I cried after the first 4 episodes of this season
ITT: Shows only you watch
Poldark is popular, you're not a special snowflake.
It's not only you OP, my 90 year old grandmother and all of her geriatric friends watch it too
demelza is a fucking peach is she not
My family watches it after Sunday dinner. Thats a 65 year old man and me (29) and my older brother (33). I'm pretty sure we're not the target audience either.
>knowing what your grandmother and her friends watch
lol u fag
you weren't kidding, I can't even find any seeds for this bitch
Can you tldr the series for us pls user?
british gentleman returns home from losing the war in the American colonies to find his child hood sweetheart has married his cousin and his dad died leaving him a near used up old copper mine.
Shenanigans ensue.
are you a faggot..because nothing that bad happens that early on?
>Sup Forumsdark
my dad watches this religiously, it actually looks pretty kino
Ah ha. It's like the image board.
That's funny.
Hah hah.
and i fucking love every minute of it, even though i know its bloody mediocre, but i cant help myself
I watched the entire first season. Really bad show but "nicely" shot soap opera schlock. It gets progressively worse and more melodramatic with each passing episode. Not gonna bother with the second season desu
We had weekly/daily threads for the entire second season. Also Bex is love, Bex is life.
I spent 30 minutes figuring out how to make webms, and then making said webms, out of the Halloween special because I liked how she looked in tight pants.
They were 30 minutes well spent
Poldark is for women bro. They went out of their way to make him so fucking sexy and it's annoying to watch.
Anyone here see davinci's demons?
i'm the only person under 40 i know that knows what Columbo is, let alone watches it
She is all kinds of perfect
QT with fun body
Fret not user my mom likes this show too.
Yo, doesn't that show take place in Cornwall? Beautiful corner of the world, I love spending time there
Made a thread about it the other day. Zero replies.
These Planes...
>inb4 go back to tumblr
Women ruin everything.