Am I the only one who liked this movie?

Am I the only one who liked this movie?

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No, that would be silly. Hehehehe.

Nah I liked it. I Never pay attention to the autists who whine that it's bad on here. Sure it had its flaws but it doesn't even come fucking close to how bad this board makes it out to be

I liked it, but i acknowledge that studio meddling plus the attempt of setting up everything for justice league made it a weak movie.

Its not good, but it has really good parts spread throughout.

No mate. I liked it as well. The Ultimate Cut is the true cut and its a shame WB chose to fiddle with the theatrical

Just ignore the same idiotic disneylets who moan about it. I get the feeling they think an argument is won by shouting the loudest and spamming the same threads

I liked it, i'm just not blind to its many flaws.

>Its not good
stopped reading there


Yes, you are the only one on the whole world, no one else liked it out of the millions who saw it.

You can just like a movie without the need of approval of others you know, it's called having a taste.

Fucking tourist special snowflake spineless pleb.

No, it's far and away the best cape film. The shit this movie got was a Facebook normie meme gone too far.

>shouldn't comic book movies be kid friendly?
what a way to alienate the adult comic readers lmao

Kid friendly ≠ Child Exclusive

Is some cuck comic faggot actually advocating that all comic movies (and star wars etc) should be kid friendly or is that just part of the 12 layers of annoying sarcasm?

Kid friendly is a douchebag meaningless platitude.


WTF is this real??

Calm down autists, you can still watch you capeshit movies in the comfort of your home without being judged.

that line is pretty much taking a shit on adults who still read comics though.

Look at the poster count autist

No it's saying that they should be for everyone.

I'll enjoy it regardless what a bunch of cringy faggots online think of me

Can't wait for the kid friendly version of Watchmen since it should be for everyone

I didn't say that I agreed with the fictional character of Peter Parker AKA Spider-man

This song is absolutely glorious.

Me and my friend started laughing everytime it started playing

Why? It's one of my gym songs.

It's pretty ridiculous.

It's fun, it's hype, it's got that vaguely exotic vibe, it works.

We just found it really stupid


>enjoying things unironically
>not cringing any chance you get just to say 'i cringed'

come on user

I like it.

When will you reddit tourists take your shitty capeflicks and go back?

Why are they crying?

Said the Reddit user

Tears of joy

Greetings Reddit?__?

>batman has a gun


Someone is salty DC is dominating the shit out of the comic market, it seems



I actually really enjoyed the first half but the second half was pure schlock. If it had a stronger climax it could have been great.

i thought id hate jesse eisenberg as lex but i liked it. all three of those actors are fine too, they just need some better writing. zack snyder has a good eye though.

Things I liked:
>The Batman / Superman fight to some degree
>Batman' warehouse fight

Things I didn't like:
>Everything else.

Rused much

Time Warner has given one million dollars to Clinton's campaign in addition to their very Democratic media support.

I got to thinking about it recently and the only scene that left an impression on me was the dream/vision part of the movie

It came out of left field and got really strange really fast

I liked it because it was the only WTF moment in an otherwise bland and senseless movie


I thought it was a fantastic film

For some reason, the crescendo during Aquaman's cameo always gets me hype as FUCK.


I could only watch first half of the movie before stopping. It was just too boring for me. Might be burnt out on hero movies since I'm not a comic book fan.

It's like DC keeps making Spiderman 3.

The ackshun was ok but the movie was meh.
To be fair, I don't really care for the "first" movies that has to establish shit for normies

that obviously photoshoped thigh

I like a lot! Awesome movie =)

Up vote

The final fight with Doomsday was really fucking hype. Made me feel like I was watching one of my Japanese animes. Can't wait to see the battles in Justice League next.

Hans version is much better.

No, plenty of fantards and people who only remember the ending fight liked it

No. I don't mind the 'darker' take on superman. Everyone is all praising nolans bat movies, these were just the logical extreme of that.

I wouldn't mind looking at a proper 1:1 adaption of a batman comic. Remember this is a character/franchise that FREQUENTLY changes writers and tone. Compare the late 80s/early 90s movies and the cartoon with the comics, so fucking different. There is no such fucking thing as 'most canonical' version of a comic character. As such I enjoyed this for it's attempt to shy away from 'the characters who can destroy the fucking landscape, duke it out in a location that ISN'T conveniently abandoned', then deal with the consequences.

What made it weak was shoeing in doomsday and death of supes. Should have been BvS as the proper meat of the story, but then how would they get from bashing each other up to suddenly stopping and teaming up? Wrote themselves into a fucking corner.


No, and the critics are shit.

Maybe. WW's age, demigod status (all her fucking artifacts) and thus Gods will need to be dealt with as well. How do you present 'in the 21st century, the fact that magic and gods are fucking real is a thing humanity will have to deal with'.

Would that be the lead in to JL proper? Like how in marvel TV series I can't understand the reality they live in, we're shown time and time again that old organizations, factions and cultures knew magic and aliens were a thing, but somehow over the last 500~ or more years everyone just out right stopped believing, until today when they are faced with the sudden return of magic, magitech, gods and the incredibly fast technology leaps these secret organizations have have been hiding.

These things are what makes starting off with the 'this is the reality you know and accept, now here have the fantastic and don't question the past when we reveal old things'.

I don't quite buy the 'he was dead during suicide squad thing'. We got the whole dirt lifting scene. Hiding, maybe. But what would have stopped him from 'holy shit this is otherworldly, I really should get the fuck over there and stop it'. We'll see in the next movie how/why of the contrivances that stop him fixing the problem.

He was definitely dead. There was even a guy still selling t-shirts in it. Waller's(the Squad's chief) whole pitch is about how *this* Superman may be dead, but what have we got in place to safeguard against the appearance of something else like him.

I think it's going to turn out that the old myths are true, but something prompted the gods to withdraw from the human sphere, taking magic with them in the process. Superman causing a resurgence in magic might even be what "woke up" the Enchantress, her brother, and whatever Aztec god was using Diablo as an avatar. I still think we're going to find out that Enchantress and her brother were essentially sentient weapons left behind after the prehistoric war, and that prior to Superman's arrival, their vessels gradually regained power, just like Diablo mentioned his powers seeming to increase over the course of his life.

>Am I the only one who liked this movie?
No. Don't worry OP there are lots of other homosexuals out there who also liked it the same way you did.

I hope you don't work in business or any type of economics

No. Were you absent from Sup Forums this entire past year?

He's not wrong. He's just talking about actual comics. Despite lackluster sales Marvel's still definitely raking in the Bucks via their Disneyfication.

All it cost them was their soul.

It's true though, Marlel is just an IP farm for the Mouse. Fucking Aquaman is selling more. Also DC beats them good in the videogame market too so I wouldn't be so quick to get jewy with which one makes more money. Videogames are a bigger industry than cinema nowadays

I liked it, watched the extended cut.

And I liked WW in it too.

>Kid friendly

Marvel knows it's audience.


I liked it too, very much.


I loved it. BvS for best superhero adaptation ever

I liked it a lot, but it's not good. I'd give it something like a 5 or 6 on 10. A mediocre score.
People have been way too harsh on it, though.

When will this meme die?

Hey DCucks, could post some of those images explaining the imagery about why this film is good? I need a good kekkle.

Check back after you've finished your homework.