Queen Arya edition.
Queen Arya edition.
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Do not bully Maisie!
Azor kill yourself
Weren't you banned, faggot?
daily reminder that whoever "wins" will be FEMALE, not male. that is 100% true.
Azor Jon!!!!!!!!
Or she'll put you on her rack!
Reminder that a 5'7 manlet is fucking Sophie raw and you're not.
Promise me, Ned
I really fucking hate that lazy piece of shit.
maybe because that manlet doesn't smell like pissbottles and spend time in dead generals?
Based GRRM
Reminder that s*phie is a disgusting slag and I don't give a shit.
you really have to be new to think that's a surprise
grrm did anything he could so he wouldn't end up in vietnam. grrm has been outspoken about his views since the hippy days.
The one and only!!!
You need to stop this autism and go back to /int
>Clinton's ads are something else. Very different, and -- to my mind -- much more truthful
Clinton has been OBJECTIVELY proven to be MORE CORRUPT THAN NIXON.
>Stannis had honor. Trump has none. He's a Baratheon all right... he's Joffrey, older but no wiser.
This is pathetic. It's legitimately pathetic to see him debase himself like this. He hasn't released anything in greater than half a decade, and he lives in his own little world and thinks ASOIAF is still relevant. It's childish.
I like his writing, but it's just gotten sad now. All he has is asspatters and no one to call him out on his limousine liberal laziness.
are you guys not missing the most important part of that quote
>stannis had
You need to go back to tumblr, s*nsafag
My advice is to simply enjoy his work and ignore the politics. Same with most celebrities
We all know Stannis is doomed next book. The show wouldn't have killed him off otherwise.
Maybe if George stopped commenting on elections and football, this wouldn't be as much of a surprise.
I'm not from tumblr and I'm not a sansafag, you using * is autistic Sup Forums shit
Yes you are, piss off and never reply to me again if you're not contributing to the thread.
>waaaahhh, waaaahhhh, yes you are
You NEED to go back
I know you're that fat tumblr roastie who self-inserts into s*nsa, fuck off.
>if I keep saying it, it'll be true
Kill yourself Sup Forumsfag
Yes, ok, pretend you're not a s*nsafag, I don't care, just piss off. Nobody cares what you like or not.
best posts on /got/
shit posts
>everything else
>if I keep saying it, it'll become true
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Because I like triggering tumblrinas like you ;)
I'm enjoying this thread, so far
Again with the tumblr.
We both know you're from Sup Forums, we both know * isn't a Sup Forums thing, we both know you need to go back
Alright, It's useless coming here before April
Yes, I'm from Sup Forums, I've literally said this when you asked about it. Saying I'm from there doesn't insult me. It's you who denies being a tumblrina.
Will the rest of the wildfire in King's Landing ever amount to anything?
Will Cersei blow it all up after she miscarries and she's lost Jaime?
Will the Walkers get South, enter the city and some hero will trigger it to kill them?
Will the wildfire be taken North to help fight wights?
See you then.
Dany will have her dragunz attack KL and trigger the wildfire like Euron triggers Burlington Bar.
Why wouldn't I deny something I'm not.
You somehow think that anyone who thinks it's autistic to us * has to be a sansafag, you also use it for maisie, am I maisiefag too? I've also seen what I'm pretty sure is you, use it for jonsa? Am I a jonsafag too? Am I a jonfag? Am I a mophiefag? Why are you paranoid?
Because I see you.
Just fuck off with your pathetic sensibilities.
>boohoo someone uses a meme that I don't like
Literally tumblr hugbox mentality.
This place will be even deader in April.
The second trailers start coming out, casuals will come back here, learn about the leaks if they haven't already, see it's gonna be shit, drop the show.
>Because I see you.
We've already concluded that you're paranoid.
>boohoo someone uses a meme that I don't like
Branfags do the same thing about not fit to lead, is bran tumblr now too? anons hate sophie posting and "most beautiful girl in the seven continents", are anons tumblr too?
it's a shit meme not from this board, why are you using it? No one else is
Which will be first to have a mugshot?
>what i'm doing is ok because others do it too
>Branfags do the same about not fit to lead
No we don't really care and its not even a meme its just one autist trying too hard and spamming 10 times a thread.
>calling out flaws in your logic is retarded
Why so triggered
Keep going guys this is great.
One of the boys because women get away with everything
Better game: 3rd row is all of their mugshots, what did they each get arrested for?
>encouraging OT shitposting
>let's go capture a wight
>sure, should we bring a prisoner, kill them right on the coast, wait till they rise, bring them back on the ship and head South
>lol what are you talking about, let's just rush in and hope we don't get swamped by the hundreds of thousands of undead and walkers, what could go wrong?
>BTW This is all for a crazy bitch we all have reasons to hate and who has a smaller army than what we have.
they have to be killed by a wight/white walker to rise back dummy, the real bullshit is them killing a wight with dragonglass
From left to right:
>Crack possession
>public indecency/shitting in public while high on bath salts
>Sodomy when trump makes America great again and outlaws the gays
>bestiality or something
Not to mention Jon just strolling to pledge himself to a mad foreigner from the tyrannical dynasty his family tried to overthrow
>they have to be killed by a wight/white walker
ANYONE who dies North of the Wall can rise as a wight, you don't have to be killed by one or a Walker
And fucking her, too.
Not a surprise to me just saying I am sick of this fat shit commenting on everything thinking his opinion matters. Just finish your goddamn book series that has been going on for 20 years you lazy shit.
Jon is fucking trash but even this colossal fuckup and betrayal of the starks won't be presented as a negative to the audience. Johnny Stu can do no wrong.
To be fair, she has 100,000 Dothraki still, sounds more like Dorne and Reach got BTFO for the most part, so she still has the numbers.
North has maybe 10,000 men, Vale has maybe 45,000 I've heard said here
jon will give the entire north just to grab the targ pussy
And throwing away a crown that doesnt belong to him really when the heir is hovering around WF
well you see, that's the problem m8
if he finished the books, he wouldn't be relevant anymore. nobody would care
but so far the show is still airing and he still hasn't finished the books so that makes him still kinda relevant.
Im talking about Cersei there since the wight pit is mostly for her benefit
He means Cersei, who only has 8000 men left.
I don't get that part to be fair.
Why wasn't marriage brought up instead of anything about swearing allegiance or basic teaming up?
And why does somehow who doesn't want to have a bastard, fuck a chick outside of marriage? At least Ygritte was technically his wife according to Wildling custom, he just bones Dany on a lark. Or is Dany just that fucking special?
God fucking dammit, I always forget how awful these movies were and then someone posts a screencap and all the memories come right back.
WHAT was Jackson thinking?
>>public indecency/shitting in public while high on bath salts
>>Sodomy when trump makes America great again and outlaws the gays
Seriously how can anyone in this show trust a Tardaryen enough to meet them in person.
>Go to Tardaryen palace, challenge king to a honourable duel over a dishonour done to you
>Get burned alive
>Go to peace negotiations with Tardaryen queen who plunged an entire continent into war
>Get burned alive in blatant disregard for the Westerosi custom of guest right
If I were Jon I'd ask Bran to send a raven to shit on Dany's head.
8,000 GOOD MEN who somehow sacked Highgarden and beat the well fed, unbloodied Reach's what? 80,000 men?
Fuck I hate D&D
desu the goblin cave was the best part of this shitty """""""""trilogy"""""""""" and the goblin king was pretty based.
You dare insult writing that's going to earn D&D another Emmy?
I'm 99% certain the entirety of King's Landing will get asploded in the books, with the conclusion being the seven kingdoms becoming individual states again (Dany will lose all three dragons in the war and return to the one place she was ever happy: the house with the red door).
I'm also 99% certain King's Landing will survive the show, so Dany can sit the Iron Throne with Jon at her side and Tyrion as her hand.
No, see, it's romantic! Even though it makes no sense regarding medieval politics and daily life, it's supposed to make modern girls self-insert into Dany!
>Go to Tardaryen palace, challenge king to a honourable duel over a dishonour done to you
That was on Brandon to be honest.
You don't fuck with crazy, he was a hothead who went to a crazy king saying he wanted to kill his heir.
It gets better user. Apparently Randal Tarly takes Cersei's side and he and his son get burned alive by Daenerys at the stake.
>my last name is Williams
>want to fugg Maisie hard
>she reminds me of my imouto
What do I do, lads?
It still shows that the Tardaryens are insane cunts who you shouldn't risk meeting in person.
Fuck, even Ramsay was honourable enough to meet Jon and his group on neutral grounds and negotiate without trapping them. No such concept for Dany.
>I'm 99% certain the entirety of King's Landing will get asploded in the books, with the conclusion being the seven kingdoms becoming individual states again
That won't happen in the books. I GUARANTEE it.
George is a hack, this story was started as a trilogy so that'd be too complex at the end for him. Jon will be King in the end, Dany may or may not be alive and if she's not, she'll have had a miracle baby.
Jonerys will be canon. The bittersweet will be Westeros is pretty fucked, scarred people that aren't the most competent will inherit the reins and have to rebuilt
>If I were Jon I'd ask Bran to send a raven to shit on Dany's head.
>sides with the crazy bitch who deceptively killed his liege lord
>sides against a woman with 3 dragons
>somehow has enough men to help starved Lannisters sack his kingdom's capital
Where the hell is House Hightower in all this? Is everyone more loyal to their general than their liege lords?
Tbh the Targaryens are responsible for all of the misfortune House Stark has seen beginning with their entitled overthrowing of Torrhen Stark and up until they were responsible for getting Brandon and Lyanna killed, causing Robert's Rebellion, and thus inciting the war of the five kings that resulted in Robb, Ned, Cat, and Rickons deaths.
Jon giving the north back to a targaryen because he has a crush on her and feels sorry for her and her dead dragon is the ultimate betrayal of his "family" but of course not a single person in the narrative is going to address this.
The true stark kids have every right to hate him for what he's going to do this season. If he was forging an alliance with dany to unite their strengths and giving her his kingdom was the only way to get her help against the WW then I'd understand. But this is clearly not the case and she doesn't even ask for his kingdom, he just gives it to her after she's already spent quite a lot of time working with him against the WW.
Is this show any good? Someone recommended it to me.
what the fuck is imouto
>The true stark kids have every right to hate him for what he's going to do this season. If he was forging an alliance with dany to unite their strengths and giving her his kingdom was the only way to get her help against the WW then I'd understand. But this is clearly not the case and she doesn't even ask for his kingdom, he just gives it to her after she's already spent quite a lot of time working with him against the WW.
It's mostly to suck off Dany
Makes Dany seem nice because she's not asking or yelling I AM THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS to get her way and she learns there are ways other than force to get stuff. And make normies see Jon as focused on the big picture cause he doesn't care about his own crown and thinks Dany would be a good ruler he'd follow. And of course she gets Jon to fuck her outside of marriage too when he might father a bastard.
Don't bother
little sister in japanese
You're a magician.
See, this is exactly why jon and dany ruined the series. The show is so terrified of presenting either of them as anything but heroic perfect lawful good archetypes that all logic gets thrown out of the window to accommodate them. And it's all about the way the show presents stuff. They could show jon gouging an infants eyes out but if they play it over heroic music and have other characters give him a standing ovation for it then the audience will view it as a good thing as well.
Stupid commie.
>but heroic perfect lawful good archetypes
Hence Jon not doing the slightest thing to punish House Karstark or House Umber that both turned on Starks, tried to kill them and in Umber's case sold out and led to the death of Rickon.
But I'm not sure if this isn't because D&D went full retard in their changes to the Umbers and Karstarks but now want to course correct, since Umbers are still loyal and will survive in the books and Alys is already on his side, or if it's because they want to make Jon be a perfect hero, or both.
>Jon doesn't give Wildlings land or a castle
>Umbers stay in control of Last Hearth
>Wildlings left to freeze in the Gift
>Wall falls
>Wildlings are second to die
I hope to god they have Tormund get pissed at Jon
Weren't all the Wildling men with Jon's army and thus all dead? They don't have much of a future.