Why does Mel hate superhero movies?
Why does Mel hate superhero movies?
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He knows they only exist to launder money.
Has he reformed?
Mel Gibson might be the greatest person from Hollywoon, Clint Eastwood a close second.
is that Karl Marx on the left?
Stephen Colbert is a fucking insufferable liberal faggot.
Me on the left
He seems like a lion that's forced wear a pink tutu barely keeping it together because the last time he got the cattle prod.
You can tell he supports trump by the silence after colbert insults him those two times
He's based!!!
>Why does Mel hate superhero movies?
is there a particular part where he says that? give us a timestamp at least
Thanks for Correcting The Record, Clinton shill.
Because he's a director and super hero movies make a shit load of money, thats why.
Yeah they are not good and I dont like em either, but more directors who work on smaller films complain about them.
He says something along the lines of "it's about time we had a hero that wasn't dressed in Spandex"
>this cuck has Mel on his show
>Fallon dares to treat Trump like he's not an inhuman monster
This, to be quite honest, family.
Is he back?
No. But jews' priority is money and they can't let talent go to waste. And on his side he knows he can't have a job without the jews. Hence the truce.
I'm sure they'll all be committing sudoku on Tuesday
But I thought Stormfags didn't do compromise
Who said he's a stormfag?
He's a regular redpilled dude who has shown too much of his power level under the influence of alcohol.
This is his next role
He used to be fine in interviews on his old show but was annoying here. So weird.
How much has the late night show changed him?
Go back to Sup Forums, you dumb sack of shit.
mel doesn't give a fuck about the tabloid drama shit
not a single fuck
Man, Colbert is a seriously bad host. The only jokes he's capable of landing are political in nature, it's embarrassing. He's simply just not good host material
His parody of a midly conservative pundit was still lovable. And conservatives, unlike liberals, have learnt to have enough self-derision to appreciate it.
The current show is all about him being a pathetic corrupted self-hating propagandist for one of the most despicable person is american political history. And it's not a parody at all.
Guess I must have misheard the oven-dodging kike remarks
seriously. Aside from Conan I feel like everybody is taking me for a ruse when they think Colbert, Kimmel and Fallon are in the realm of even being mildly humorous.
Maybe plebs are just that fucking retarded. They all have the fucking worst sense for actual humor that Conan DOES have
>And conservatives, unlike liberals, have learnt to have enough self-derision to appreciate it.
Is that why conservatives couldn't handle the bantz at a Trump rally last night and instead attempted to paint the picture as an """""assassination""""" attempt?
Yeah, lot of self-derision all right
>I remember, like, fifteen years ago, I was at one of those big Hollywood parties. And (Gibson) was really drunk,' Ryder tells the January issue of GQ about the controversial actor, 54.
>I was with my friend, who's gay. (Gibson) made a really horrible gay joke. And somehow it came up that I was Jewish.
>He said something about "oven dodgers," but I didn't get it
Like I said he was drunk. And frankly, that's not really offensive, just a piece of dark humor. But jews somehow feel their sentiments need special care, though I fail to see how they ever have it hard in today's western societies to make such demands.
>I-I m big long time fan i swear !
>paint the picture as an """""assassination""""" attempt
This is a campaign, every dirty blow is allowed, like Clinton's loony remarks on Russia. Nothing to do with self-derision.
>The current show is all about him being a pathetic corrupted self-hating propagandist for one of the most despicable person is american political history.
Wait, Colbert is a Trump supporter?
based mel is based!
Some people vote Clinton because despite her being a horrible human being, they think Trump is somehow worse.
And then there's those who supported the cunt even against Bernie Sanders, that is the dumbest and equally horrible human beings. I guess you could call them "the Deplorables".
>that Trump dig
Hilariously you just know based Mel is voting for Trump.
Thanks for Correcting the Record, Clinton shill.
>Why does Mel hate superhero movies?
Because he was never even considered to play a superhero. This old fart is butthurt
Guess I must have missed all those memes and that one angry """""drunk""""" phone call he made one night.
Don't make fun of Noni you piece of shit.
It's astonishing how stupid the polarized atmosphere has made murricans
Not enough gore and snuff for his tastes.
he doesnt