking wait.
What's this about?
humans reach a new earth like planet, near alpha century.
you seem like a reasonable person
Whole family wants to watch it and I'm going to be making dumb references to DC Comics all night and spoiling it for them.
Why? Because they refused to buy the 4K tv this show needs. There's no fucking point watching this is HD.
4k ultra pleb detected.
How can humans possibly be responsible for climate change?
we poop 2 much
Too many hotheads these days.
quiet goy! we're just raising your taxes a bit it will fix everything I promise...
Does anyone have BBC One acestream link?
This never makes sense. If Climate Change is a hoax for carbon tax, then why do they build non-carbon based energy sources? Surely that'd push DOWN the price of oil? Hell, oil is incredibly cheap now. What's the point? How is it a lie to make more shekels when it's dirt fucking cheap?
Climate Change is real. If you don't think it is, you're retarded. Whether humans are involved in affecting it, is a different question. Climate Change is happening. It's happened throughout history and before.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas
Before the industrial revolution, atmospheric CO2 concentration stayed around 280 ppm for millenia
Since the industrial revolution, atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased to 400 ppm today.
>Before the industrial revolution, atmospheric CO2 concentration stayed around 280 ppm for millenia
how do you know that
>iplayer still doesn't do HD streams
What's the fucking point
I love these autists who think they know more about a topic they thought about for max 5 minutes than thousands of researchers whove devoted their lives to its study
By measuring the concentrations of gases found in air bubbles trapped in ice cores, primarily.
Well I have a degree in Sup Forums shitposting
Checkmate atheists
>only 6 episodes
Describe the narration if ithis was an American series.
I know right? Why can't we all just trust the jewish scientists, they got it all figured out
In short, we're taking carbon out of the ground (fossil fuels) and putting it directly into the atmosphere (carbon emissions) at a rate far more extreme than our planet has the capacity to deal with. This is altering the composition of our atmosphere which in turn has many negative effects on global climate.
>British documentary
>Here, in the jungles of Bhata-Tuthu, the praying mantis is in search of its prey.
>3 minutes of very clean and uninterrupted footage of the praying mantis following a spider
>American documentary
>Guitar riffs playing in the backround
>Rapid jump cuts of the praying mantis
>More flashy jump cuts
>More flashy jump cuts
>The mantis strikes
>Strange animal growling and screeching noises are dubbed in as it attacks because silent footage is too boring for americans
>Slow mo replay of the attack in black and white
>Starwipe to next clip
believe it or not, not everyone is a jew
I believe climate change is real. And I think Humans are probably mostly responsible for it. Thing is, I don't give a fuck. I do recycle and not b3 wasteful, though. But there is something exciting about bigger and stronger weather events.
When does this come?
here we go
And they'll be the best six episodes of television this year.
>narrator voice would always some weird inflection like everything he says is a pun
>turns out everything he says is a pun
>music like from an action movie soundtrack whenever something happens
>weird roars and screams and the sound of swords clashing whenever a fight happens, no matter if the animal is even able to roar or scream
>constant cutaways to "experts" sitting in front of a greenscreen with some shitty animation talking about everything like it's an MMA fight
>animals have charts with values for speed, strength, weapons (claws, theeth, stinger, venom, etc.), and get compared to each other where those "experts" speculate about who would win
>no shot longer than 5 seconds
>literally not a single second of actual recorded sound let alone silence
I can't watch the end of that webm
Brits favour quality over quantity
can you guys gimme a good list of bbc documentary kinos?
Planet Earth
Blue Planet
Frozen Planet
The Hunt
Life in the Undergrowth
The Life of Mammals
If it has Attenborough's name on it, it's worth watching.
what is a VOLCANO.
>Sir David, who returns to screens for Planet Earth II this weekend, said the British public had no way of influencing the outcome of the US presidential elections so proposed an altogether more extreme solution.
>“Well, we lived through that with earlier presidents – they’ve been equally guilty… But what alternative do we have? Do we have any control or influence over the American elections? Of course we don’t,” he said.
>Adopting a hushed tone, he said: "We could shoot him, it's not a bad idea" before chuckling.
What did he mean by this?
It's a shame to hear him speak like this, but at the same time, if you can upset Sir David, you've probably fucked up.
do you really think that all these researchers are Jewish? The facts are clear climate change is real and it is caused by human activity,
I can link you a recent study that sums up a lot of the recent research and projections of climate changes impacts if youre interested
so incredibly hyped
the first Planet Earth is kino
i don't like when they show animals fighting or getting eaten :^(
Taking animals from zoos to filming then in the wild and capturing them again and go back to the zoo.
Planet fake BBCucks
Envirofag with a masters degree and I'm not totally agreeing with the other user, but let me redpill you.
Climate change is NEVER global (macro), it is ALWAYS local (micro). Some places are doing better than others, but the ones that aren't is frequently due to bad management (no sustainable development), and the ones that are actually doing well is due to good management (sustainable development).
So in short, it's a combination of all adding up, both good and bad.
The autism in this thread. I can't even represent people who spam jews and whatnot. How do they live outside? Do they talk to other people? What do they watch or listen to that make them that stupid?
Planet Earth was almost twice as long.
To be fair they've almost exhausted interesting wildlife since then though.
Or half the wildlife is already extinct by now
No1 gives a shit, it will be a cold day(pun intended) in hell before I pay for any climate pish.
Reminder that Attenborough cried because the recent storm in Florida was nothing and he literally wished it was a real catastrophe to turn people to Green faggotry.
The man chimped out against reality for not conforming to his climatic apocalypse bullshit.
kys normie
nice b8
dude everyone just wants to know when they will roll this tax out. ? in ten years or maybe more.
>talking shit about Attenborough
You've crossed the line prick
>want to talk about the documentary
>thread goes full Sup Forums
fuck all of you
From a pure scientific perspective, you won't even need extra taxation to "help the environment", all you really need is proper laws about conservation of natural habitats.
Basically tell people to not shit where they eat and all will be dandy.
but the damage is not done by the collective average joe like you and me, just because we drive a car, like they would have you believe
The man wishes death only for reality to fit his imagination.
He's a good entertainer, but that's about it.
well the idea behind the carbon tax is to speed up the shift from a fossil fuel based economy to renewables
At this point trolling in the form of denying climate change just makes you look like a retard, retard.
He's an educator.
well youre right in that one person not driving wont make a difference but if there was a widespread movement to electric cars / bikes/ public transport it would help.
Only government action can make the changes that are needed and that will only happen with widespread public support for climate change legislation including a Carbon tax.
Its worth noting Im not american and many countries already have one in place
It still doesn't change the climate, you retard. The human interference within the climate change is measured in fucking promils. With or without the humans, the climate changes, with or without the humans there will be another ice age in few thousand years, with or without the humans there will be tornados, typhoons, earthquakes, fire etc.
P.S. You're a liberal idiot.
But don't you know that those ice cores had Ashkenazi Jews as parents? Wake the fuck up user you're being played for a fool
You're seeing things I don't say. I just mentioned the fact that some seem very disappointed by not living the weather Armageddon.
Millenarists stopped after their fifth failure at predicting rapture in the late 19th century. But no amount of failure seems to disappoint the climatic apocalypse. I'm young and I was already supposed to die in acid rain (remember the acid rain hysteria in the 90s?)
Reading all the reports from the GIEC from the 80s and early 90s is both funny and awful. I pick these dates because they are the ones that were predicting things before the [current year].
>And I base this on absolutely nothing
>everyone who agrees with scientists is a le libtard
cool man
keep believing in your delusions
"Life" and "Africa" are the next best 2 I think
The shit they did in the Plants episode of Life is the most kino thing to come about in years
Africa was only 6 episodes and just has some crazy shit like Giraffes doing battle (if you don't even know how they do this you're in for a real treat)
Every fucking time. every fucking time in every fuckign thread there's a retard like you who don't even know what he is talking about. we're talking about a faster temperature rise, not your fucking cyclic climate change that every fucking scientist know about. seriously read a book
holy shit dude
>thinking this is a left vs right issue
way to swallow the american politics pill m8
read this if you actually want to learn something
>remember the acid rain hysteria in the 90s?
remember when acid rain exists and is a problem?
Any hysteria is a perception problem on your end. Try to get information from primary sources instead of the media all the time champ.
Most of scientists are funded by either governments or those gigantic MN corporations you libshits despise so much. You're being played like the idiots you are.
I still don't see how charging me more to drive my car is going to stop another ice age.
>remember the acid rain hysteria in the 90s
Yes, acid rain is dandy
i do think theres been a problem of people overselling CC in order for people to take action, it wont be an apocalypse but it will cost a lot of money over the next 50 years to offset effects and there will be a lot of refugees from poorer countries
>it is a giant global conspiracy!
this doesnt make sense on so many levels
I can only imagine the mental gymnastics you have to do in order to keep up your retarded delusion.
What does being liberal even has to do with anything?