He brought it on himself anyway because If he's attracted to Japs, Nurse Ogawa > Keiko Fight me.
Star Trek General: O'Brien's Life Is Suffering Edition
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>star trek general
because I want to guarantee star trek threads become as shitty as /who/ and /got/
>Ogawa > Keiko
they're the same chick though
No user, you may not be aware but there is a little known fact that has become unpopular to recognize in mainstream society which is that Asian people look alike. Keiko Ichihara and Alyssa Ogawa are in fact two different people.
whoa, dude. youre soo alt right.
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
what does that even mean? you memelord
Remember when Keiko turned into a 10 year old girl and O'Brien fucked her brains out?
Jesus Christ O'brien
tightest ass you can tap without setting off an amber alert
Daily reminder we will never see what became of Star Trek after the Dominon war, everything will from now on be shitty reboots and prequels, despite TNG's wild success and differentiation from TOS all while being a continuity honoring sequel.
Also to that user in the other thread, Profit and Lace is the worst piece of Star Trek ever made.
>doesn't like the Slug-o-Cola
And that's why YOUR teeth aren't that lovely shade of green. How could you not like Slug-o-Cola, it's 43% live algae which makes it the slimiest Cola in the Galaxy!
>It's a O'Brian goes to mental jail for twenty years and gains severe PTSD episode
Also Star Trek Online is technically canon prime universe taking place post Nemesis. You probably don't want to know the details.
STO treats the Abrams magic nova as "canon" so I'm more than happy to dismiss it out of hand.
Plus Gene's rules of "only what's on the little or big screen is canon (except when it isn't)" is also in play. All the 'official' guidebooks / licensed stuff etc are not canon and never were. They're on the same level as fanzines to Gene.
>implying he didn't already have PTSD from his time on the Rutledge. This guy sure did even if he was right that the Cardassians were engaging in a military buildup along the border.
You must have missed
>except when it isn't
Something on the screen can be not canon, but not vice versa.
What about Kirk's middle name being Tiberius? I think that was only actually stated in the books. The series only ever mentioned it being the initial "T"
I'm a human being dammit... You can deny me all you want. But you cannot deny Ben Sisko EXISTS. That future. That space station, all those people, they EXIST, in HERE. In my MIND. I CREATED IT. And every one of you know it. You read it! It's here, you hear what I'm telling you?! You can pulp a story, but you cannot destroy an idea. Don't you understand? That's ancient knowledge. You cannot DESTROY an IDEA. That future, I created it, and IT'S REAL! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? IT IS REAL! I CREATED IT! AND IT'S REAL! IT'S REEEAL!
It's pretty easy to let the cartoon be canon, since it doesn't kill any characters and generally doesn't change any character backstories. Not to mention that they actually referenced it when making TNG.
>implying that you didn't plan it
really? what sorts of references?
The movies use Tiberius.
The cartoon introduced the holodeck.
There are people that simply look alike. To the point that in casting they will deliberately look for people as replacement actors that look like the person they're replacing.
>Asian people look alike
Sometimes they do like everybody else. For fucks sake it isn't racism to state the obvious.
Is it just a coincidence that Pogo looks exactly like Commander Samuel Cockings from Trek Yards or are they in fact the same person?
It only became canon when it hit the screen, although it was originally from the fandom.
Tiberius is a little wonky because it was canon for a while via TAS before Gene hand waived TAS away, but it's apparently said in VI according to Memory Alpha so it still stands.
>into S4 of Enterprise
Show is decent I guess, but am I the only one fucking sick of season long story arcs in muh star treks?
DS9 had them, but they were pretty subtle and often just happened in the background while another story took the spotlight in every episode.
Then Voyager came along and the whole fucking series was a big retarded story arc trying to get back home.
And now Enterprise has an annoying story every season that they focus on super hard and ignore anything else.
I miss TNG and TOS where every episode was something new, or they were just out exploring shit, or trying to make peace with somebody.
oh neat, so it's not so anachronistic that those TOS fan series like Continues and Phase II put a holodeck on the Constitution Class afterall.
The arcs were especially weird in Voyager, because they were supposed to be traveling at high warp in one direction. These bad guys should be months of travel into the distant rear.
Star Trek Voyager uses Wacky Races logic. They beat an enemy and pass who then is still somehow ahead of them later to try again.
What's especially weird as that they were still dealing with the Kazon. It's almost as if they invested a lot in makeup and production in that species and then had no clue what to do with them.
They were nearly pre-warp and the writers didn't seem to know whether they were a major threat or a bunch of retards. It was absurd that Janeway decided to meet with them rather than just going to high warp and leaving Kazon space. They controlled fuck all really.
That's an extremely apt description. Races show up that shouldn't even be in the space they're in for no reason. If you see a map of the delta quadrant drawn out the episodes don't make any sense. Like, what in the fuck were certain races doing in Hirogen hunting territory?
Everything relating to distance is wonky in Trek.
>implying that you're not gonna set it straight, this Ferengi freight
Original Trek was haphazard, but the other series were mostly grounded. They went through the trouble if claiming that warp was now measured differently in TNG, to try to get away from the way Kirk kept hitting warps 14+.
>watching final frontier
>they just casually fly to the centre of the galaxy like it's nothing
Shouldn't that take forever?
>warp limited to factor of 10
good thing the universe uses base 10 mathematics to assist in humanity's 10 digit manifest destiny of the universe.
I watched TNG first as a kid and then had to wrap around the other series. I was watching ToS, both though movies and through the series and it was pretty interesting how they threw things out the window.
TNG had actual scientific consultants from Berkeley (who either didn't know or care) whereas ToS had mostly nothing or people from the 60's who had a very loose grasp on physics since they grew up with the moon landing and relativity was a somewhat new idea.
They pass a barrier in that general direction. They didn't hit the literal center, or even get especially near it. They basically just drove through a fog that is hard to scan through.
I feel like most of the TNG stories were written specifically for Trek, and a large share of TOS stories were existing ideas for general sci-fi that writers adapted to be on Trek.
Keiko was a chink pretending to be japanese and Ogawa was actually japanese. So you're right, Ogawa was better.
Keiko was a cold, unfeeling, nagging, bitch.
or "warp factor" is a unit defined by 10 digited humanoids
She was alright on TNG, the DS9 writers couldn't get her character right, kind of like how they wrote Worf as a sanctimonious tool. And he probably wondered why no one from the Enterprise could be bothered to come to his wedding.
>implying the universe isn't on base 10
there's a reason the size of the observable universe is 28Ă—TEN!!! to the ninth parsecs
>tfw there will be automated taxis in my lifetime but they won't be driven by robotic Robert Picardos
the future sucks
The last season of trek made this very, very obvious.
I really think the worst episode in all of trek is the one with the hippies and the guy with the giant ears , "The Way to Eden." It was absofuckinglutely awful and do not even bother suggesting others. I've formed a bias against this episode that breaks the mold.
It's probably quite difficult to arrange a holiday for the entire bridge crew of the flagship, they had shit to do, (inviting the Joan Collins species into the Federation while everyone else was busy dying for Bajor)
Warp 10 being the barrier is retarded. I don't mind there being some new C level barrier but 10 is dumb number to pick.
No military wants to call out "WARP 9.756". They'd simply draw up a scale with more logical increments that lay people can picture on the fly. Something with nice fat integers that everyone gets.
>doesn't like based Charles Napier
The man made a career on fucking big tittied whores in Russ Meyer films, voicing Jay Sherman's boss in the Critic and he kept the splayed silicon corpse of himself from Silence of the Lambs on the front entrance of his ranch. That guy was a fucking badass.
It's pretty easy actually. Unless there's a military crisis you just orbit a station/friendly planet and celebrate like you normally would. A flagship is basically a small town. I live in one now and you could pretty much create a nice atmosphere for the crew on a holodeck.
Use some imagination man.
>Unless there's a military crisis
there WAS a war going on.
That's aside from the cast, the episode was a hot bag of shit that you'd be desperate to throw out a window.
Even good actors have done some shit work that they're not proud of.
They only ever use 1dp for speeds, and warp speeds are logarithmic, so even if you made the top number bigger the difference between speeds would still be so great decimals would matter. 10 is also good number to use because it matches richter.
is he wearing a slice of hardboiled egg on his shoulder?
I was thinking about an ideal situation, not the damn dominion war. If they had any sense they would space dock and shuttle their families to earth before engaging the enemy.
I just finished watching Season 3 of Enterprise I actually have been enjoying it so far but the lead up to the next season scares me are they going to be back in time the entire final season?
They did, for example the USS Odyssey left all the non-essential personnel on DS9 before they went to find the Defiant.
Good thing too.
You aren't part of a United Federation of Planets and on-call to respond to any form of emergency on any of them.
He managed to get Kira pregnant without actually having the privilege of getting his end wet. That's a stealth "O'Brien must suffer" moment.
I don't think the Enterprise E had much of a civilian complement if any, unlike the D.
it is paramount's rules that unless it happens on a show or movie it is not canon.
from what i understand the reason why there has not been one is because of how DS9/Voy crushed all the big threats.
our friends now
are not in any shape to fight and have built a relationship due to the war kicking their ass.
they are in the same shape they left Bajor in.
beaten down. Odo got the founders to calm the fuck down.
confirmed for bored horn dogs.
no one besides Roddenberry thought they were a threat.
they feel like they have not marketable angle to go with.
Voy had the idea of it but never kept it up. things reset each episode.
Ent/DS9 s1-2 were episodic in nature and both of those are universally panned as being bad.
I believe you're forgetting the biggest threat of the TNG era, the Talarians!
Except it's explicitly stated in DS9 that the post Dominion power paradigm is between the Romulans and Federation, and that the Klingons only really need 10 years to recover from their wanton waging of the war. Also speaking of
Only ever pretenders. They let the Federation's feckless nature go to their heads thinking they'd beaten them. The Klingons had them dead to rights in less than a year.
TOS still measured distances in miles and feet. They just rejiggered the speedometers because by TNG, San Francisco had finally adopted the metric system.
Trekyards is some pretty autistic shit, but I can't help but watch it and learn all the sweet details about them starshits
The Enterprise isn't just doing what the main plot of the episode shows, at any one time they'll be transporting people and supplies to points along their route; hosting dozens of teams of scientists doing research, both in isolation and to observe specific phenomena along the route, and the fleets movements are probably co-ordinated so there aren't massive areas of Federation space with no starships in them at any one time.
Starfleet may serve as a military of The Federation in times of war but they're scientists and couriers mostly
Romulus is destroyed remember? that's the whole point of the JJ timeline existing at all.
It has a little infinity symbol drawn in the yolk. It's the infinity egg.
It's better that way but the E was designed for battle. I think it's 100% unrealistic that humanity will ever exist without war. The people who think otherwise are insulated from it by countries who actually are doing it.
>he fleets movements are probably co-ordinated so there aren't massive areas of Federation space with no starships in them at any one time.
how many times has Picard been informed "the Yamato can not be here for X hours sir"
>You will never do maritime biology research on board of the USS Iowa
Why bother living?
I don't think that applies the flagship.
Part of their liberty is the ability to pick-and-choose their mission outside of a crisis. In times of peace it's almost purely a diplomatic vessel.
In times of war it's the spearhead in battle.
How does anything ever get done in a post-scarcity society? Are 90% of people just NEETS that get high all day and fuck bitches in the holosuites? If humans on Earth don't use money how do they buy personal spaceships and shit so they can go explore the universe. I know replicators can replicate small things generally but I imagine big ass ships would maybe be a problem. Also dilithium isn't an unlimited resource so wouldn't you need to pay to use replicators or something?
>but am I the only one fucking sick of season long story arcs in muh star treks?
Enjoy them user, because ST Discovery is just gonna be one long story arc
same but it still makes me cringe every time they refer the Constitution Class as "the connie"
It's only destroyed in JJ's timeline. Otherwise Star Trek's linear time travel rules result in overwriting the timeline the second Nero goes back.
Pretty sure this is copypasta but I'll bite-
Humans have a natural impulse for advancement. There are actually ways to do this in the federation. An ensign starts out sharing a room. by the time you're a commander or captain you basically have a big hotel suite with an enormous bath, entertaining room and a bunch of other crap other people don't have.
It's why Riker was so comfortable on the Enterprise. His quarters were as big as Picard's and his perks were just as good. He had fewer duties so he only took on about 65% of the responsibility.
Riker was basically doing what Kirk would do a century later when shit got too PC.
No it's destroyed in the Prime Timeline, that's why Nero travels back in time (creating the Kelvin timeline) and get revenge against Spock not being able to save Romulus by waiting 25 years after that to destroy Vulcan? Holy shit it sounds even more stupid when it's all said but regardless in the Prime Timeline, Romulus is gone. And as said, if it happens on screen it's canon.
Were they autistic?
Why is she so perfect?
Worfs klingon bitch was miles hotter tho
If it happened then Nero goes back and the timeline collapses.
If it didn't happen then Nero doesn't go back and the timeline holds.
The idea of a split timeline is anathema to decades worth of Trek.
A new meme?
I still question whether or not the female character wanted to actually fuck like an animal or just liked the idea of it. Somehow I'm thinking it was the latter.
Who the hell wrote her character? She's like the freakish alpha male fantasy and I want to wax that like paste wasn't enough.
I always thought it was odd that they wouldn't let her play out her sexuality. Seemed like she just wanted to have sex and the "therapists" just wouldn't let her.
>A Vulcan cutie will never cosplay as an elf in order to convince you to join her in a viewing of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.
>Implying that she would have to convince me
I would like to see Selar dress up, though. That sounds amazing.
So JJ lied to us about the prime universe not being wiped out completely?
It's almost as if JJ Abrams doesn't know anything at all about Star Trek.
I dont know if it was that.
I think it was supposed to be her mentality is stunted like a 8 year old girl who has a crush. she does things without fully understanding the choices. it is just confusing because she is bangable.
pic related.
you'll be waiting for her next pon farr for that to happen and don't forget Vulcans have increased strength so you'll probably die from a crushed pelvis when she does go into heat
You seem to have a decent knowledge of film. What's the film where Theron and Reeves are in it and Theron has cancer?
I've really wanted to watch that for a long time.
>Take vulcan girl to Earth for holidays.
>Give her a Santa hat to wear.
It's very good, and extremely underrated.
Nevermind, It's "Sweet November."
Great film.
>100% unrealistic that humanity will ever exist without war
>there is war now, so there must always be war
That doesnt seem right, and kinda shits on Rodenberrys vision of a better future for Humanity.
Worth it.
Fuck, I wish I was at home. I'd love to poorly shoop a Santa hat onto Selar.