>best marvel movie
>worst marvel movie
Doesn't matter if you love 'em or hate 'em, I know user has opinions.
>best marvel movie
>worst marvel movie
Doesn't matter if you love 'em or hate 'em, I know user has opinions.
Other urls found in this thread:
Best? Winter Soldier.
Worst? Fucking Ant Man. What a piece of shit.
Best? The Avengers.
Worst? Guardians of the Galaxy.
Best: iron man
Worst: iron man 3
Best: Winter Soldier
Worst: Iron Man 2
Best: Winter Soldier
Wors: Doctor Strange
Best: Winter Soldier
Worst: Tie between Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron
Best - Iron Man
Worst - Thor 1/2
Underrated - Ant Man
Overrated - GotG (Winter Soldier on Sup Forums)
Guilty Pleasure - Avengers AoU/Hulk (2003)
winter soldier
thor 2
Best: Blade
Worst: Hulk
Best: Winter Soldier
Worst: Age of Ultron or Civil War
Captain America 2: Sons of Liberty
Either Age of Shittron or Iron Man 2
Best: age of ultron
Worst: thor 2
Do people actually like unironically Winter Soldier?
>stop liking what I don't like
Best: thor 2
Worst: age of ultron
Best: I don't know, The Avengers maybe. Perhaps the first Iron Man.
Worst: Iron Man 3 or Thor 1. Or even Iron Man 2.
>Thor 2 considered anything but the worst
Consider me honestly surprised.
Kino - Ant Man
Film - Winter Soldier, Guardians, Iron Man
Movie - The Avengers, Civil War, Hulk, First Avenger
Flick - Thor 1&2, Ultron, Iron Man 2&3
Best: Batman v Superman
Worst: every Marvel childish fantasy action shlock, meaning all of them since they are made for retarded children
Best: Guardians of the Galaxy
Q3: Ant-Man
Median: Avengers: Age of Ultron
Q1: The Avengers
Worst: Thor
Just saw Civil War and have a question
How does iron man in new and improved version 10.0 of his suit in Civil War managed to get fazed by punches and kicks by stronger-than-average people?
In Iron Man 1 and 2, he literally takes bombs, tank shells, and bigass machine gun/assault rifle fire from point blank and it barely bothers him. But bucky and cap can overpower him when he's in the suit? A punch or kick from them can send him flying back and reeling from the pain? Nevermind the fact that in IM1 he flies with literal stealth military fighter jets faster than the speed of sound and has no problem reacting too slow because his suit clearly is helping him out.
People complain about the power creep of these films, but I have a problem with the opposite. All the moves since phase 1 have slowly made the super strong guys like thor and iron man weaker while making the chumps like captain america and bucky stronger.
Captain America and Bucky should have broken their hands when they punched Iron Man and certainly shouldn't have grabbed his fists mid-punch and slowly overpower him.
>not elektra
The fuck is wrong with you guys.
It was better than the first Thor at least.
>Asgard, portal battle, Thor and Loki parts: pure kino
>Earth, romance and Malekith parts: pure shit
Nah man I love it ironically haha
DCucks on suicide watch.
best winter soldier
worst iron man 2
i havent seen them all tho
It's stated his suits get lighter as they go on for more movement or some shit. Cap and Bucky have plot armour out the ass anyway, it's better just not to think about it.
Best: Captain America 1
Honorable Mention: Iron Man 2
Worst: Iron Man 3
Best: Civil War/Winter Solider
Worst: Both Thor movies. I wanted to like them but they were so boring.
I'm a Spider fag, so the new Homecoming movie will probably be first but i'm extremely biased. I even like ASM2.
Best: Iron Man = Civil War
Worst: Thor
Captain America movies >>>>>>>> Iron Man movies >>>>>>> Thor movies
You can disagree but you'd be wrong.
Best: spiderman 2
Worst: xmen 3
Cap 1 is awful and Civil War may as well be an IM movie.
>Cap 1 is awful
How to spot a pleb.
They made Cap the even more stronger than the strongest version in the comics, also IM suit was damaged and was weakend for the sake of the movie. There is no chance IM wouldnt obliterate Cap in a second.
Best: Iron Man
Worst: Avengers 2
GotG > Ant-Man > Doctor Strange >Avengers 2 > Cap 1, Iron Man 1 > Iron Man 2 > Avengers > Winter Soldier > Civil War
Best - Civil War
Worst - Thor 2
Best: Captain America
Worst: Thor
>Winter Soldier
>Thor II
Best: X2
Worst: Guardians of the Galaxy. One of the worst movies I've ever seen
Every Marvel character becomes incredibly more powerful when it's their title movie. Cap blows ass in the Avengers, but he's great in his movies. Iron Man is a tank flying at the speed of sound in his movies, in Civil War/Avengers he gets hurt by impact damage, alien lasers, Cap's shield, Bucky's arm etc.
Same with Thor too.
Best: Winter Soldier
Worst: Age of Ultron
Best: Iron Man 2
Worst: Iron Man 3
>Yeah, it's called Scagnetti on Scagnetti. It's probably in your local bookstore.
What did he mean by this?
Best non-MCU is Spider-man 2. if it was MCU only that honor goes to Civil War.
Worst non-MCU is X3. worst MCU is Thor The Dark World
>Great Tier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Iron Man
>Good Tier
Iron Man 3
Civil War
>Meh Tier
Age of Ultron
Captain America
The Avengers
>Bad Tier
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Thor 2
Haven't seen Doctor Strange yet.
yeah it's called uh shitty writing for a shitty movie for a progressively shitty franchise
BEST: Civil War
Worst: Iron Man 3
Agreed. Cap 1 was great and also featured best girl.
It's babies first political thriller but without any politics or thriller.
Best: Iron Man 1 or Guardians
Worst: Thor 2 or Hulk
Winter Soldier
Somehow I've never seen IM2, heard it's one of the worst ones.
Aside from that I thought Age of Ultron was pretty weak.
Best to Worst:
- Winter Soldier
- Iron Man
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Cap 1
- Ant-man
- Incredible Hulk
- Thor 1
- Civil War
- AoU
- Avengers 1
- Doctor Strange
- Iron Man 3
- Iron Man 2
- Thor 2
>best marvel movie
>worst marvel movie
all of them
best: the first avenger
worst: every thor movie and dr. strange
haven't seen strange yet but this seems to be the obvious thruth
Iron Man 1 best
Thor fucking worst
Fuck off, Reddit.
Haven't seen Dr. Strange but
>Top tier
Iron Man
Winter Soldier
>Great tier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Civil War
>Good tier
Cap 1
>Meh tier
Iron Man 3
>Shit tier
Thor 2
Age of Ultron
Iron Man 2
Says the Reddit manchildren
Best: Iron Man
Worst: All the others
Great Tier
Good Tier
>Civil War
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier
>Iron Man
Meh Tier
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>The Avengers
>Doctor Strange
>Iron Man 2
Bad Tier
>Age of Ultron
>Captain America
>The Incredible Hulk
>Thor 2
>Iron Man 3
AAnd fixed
Have a (you), Reddit.
Best: Winter Soldier
Worst: Thor 2
>pretty good
Guardians of the Galaxy
Winter Soldier
Iron Man
>not a good MCU movie, but I liked it
Iron Man 3
Captain America: First Avenger
>not good
Age of Ultron
Doctor Strange
Civil War
Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Thor 2
A throw-away line about gov surveillance is politics now?
Thanks now have a (You) for you, Reddit Manchildren.
i guess you are referring to MCU movies so id say
best MCU: civil war
best overall: SM2
worst MCU: AOU
worst overall: X3
Winter Soldier
Best? X-men First Class
Worst? The Amazing Spider-Man 2
>ant man
wot m8?
Surely Thor was the biggest turd
Thor/thor 2 are worse than guardians fer sure.
it's hard to pick them out, they all kinda blend together into one big turd
oh the original cap for best i guess, cuz it was in WW2
Best Winter Soldier
Worst Thor
I guess it would have to be Guardians of the Galaxy since it is literally the only one so far that doesnt have something in it that is either contradictory to another movie or an outright gaping plot hole.
Wow thats fucking tough, there are so many that are shit. But i guess Iron Man 2.
I absolutely despise capeshit but im an idiot who sees it anyway and i can at least admit that the MCU is getting better.
Best: Winter Soldier
Worst: Thor: The Dark World
Best: Winter Soldier
Worst: The Incredible Hulk or Iron Man 3
>the entire thread forgot
best = deadpool
worst = thor 2
Best is either Iron Man or Winter Soldier
Worst is either Iron Man 3 or either Thor movie
Civil War or Avengers
Thor 2 or Guardians
I think everyone assumed it meant Marvel Studios, Deadpool was Fox. If all marvel-based movies counted then Ghost Rider would be the objective worst.
if ALL Marvel properties are allowed:
>Best: Spiderman 2 or Civil War
>Worst: Elektra
if only MCU:
>Best: Civil War
>Worst: Iron Man 3
Thor 2 > Thor 1
I have no idea how anyone can think otherwise.
deadpool, green lantern, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and blade 3 have been wiped from everyones memorys cos no-one likes ryan renolds
Best: Iron Man
Worst: 2015 Fabtastic 4
>Did not specify MCU
>Only said Marvel movie
TOP THREE (no particular order)
--Iron Man 1
--Winter Soldier
--Guardians of the Galaxy
BOTTOM THREE (no special order)
--Thor 1
--Iron Man 2
--Blade 3
Best: Civil War
Worst: youtube.com
DCucks on suicide watch
Best: Doctor Strange
Worst: Age of Ultron
Underrated: Thor 2
Overrated: Winter Soldier
Most Disappointing: Civil War
By "Marvel Movie" are we referring to any movie based on a Marvel property, or MCU specifically? Because Spider-Man 2 shits all over the entire MCU.
Otherwise though I enjoyed Civil War a hell of a lot and Thor 2 is easily the weakest one.
Also, Winter Soldier is overrated.
Best Civil War
Worst Iron Man 2
My opinion:
Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Iron Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Doctor Strange
Thor 2: The Dark World
Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
the line separates the movies that I unironically like from the ones that I mostly don't like, but I still enjoy because I like all of them. I am the marvelfag of which Sup Forums speaks
Iron Man 3 is the best of his solo movies, it's the only one who doesn't feel made by committee.
But which one had the best theme song?
I choose Ant-Man.