Should I start watchign Archer or does it have that redditcore humor?
Should I start watchign Archer or does it have that redditcore humor?
It's Reddit but in a good way, like Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls. Give it a watch.
>B-but is it WEBSITE?
Fucking kill yourself.
There's little political correctness, if you're asking. Also a fair amount of bashing of women. It's awesome, also.
Stop at the end of season 2. It's not as good after that.
Stop at the end of the first few seasons, before they start making jokes about "cuckolding" and being "butthurt"
After a while it just repeats the same jokes over and over again. Still funny for a while though, just watch it until it stops being good, you'll know in your gut when to stop.
Stop after first two episodes
I am feeling it after 4 seasons. Its just to stale for Archer being the same dick over and over again yet claiming that Lana is important for him etc. But at the same time I want to know some things that were set before, like what wad that russian guy talking about before dying in an explosion
what tv shows have legit Sup Forums humor?
"Why was he dressed like Hitler?"
>Am I supposed to like this or not?
How bout you decide for yourself. Give it a watch at least.
Yeah op it's great, stop watching after the first 15 minutes though, starts turning into reddit REAL quick
i dont think its very good but its /comfy/ when there is nothing else to watch
MDE, Eric Andre, Tim & Eric before Sup Forums lost their shit and discovered Tim was a liberal
basically lol-so-randum anticomedy that's liked by reddit as well
Damn. So many questions still unanswered.
They do switch it up a little after season 4 though
You can see the decline in seasons 3 and 4 but they are still watchable.
Season 5 is like they went out of their way to be unfunny
Season 6 is like they let fans write the season
it gets really bad once archer vice hits
who the fuck thought cherlene and coke pam where a good idea.
Probably the single guy that writes the show
The first couple of seasons are really great. Then the writers start recycling jokes and it becomes just watchable with a few good moments here and there.
he hired writers in season 3 when he ran out of jokes from his old shows to recycle you retard
Remember to laugh extra hard every time you remember a reference so that your fellow redditors know how clever you are.
Don't worry, we don't find out, or who Archer's father is. They kinda just dropped that plotline entirely after season 4.
do you really think you're proving anyone's point other than mine? Do you think Mike Clattenburg actually single handily wrote every episode of Trailer Park Boys?
It's redditish.
Nowhere near as bad as Rick and Morty or Bojack.
I really liked season 5 tho. Change and overarching plot did a lot of good. Also, character development. Sadly they listened to the fans and backtracked. Seldom works well with creative work.
I wouldn't recommend marathoning it
After a while it just turns into loud annoying noise
Being anti PC while secretly being pc is as Reddit as it gets.
Describe how it is PC then.
how poor of taste can you possibly have.
one funny line or scene from season 5 please