"He was buried right"

>"He was buried right"

Fucking liar.

Are you posting on Internet Explorer?

Amazing analytical skills OP, I think you might just have a career in film critique ahead of you

dude on the right looks baked af lmaaaooooooo



They were both dicks. Leo was jerking Hardy and his crew around by complicating the mission at every turn and Hardy was out of line the whole time.

Dec movie I rate 7.5/10

Funny, I watched this movie and thought that Hardy did literally NOTHING wrong.

i gotta agree with you there, Satan

wtf I hate hardy now


what did he mean by this?


>kid who was bullied by chads for not smoking in highschool detected
What a nerd lmaoooo

I'm fairly certain the point of this movie is DUDE WHITE PEOPLE LMAO

gahtdurm treeniggurs stole muh pelts


More like

>wannabe Chad trying to fit in detected


Nah I'm the guy who probably stole your girl. Lmaoooo cheers bud

jokes on you, I never had a girlfriend

It's ok nerd. Highschool over now you won't ever have to see those big meanies again!!

Because I stole her

jesus christ you could at least put some effort into this bait

i watched it on sunday and i give it a 5/10, CGI bear was fucking terrible, couldnt believe they called that "good to go"

plus the story was weak and predictable, and the musical score was repetitive as fuck. scenery and camera work was nice tho.

>you dun killed muh wifes son

It's not bait though????


>jokes on you, I never had a girlfriend
>Because I stole her

kek I thought I left the jersey Shore thread

I thought the world Innaritu created was really interesting, but the moral of the story was basically "Don't go out in the woods by yourself like a retard and then get mauled by a bear" lmao

I would watch literally any other kind of story in that setting, though. And the cinematography was top notch. At least Innaritu provided us with camerakino.
