well that was a really good movie
Well that was a really good movie
Other urls found in this thread:
dont you think
yes, they don't do alot of romantics like this, it's really good
glad that you respond to this thread
Childhood is when you idolise Tom, adulthood is when you realise Summer makes more sense
if the guy was played by jon hamm instead of that faggot dicklet gordon hewitt she would have stayed with him
this movie was utter shit 2bh fammm
Everytime some chick says they like this movie just don't bother.
Just run.
Just leave her, it's not worth the pain.
Summer did nothing wrong but I still feel bad for Tom. Like I can't rationally blame her but the situation fucking sucks for anyone who has been involved in something kind of similar.
>prime zooey
wew lad
her legs are so fucking great.
Zooey and JGL have great chemistry though.
Check this out.
>people are physically attracted to one another
Holy shit you might just be on your way to losing that virginity
That's kinda jazzy
I unironically like this film
who was more wrong
what the fuck is this thread ?
get to posting niggers
>adulthood is when you realise Summer makes more sense
Memes aside, Summer was a total bitch. She lead on Tom throughout the whole movie
already lost my virginity 5 years ago kid. she had big tits and no ass
Keep up the zooeyposting lads
Aw shit whats going on in this thread?
I bet I still have my zooey folder from like 2009 on an old hard drive.
I've moved on but secretly she will always be the MVP of my dick.
>Time it was
And what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence
A time of confidences...
Nobody did melancholy like Simon and Garfunkel. Loved the way the song was used in this.
feels good man
I wish that finger was my dick.
It's even longer than it.
Her sister is hotter
>being this much of a cuck
No. Summer is a cunt. Even the people who made the movie have said so and that she was intended to be that way. This movie is a fucking chick flick from the guy's perspective. It's good. But that slight freshness is literally the reason that people find it so "original".
Anyways tl;dr: Tom's a cuck. Summer's a little bitch. You are both.
Who did that to her??
Did Ben "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" Gibbard do that to her?
She's cute af
More New Girl stuff
aaaand i'm done, hope you enjoyed
its been a while
may you never forget who's best waifu around these parts
iphone 5 really was the best designed iphone
Thank you user
>those legs
wew lads
>when the parking meter tries to out quirk you
they don't make bait like they used to
What bait
>was upfront and honest
Tom is a fucking bitch nigger and should have either made her fall in love with him or ditched her ass
It's a good movie, though. I still haven't learned the moral it tries to impart, but maybe I will someday.
>Even the people who made the movie have said so and that she was intended to be that way.
>women are always in the wrong unlike based men except for cucks which is everyone am I right /r9k/
Kill yourself retard
Only if you idolize pathetic, cancerous cunts.
Its not about idolizing cancerous cunts
Its about passing over cancerous cunts
I dated a girl for seven years and when we were on our last year together before she dumped me and immediately started seeing another guy, she wanted to see this movie. I watched through it about midway before I said to her that this movie wasn't interesting and just some hipster love story.
Several months after we broke up, I remembered about this movie and so I watched it for the second time, this time all the way through. I laughed of how similar things happened.
>Still waiting for my Autumn tho
What are other tfw no gf kinos to watch?
this is best webm ive ever seen in my life
>Before Sunrise.webm
How about you just watch the film you shit
>Co-writer of the film Scott Neustadter admitted the film was based on a real romance. Neustadter explains that when he met the real girl who inspired the character Summer as a student at the London School of Economics in 2002, he was rebounding from a bad breakup back home, and promptly fell "crazily, madly, hopelessly in love" with the girl who "returned his kisses but not his ardor." The ending of the relationship was "painfully and unforgettably awful," which prompted him to co-write the film with Michael H. Weber. When Neustadter later showed the script to Summer's real life counterpart, she said she related more to the Tom character.[7][8] Weber also stated that, "we've all been in the trenches of love, we've all gone through the highs and lows, so Scott and I felt that the only way to tell this story was to come at it from a completely real place. It was pretty interesting for us because Scott was just going through a break-up and I was in a long-term relationship, so we each brought a totally opposite perspective, living it and not living it, and I think that tension helped to bring out more of the comedy".
if you don't post another good film like 500 days of summer, your zooey deschanel will die in her sleep tonight
Jesus christ that piss filter
>SuperQT ever being interested in Mr. Fantastically Ugly
What did the Jews mean by this?
Like 500 Days of Summer but instead of your girlfriend you're cucked by your entire existence
Not clear what's going on in this thread lads, but fucking keep going.
>tfw I'm to poor and still havent found a woman who wants me
Please delet this!
Like (500) Days of Summer but made by a genius.
If this isn't literally you then get off my board.
>that scene with his dying daughter
>It's a Woody Allen plays a neurotic writer/scriptwriter living in New York who meets beautiful women but ends up with Diane Keaton
Annie Hall is a remade Manhattan is a remade Play it Again is a remade Love and Death
>the same principle actors= remake
Literally a simpleton. Do you even watch movies or do you just wait for them to be over so you can feel like you did?
I masturbate to Diane Keaton