what are some good docukinos
What are some good docukinos
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slit your fucking throat
Hillary's America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party
is that on netflix?
>falling for the "I'm a Hillary supporter' bait
Have you seen "The Shock Doctrine"?
pic unrelated
CTR memes are so bad
They're made by that Malaysian autist after he got butthurt that everyone hated him.
>implying you have to be CTR to post dank (but respectful) Hilary memes
>hillary clinton is being portrayed as a repulsive frog by her own supporters
Will all those people really move to the canada if trump will win?
>She regards the meme frog as a hate symbol
How many layers of irony are you on?
>will all those people really move to canada if she wins?
God, I hope so.
I moved to Canada when they passed gay marriage
hope you don't believe there's such thing as unbiased, objective documentaries. or news.
>First black President
>total dissapointment
>First woman President
>total demon
What are you "progressives" doing? You really want the world to know that niggers and women aren't special? Was that your endgame all along?
its almost like they're people just like everyone else is people
>objective documentaries
Fly on the wall you fucking retard
use of a racist slur; that's a paddlin'
>1st black president is a failure
>a total, flip-flopping idiot is better than a woman with 16 years white house experience alone in politics
>tfw the current left is only trying to protect us so in the future we dont make the same mistakes
We dont deserve them ;_;
>its another election thread on Sup Forums
>16 years white house experience
16 terrible years where she abused her power and caused damage lmao
>her job was to suck the presidents dick and she couldnt even do that right
>unironically considering the alternative
>a failure
>bad in any way
Lol. Try better, Trumpfkin.
As an honest question to Trump supporters, what state do you think he's going to win electorally that is going to have him beat out Hillary? I just don't see any path to victory. Not even in the popular vote!
Anyways as for Docukino I recommend Zero Days that I jsut got done watching on Showtime. Pretty fucking good.
ctr shills probably think msm is objective, and reality tv isn't scripted.
>Trump supporters
>Believing he's gonna win
i like him much better, but there's zero (0) chances they'll let him win this rigged shit.
Colorado or Pennsylvania. Small chance Virginia.
Former Trump supporter here, he has no chance to win. Many traditionally red states are going blue this election.
It's good to see that most Americans use some intelligence to spot the moron, instead of that brainless, hivemind bullshit. I literally have no problem with ANY other GOP candidate.
There's too many niggers and women for a Republican to win now. Whoever promises the most handouts for the useless leeches will win. Romney was right.
>too many niggers
>13% of US population
Wew lad
Any other GOP candidate would have won handily over hilldog
except people always choose the most retarded, pleb shit.
that's why blockbuster flicks are always sub 5/10 trash, and that's why Clinton II is 100% sure our new president.
Drumpf lol.
Then why did Bernie fail?
and don't say it's because Hillary cheated him
>There's too many niggers and women for a Republican to win now.
Not to mention that we have literal millions of illegal Mexican immigrants, with more of them every year, and the Democrat-controlled Supreme Court destroys any legislation designed to stop or even reduce voter-fraud.
lmao, because that's clearly the only reason Trump is losing
voter fraud isn't real
but mexicans LOVE trump, user.
t. Democrat Voter
Now you're just pretending to be retarded.
>Supreme Court destroys any legislation designed to stop or even reduce voter-fraud.
Because 90% of it blatantly targets the poor and voter fraud is statistically insignificant
you've got to be a retard to not notice how MSM is completely biased.
plebs will vote for whoever media says: that's how every election in the last 50 years has been rigged.
13% is a lot. No first world country can sustain 13% of the population being degenerate criminals with little to no education. The ones that do vote almost all (over 95%) vote solely for Democrat handouts. Even women aren't that bad.
>getting mad that the word nigger is used
>on a site nicknamed niggertits
Very few people vote in the primaries and blacks simply vote for the most recognizable Democrat.
The US is the only first world country that doesnt require ID to vote
Ask yourself why that is
media bias=/=rigged election, fag
Not a Trump supporter, but if he wins all of the states currently polling in his favour, as well as two of NV/CO/NH, he wins the election.
PA genuinely has the possibility for an upset as well, which is quite scary, same thing with the Rust Belt states.
It's genuinely hard to predict what will transpire on Tuesday, as this election has been extremely polarizing, and both Clinton and Trump can be said to have attracted a lot of unlikely, and thus unpolled, voters.
Add to all of that the Bradley effect, and it's very possible that America might have a bad surprise when it wakes up on Wednesday.
I wouldn't say a Trump victory is likely, but people completely dismissing his chances of victory are making a grave mistake.
>Because 90% of it blatantly targets the poor
This SJW nonsense again.
Poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote. They're dumb enough to be poor why would we want them making important decisions?
pretty sure their numbers help considering our electoral college.
gop should change up their tactics, expand, their supporters will just be dying from here on.
>Because 90% of it blatantly targets the poor
Poor people routinely require ID's.
You also need a Driver's License to drive a car.
Do Driver's License's "discriminate" against the poor?
The country's going to be third world soon enough anyways. All the major cities will look like Detroit/Mogadishu in 10 years.
Same shit happened with brexit
>omg there is no chance remain will win XDDD
>Because 90% of it blatantly targets the poor
What about Voter ID Laws in France? Or Germany? Or Japan? Or Mexico?
Do those also "blatantly target the poor"?
it is, moron.
even in the 3rd world nobody makes old school fraud anymore
is WAY easier just use your media companies for making the plebs """"elect"""" your puppet.
>Do Driver's License's "discriminate" against the poor?
Yes. Democrats also want to get rid of driver's licenses because driving tests are much harder for poor people to pass since they typically can't afford lessons.
>gop should change up their tactics, expand
So offer free shit at tax-payer expense, bascally?
Why don't Americans vote in elections?
many of the poor are can't afford to drive and use public transport
many work and can't make it to the dmv or afford to take a day off to do so
really the issue in my mind is that it puts a restriction on voting beyond 'citizen'
The ideal is less than 1%, but obviously this is what happens when you bring a shit ton of them to the country for slave labour.
>lmao we'll just send them all back to africa who cares man
Dumb Americans should have only used the Chinese and Irish.
>statiscially insigificant
>they bus people around to different polling sites
>some vote 10 times
Voting should be restricted to white land owning males as it was originally intended.
not sure what country you are living in.
besides, cities are segregated as hell, regardless of them being mostly blue. you'll be fine if you are not poor, unless there is literal class warfare in the streets
>state ID cards arent a thing
fucking lel
do you really think poor people have no form of government id?
only the 100 most rich men in the country should have the right to vote.
they would save a fortune on marketing, and will elect the very same presidents anyway.
gotta keep that democracy farse.
So basically any kind of license, ID or really any "requirement" of any kind is discrimination to you, huh?
>>omg there is no chance leave will win XDDD
>besides, cities are segregated as hell
That won't last. The poor and useless are outbreeding everyone quickly. Nigger and spic gang warfare has already encroached the middle class suburbs in a lot of major American cities and it's only going to get worse.
>voter fraud is statistically insignificant
Funny how it's only Democrats that claim this.
Meanwhile there are videos of people committing voter-fraud and bragging about it.
Even if you are right, how many votes in total does a busfull of people who vote 10 times actually add up to? Maybe 500?
How many times has any general election in a state had a margin of victory of less than 500? Maybe Florida in 2000.
How many convictions of voter fraud have their been in the last 16 years?
>how many votes in total does a busfull of people who vote 10 times actually add up to?
Because I'm sure that't the only place it happens. Just that one time.
I haven't seen too many documentaries, but ones I really liked:
-The Act of Killing
-Jiro Dreams of Sushi
-Exit Through the Gift Shop
-Hoop Dreams
-When We Were Kings
t. plantation owner great great grandchildren
right, keep telling yourself that...because if Trump doesn't win it is obviously rigged.
About five or six right now my man.
>Maybe Florida in 2000.
Which is exactly why you should be for voter id laws, even if fraud is happening at 1% levels
u triggered drumpfkin?
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Lmao what are you gonna do when all the globalist jewish conspiracies kill you on tuesday?
>crime that by its nature is hard to uncover
>no organized campaign exists to catch it or reduce it
>no laws exist to actively prevent it
>any attempt at making laws to preserve the nature of Democracy and increase accuracy are shot-down by a Supreme Court that just so happens to be in Democrat control
>"omg why doesn't it get caught more hmmmmmmmmmmm? guess it doesn't exist"
You're also a retard in general principle.
When a problem is suspected, you don't wait until AFTER it becomes a massive fucking problem before doing anything about it.
There was nothing wrong with being a plantation owner. They made niggers useful and gave them purpose. Outside of slave owners nobody has achieved that.
those suburbs are just cheaper than living in the city proper.
the market doesn't care for any color but green.
way more concerned with class conflict than race conflict, but one makes for an easier divide and conquer technique.
We can only pray, hopefully some will just kill themselves
>new york election commissioner on tape describing how vote rigging is done in NYC
>must be a fantasy haha trump supporter haha
>"voter fraud doesn't exist"
>"Here's the evidence that it does and that it's a probl-"
Not sure why I expected better from a male Democrat.
that's old news user, all the cutting edge conspiracy theorists know that it's the Baathist's you have to fear.
Because with the Electoral College, most people aren't delusional enough to think their vote matters.
>First black President
>total dissapointment
Lmao only in your far right echo chamber, we're better off now than 8 years ago on literally every measure of prosperity
Poor blacks are much more prone to crime and violence than poor people of any other race. This is true everywhere in the world and is more than just a coincidence.
>Sup Forums has literally just become a battle site for Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums to out-shitpost eachother