>tons of dani stans bombarding him with hate what a cesspool, twitter should be nukes
Samuel Kelly
U mad
Angel Hernandez
Yeah I feel for the dude, but Jamboree fanbase is fucking insane, pic related
Reminder that Scott did nothing wrong
Nathan Richardson
all we have is these two
lets all hope that danielle gets evicted in double eviction
Hudson Long
no you're just a faggot
Christian Ward
no one is mad. It's just really funny to be 5 months into a show like this making threads daily and you still fuck it up.
Sebastian Ward
Can't wait for you nignogs to get misted into giving the next care package to someone who isn't Morgan.
Isaac Sanders
someone ask scott on twitter whether shelby's feet have a cute sweaty scent
Cameron Cruz
>Winston follows this crazy bitch
Gavin Sanchez
>trump wins tomorrow >season turns around >Shelby wins over Krispy and Gay
Zachary Diaz
Oh my
Ryan Moore
Adrian Reyes
Tarans meme maker here
No one propagated the Krispy propaganda? baka
See you guys in OTT2
Brayden Hernandez
she gonna be okay?
Jeremiah Garcia
>coming back for ott2
Blake Morales
>ur dick is too small for you to be this far up my ass
what did she mean by this?
Dominic Cox
Where's your good TV now CBS, huh?
Joshua Hall
her nightmare of being stuck with the LNJ and all the girls gone is becoming a reality
Adam Phillips
I don't know, Satan. Twitter considers her a worse person over Krispy, somehow.
Xavier Reed
if danielle survives the double eviction, no
Christopher Reyes
>tfw no bb gf who gets a tender pussy from veto comps
topkek winston confirmed for sex pervert
Adrian Myers
get a real job
John Robinson
Ian Watson
morgan is getting evicted
Xavier Bennett
Noah Gray
Alex mad af
Alexander Gutierrez
I wish Whit had said "Guess!" when Morgan asked her what they were celebrating
Thomas Rivera
who are you quoting? I didn't say no
Isaac Bell
>took them this long to figure out whitney flipped plastics just arent good
Matthew Collins
Think Alex will make allstars?
Gavin Johnson
>alex thinks she is going to blow up Whitney's game to the misfits
how cute
Carson Foster
>they said it wouldn't happen again
Joshua Ramirez
Lucas Davis
No but Jason and eventual winner Justin will
Colton Rodriguez
scott going in
Asher Hernandez
Ayden Turner
Do you honestly think anyone this season would make all stars besides Shrimpman?
Angel Collins
>tfw we get payback for BB18 double eviction and Morgan beasts it out for HOH
Daniel Russell
>a plastic >beasting
does not compute
Cameron Bennett
>she wastes it on whitney
Nicholas Gutierrez
does morgan really think she can blow up the game of someone who flipped in a split house?
Michael Cook
This should have been an all stars edition, it's quite apparent it's all about the pre built fan base
Juan Johnson
yes. so does Alex and Shelby
Oliver Sullivan
why are they so dumb
Luke Martinez
the concept isn't terrible. it's just they shouldn't have had a vet on it
Oliver Barnes
well at least they know whitney flipped, i am surprised how dumb of them for not knowing it sooner
Caleb James
I want Morgan to cuss out Shitney so bad.
Adam Hill
Much less a vet that got fucking VOTED in
Michael Carter
the concept is fucking horrible and if you made a mist twatter you would realize how stupid it is to let this retarded fanbase make decisions
Lincoln Garcia
they outnumbered him 5 to 1 in the first veto and let him win
nobody to blame but themselves
Ian Collins
How come a girls alliance never works out?
Dylan Perry
>Plastics FINALLY figuring out Whitney flipped >Plastics don't realize that Whitney flipped was because she knew she was on the bottom of their alliance because shelby is a goat
I really hope they try to blow up her game
Jayden Gomez
plastics gonna go full cringe on whitney tomorrow
Oliver Jones
>Shitney "america's sweetheart" turned into biggest snake of the season >Winston a degenerate jerking off to Twitter filth
o im laffin
Hudson Williams
They love dick too much (Nat, Whit, Shelli, etc)
Charles Powell
>if you made a mist twatter you would realize how stupid it is to let this retarded fanbase make decisions
Yeah I generally don't venture outside of /bb/ since you guys post the jokers polls and whatnot
I had no fucking idea what kind of fanbase this show has, it makes me kind of ashamed to be such a fan.
Caleb Scott
im glad they are at least trying to stay in the game. can you imagine if the misfits were in this situation. did they even attempt to make deals during Scott's HOH?
Parker King
too catty
Also, women can't be alpha or a snake and be praised by fans either. Look at Nicole last year and Whitney currently. Tons of people are calling her "shitney".
Josiah Barnes
the fanbase hates all snakes because a snake fucks over everyone's favorites. true students of the game appreciate the snake strat
Josiah Butler
do the plastics know Jason is using veto on Dani?
Elijah Torres
>they fall for men or prioritize a crush over the girls whitney is a prime example of that, she wants to take justin to the end because she likes him
they suspect he is despite falling for his shit mist, only dani celebrating gave it away
John Roberts
Morgan is so fucking mad about Whitney
Benjamin Williams
Did you forget Shelby beasting HOH just a few days ago.
Josiah Cooper
who was the snake of the brigade?
Carter Butler
Yea I'm honestly getting embarrassed with these results. I just have to keep telling myself if the full audience was watching, we'd at least have had Kryssie up at SOME point.
I really can't do this shit. I was so close to nope-ing the fuck out of here Week 2... oh the hour spent leading up to a boring as fuck Justin / Jason / Danielle win.
What's most heartbreaking is Scott is on twitter not tweeting to people not to cancel. What a guy
Parker Thomas
hue gonna stare down whitney while she uses the hairdryer
Evan Lewis
now tweeting*
Cooper Thompson
This is so sad
Cameron Lee
>we'd at least have had Kryssie up at SOME point. We still have one more chance for that. That's gonna be my last attempt at making the game worth something before I leave OTT forever
>Neely retweeting peoples' shitty tweets about Scott >Shane making gay little balloons with rats with Scott's face >Scott being genuine and asking people to keep watching even though things are shitty
So fucking based
Bentley Price
Double eviction has an America's nom? I thought it was over now
Isaac Murphy
after DE we get one more AN
Hunter Sanders
>tfw when bb16 and 17 were the last interesting seasons of bb kill me bruhs
Brandon Morales
Honestly I don't know, the one-hour window is going to make something crazy happen, especially when it's happening between 12am and 1am on the East Coast
Kayden Brown
>bb16 >interesting
Kevin Ortiz
Kek Seriously man... it speaks for itself
Neeley and Shane are fucking messes who don't realize their getting their little warm fuzzies from retarded BLM children
Brody Sullivan
going at jason as a group with this plan so early isnt a good idea
Landon Adams
>beast mode >christine's eviction >the finale reveals sure more entertaining than this shit
Adrian Moore
Kek just noticed this
Grayson Gray
she can't play this week
Camden Brooks
>Girls planning on blowing whitney's game up at an opportune moment up the road
>Do it 2 minutes later to Jason
Nice strategy ladies
That's some stupid shit McCrae came up with the other day
Alexander Torres
Ah nevermind then
Scotts such a boss
Sebastian Cruz
she could
Austin Rodriguez
This will make Shane more butthurt than anything
Luis Lopez
>forgetting DEVIN
He was the best pre-jury boot to ever play the game.
Tyler James
they went at Jason too early with this plan oh well it wouldnt have worked anyways
Alexander Morris
BB16 was 80% shit and the episodes were the worst of all time