>I thought maybe you guys would appreciate this post. I dont play video games anymore and even I have played the first three games of the series. Lastly let me say this, the Assassins Creed movie is probably the best video game movie ever released.
I thought maybe you guys would appreciate this post...
>Okay that obviously does not mean anything. But I think most will be glad to know that I found this movie enjoyable. This isnt another Ratchet and Clank or even Warcraft (although I hear lots of people like the warcraft movie, I just dont know why. I thought it sucked.)
>The first 20 minutes is the worst part of the movie. Everything moves so fast. One minute you got a kid who walks in on his dad killing his mother. The next you minute you have some dude waking up to find that he has been kidnapped by some secret society. The pacing was a bit concerning at first but Im happy to say that after Lynch (as you know, played by Fassbender) enters the animus things kind of settle in. Lets talk about the historical scenes. They are the best parts by far. They are beautiful (they do a great job at making you feel like your in 1400s Spain. That goes for costume design and all that stuff to.) And they are a but innovative too. The action sequences that take place in the past are a breath of fresh air in a sense. I really loved them.
How are the modern day scenes?
>Now the modern day stuff, while not as captivating as the Inquisition scenes, where mostly good too. The acting was great (did anyone expect it not to be with a cast like this?) Irons probably had the best performance. He sells his character. You can tell that he really wants to better humanity. He really thinks that the Templar Order is in the right and the Assassins are menaces. I liked that about this movie. There is a lot of grey area here. As you see in past sequences, the Assassins are not afraid to kill innocents to get the job done. How can they be the good guys? The modern day scenes do a good job at building suspense to the final act of the film. Where the modern day descendants challenge their Templar holders and attempt to escape Abstergo Industries. It was well done.
>Okay time for things that didn't work so well. The humor in this movie falls completely flat. Remember the part in the trailer where the Priest asks Lynch if its his birthday, and Lynch says the parties just getting started? Yeah expect a lot of that kind of thing. Some lines are cringe-worthy even. Character development is mostly well for the main characters, but some secondary characters are kind of stale coughcoughMichaelKennethWilliamscoughcough. This movie also does not do a good job at explaining how things work and/or being believable. How does the animus work? "It unlocks memories of your ancestor." Okay but how? When was it created? How can a man dive into a hay bale from a 400ft structure and survive? He should not be able to. I understand that the leap of faith is a part of the franchise, but it really does not work here. It feels corny. And as I mentioned up there, the pacing at first was jarring
Who are you quoting?
>Overall, id give it a 6 or 7/10. Its enjoyable. I think it will be critically positive. I think fans will love it (there are a few references to familiar characters that I understood, and like I said at the beginning Im not even a huge AC fan.) There was a ton of stuff that I missed. I dont think it will make to much money since it opens like a week before Star Wars. But I would like to see a AC movie trilogy now.
no one. Its just easier for people to read the green text.
I hope you're telling the truth, i have some questions though, is the spanish era part were all in spanish? if so then is it good in terms of the performance of the spoken language? and also is the CGI in movie looks better than the recent trailers because some of it looks unfinished
>The humor in this movie falls completely flat
Confimed for rotten on RT.
I wish its not another 'Marvel Quip-Fest'. I'm a bit unsure though still interested with this movie, mostly because the historical scenes and Jeremy Irons.
have we arrived in the era of /vidyakino/?
Yes and it seemed fine. I dont speak spanish but everything sounded natural and fluent. The cgi didnt seem bad, but I didnt notice a problem in recent trailers so i dunno. The movie has some beautiful shots and cinematography
The humor never over-saturates the film, the jokes just dont land usually when they try to. And thats not to say that the film doesn't have its moments.
Assuming OP isn't lying,
is Brendan Gleeson playing Fassbender's dad?
How are the chemistry betwen Fass and Marion? like in Macbeth? Are they lovers?
That's good to hear, when people say the joke that don't work will make the movie bad overall is just unfair, even Marvel themselves had some bad jokes that don't land in all their films
Not sure who is playing his father. He is only in it briefly. So who knows?
Never seen Macbeth but the chemisty between them works well! They become friends (if you can call it that) but not lovers.
>the parties just getting started
Does Jeremy Irons' character (Rikkin) die, because that dude has been around since the first game and I was wondering if anything would happen in the movie that's going to affect the games.
is this a reference to my bad spelling, or the actual joke?
>I don't see how that's a party
I was responding to the low effort generic cliche quip
Who the FUCK are you quoting, faggot?
>I don't own a video game player
what did he mean by this?
I dont want to give this stuff away lol
He lives. Cal escapes. Cotillard's character helps Cal escape. Irons gets beat up pretty badly, and the relationship between him and his daughter is strained by the end of the movie.
ur mom
You are aware spoilers tags exist, right? Fucking newshit
im aware now friend
>How can a man dive into a hay bale from a 400ft structure and survive? He should not be able to
If they trully stayed true to the source material and just made not!Ezio do a casual leap of faith with no realistic explanation, this is a very good thing for me. Not everything has to be realistic.
Dont fear about them staying true to the source material. This movie IS Assassins Creed (and thats mostly a good thing.) Buut sometimes it was to much for me.
I was afraid they would change too much, seeing as how the Animus is completely different from the games, or at least that's what i saw in the trailer, some kind of machines that "totally not Ezio" is strapped onto and it lets him move freely, so everything he does while DNA diving he is doing in real life.
Warcraft was good, but could have been better if the studio didn't market it as vidya: the gaem. Also duncans plan for directors cur, extended edition disc release was barred by the kinehategroupproducers.
Meh. To me it was a incoherent mess with wooden acting and a generic plot and characters. I really did not like it.
>is probably the best video game movie ever released.
doubt that
this still exists
okay i mean 2nd best