Let's rob this bakery because all Germans are ebin nazis :^)
Let's rob this bakery because all Germans are ebin nazis :^)
Why do Sup Forums fats suddenly dislike generalizing populations when the shoe is on the other foot?
Why do leftists start generalizing populations as soon as they think it's justified to do so?
Why do you want to suck nigger dicks?
he was hangry
>Can eat either nice baked goods for free or shitty rations
Know what I'd choose
good post
Cmon dude, you can't tell me they didn't know about the camps. All the Jews disappear ? No one goes for walks in the forest? What about as said in the scene, the smell??
>No one goes for walks in the forest?
I'd assume the camp security would be around to prevent exactly that, they probably knew SOMETHING was going on but you know, fuck it too hard
Clearly the solution was to confiscate his livelihood
remember the 6 gorillion
I'm sure you would die fighting for Shlomo if the Army came to take him to the camp.
To save potentially thousands of lives, yes. Each and every one of the people in the camp had their livelihoods stolen for reasons far more arbitrary than the fat baker.
>Let's rob this bakery because all Germans are ebin nazis
if you're middle eastern looking, that's pretty much germany 2016, just make yourself at home
Did this even happen IRL? How true was the concentration camp episode compared to the book?
following that logic not all soviets were commies
The Jews were exported to the Middle East 4 years prior
>someone else had their rights taken away so let's take that guy's too
>we're the good guys after all!
Friendly reminder that if they didn't want their bakery to get robbed, they never should have voted for Hitler.
Because white people actually matter
Germany surrendered unconditionally. The Allies were free to do as they pleased as rightful conquerors, and that includes delegating responsibilities to regional commands to dictate punishment as they saw fit. That's why the baker had his store looted. That's why the town was press-ganged in to burying the corpses.
He goes over the line because he just witnessed something horrendous.
Robbing the bakery isn't nice but there were hundreds of starving people and they weren't prepared for it. The baker should have been donating his bread anyway if he had an ounce of empathy.
>"Sir, it says here in your ballot you voted for Hitler, is that right?"
>"Was ist das"
>"I'm afraid we are gonna have to take away all your goods now"
truly pol argumentation can stand even the most meticulous of scrutiny
He bakes fucking bread, he's not going to go broke from some assholes stealing his shit for one day, what you think the German soldiers paid for food there? Fuck no
>someone else had their rights taken away, let's punish someone responsible in kind
That's the basis of a good portion of the legal system in the western world, and it's not like they even gave him a reasonably equal punishment. They took his fucking baked goods, they didn't chain him up and leave him to starve to death.
The Germans were the rightful owners of Germany and that means they had the right to do whatever they pleased to whoever lived in their country. That includes forcing people in to camps
>Everyone who says not all germans were nazis is Sup Forums
>all this mental gymnastics to justify a criminal act
This is why leftists are all mentally ill
>implying a gov't can own its people
well spook'd, m'property
>I'm a leftist faggot that has an inner conflict about sucking BBC
>I can't just admit that I want Tyrone to fuck my wife
>please take me seriously anyways
Really made me kek
Germany as a nation state ceased to exist upon capitulation of the NSDAP government, as it was swiftly carved up in to foreign occupation zones.
>basic crime and punishment is mental gymnastics
>enter Jeermany
>not a Nazi in sight
Government can't but a foreign power can, then? Gotcha
Nobody implied that you braindead nigger
I hate to tell you this family, but taking away someones rights is literally the foundation of National Socialism
>You don't need to vote, we know what's best
>You don't need to own a gun, we'll protect you
>I openly admit to being a leftist faggot that wants to get cucked by Jamal
Pretty embarassing tbqhf
>NatSoc exists
>so hand over the breads kraut
Foreign powers can invade and use force, which is forbidden to the native gov't by various natural rights.
race is a social construct
He's used to it by now, what you think the Wehrmacht fucking paid for his bread? No they "requisitioned" it, just like Captain America did
Germans are the niggers of Europe.
>he believes in due process
two wrongs don't make a right
A conquering foreign power can do as it pleases, user, since it doesn't need to adhere to any social contracts or inherent rights. That's how war works.
If you don't want to complain, maybe your guys should win the war next time.
>I'm too subhuman to make up my own insults so I steal even those
Really tells you something about your inferiority
Good to know we agree. I do think as well what the Nazis did to the Ruskies and the dirty Poles were justified
>get wronged when the Germans invade
>loot their stores to recover from the material losses
From my point of view, there was only one wrong committed.
I bet you think that lies are bad and truth is good, even in a non-moral sense.
In this example it isn't due process though, it's getting shit done on a very simple person to person basis, no bureaucracy needed
>ireland is in continental europe
That's like saying Justice is a responsibility of the system, rather than understanding that a Just system can only come about through Just men.
Ireland isn't getting enriched while we speak?
>From my point of view, there was only one wrong committed
Following the same logic I think we would be justified glassing the middle east cause each and every muslim is responsible for keeping that fascist ideology alive.
What are you fucking 12?
Arabs actually believe more in socialism than facism. Turns out, one of them is compatible with Islam, and the other is forced on them by western kafirs.
You are wasting your time. This is why liberals are mentally retarded. They think their fake righteousness gives them the right to press anyone because they are fighting evil goy :^)
The plural of kafir is kufar you selfhating faggot
t. mohammed ibn-el habib
>white men killing white men
WW2 was a fucking tragedy. Fuck kikes and mudslimes.
>knowing terrorist
wew lad. Delete your post, I don't want a link between me, you, and the FBI
The mandates were a mistake
>I'm fucking retarded: The Post
Only one nation had entirely Muslim divisions
I think he just added the muslim part because well.. fuck muslims
WWI we at least fucked the Ottomans up some.
The real tragedy was the Crimean war however. The Eternal Anglo aligning against the bastion of the north, Russia, because they wanted that Ottoman trade.
>white men killing white men
certainly a new concept in western history
you really need to look at your life and the shit you write because you really REALLY need help
youre delusional and thats a disease
>The Eternal Anglo aligning against the bastion of the north, Russia, because they wanted that Ottoman trade.
>Thinking that's what it was about
The Brits just liked to cockblock anyone becoming a threat
It's not me that is getting dropped of a building as soon as mudslimes are in the majority. I will just grow a beard and keep my values while leftist cocksuckers will finally get what they have coming.
Sorry user. I deal in deception. I can't help you with your self-deception.
well easy company did stumble on a concentration camp if thats what youre wondering but it wasn't the first one discovered so it wouldn't have come as a complete surprise
though you have to admit even knowing they exist probably wouldn't prepare you for it
just because it happened doesn't mean they were endorsing the behavior he was completely out of line
I don't remember there being any nogs in Fury. And if there were they'd have been cooks, porters, and orderlies in the camp the crew died protecting, which is historically accurate. The grizzled old officer makes a point of it being full of non-coms.
Yeah and what the fuck would you do about it? They seemed to be upper middle class and what the fuck could they do? Say you hear that your government is doing some shady shit out in the woods and you have no resources or clout to do anything about it.
Civilians are civilians, they don't have a duty to put their life on the line.