Daily reminder that people unironically think this is a good show.
>But Carmella muh gabagoo
Daily reminder that people unironically think this is a good show.
>But Carmella muh gabagoo
Other urls found in this thread:
"watch it user" incoming
is this in itself, a pre-emptive watch it?
Why don't you offer criticisms, OP? I think it's incredibly overrated, but making a thread like this is just shitposting, plain and simple.
The real question is that if there was a shop selling Real Dolls made completely out of gabagool, would Tony not only buy one, but would he fuck it?
>He hasn't seen based Phil in action yet
>effectively shows compelling characterisations and the frailty of the human condition through different methods and modes of storytelling while not straying too far from its original mafia based foundation
>all subplots and supporting characters add the necessary depth to portray a chaotic and organic world that is determined by its own continuity without the convenience of plot armour, no stone left unturned
The characters generally seemed surface level anyway. I watched the first season, and it seems like the only point of it was to make Pauli the boss and to ruin his relationship with his mother. That's it. The other threads never lasted more than a couple of episodes, if even that.
Take for example one episode where the wife, "invested" in some pharmaceutical stocks, which apparently did very well merely because they split, (weren't the late 90s grand)? There were no low or high points to that plot, (except the stocks actually doing well), the character didn't face any hardship, it was clearly just filler, which makes up about 40% to 60% of every Sopranos episode. I guess it was to show that the wife had some skill or ambition herself, even it should appear to any thicko that she just got lucky and she did something that was very popular in that period, requires little thought, and could have ended up very badly for her.
>Sopranos starts getting more threads
>edgy contrarians come out and say they hate it
I really shouldn't be surprised
watch it.
Anyway, Carmella buying stocks was 1. the portrayal of a bored housewife, 2. social commentary about who profits off these stocks and why and 3. an indicator, that Carmella is always planning for life without Tony, if something happens to him or their relationship
None of those things are even remotely interesting. The show is utter trash.
>My freshmen film professor told me I should like this show.
>The characters generally seemed surface level anyway.
the point of most characters was to show a nuance to tonys character, it was a character study
Nigger detected
>film professor
>recommending tv shows
I think I got all that, it's just a plot that acts as filler and had no ark, which described the majority of Sopranos episodes to some extent.
I really tried to keep watching the series, but was constantly disappointed that the plots individually weren't interesting as part of a self-contained episodes, and weren't continued on in further episodes. Just about every story in the series ends anticlimatically, so you think, "That's it?" This might be realistic, but doesn't make for a compelling story. If I wanted realism, I would consider Boyhood the greatest cinematic masterpiece in history, instead one of the most pointless, mundane pieces of trash I ever watched.
Basically, anything that's good in this show is a watered down version of Goodfellas, watered down because it had to last six seasons. That still makes it a decent series, but hardly this incredible masterpiece of television which people refer to it as.
The series would have been immense improved if they structured each season as having a central conflict with a clear progression in the story, instead of each conflict being started and ended in each episode. This might be rather a common practice today and might have made the show less mundane or realistic, but it would have made the stories much more compelling and people much more likely to be excited for each episode as continuing story, instead of some throw-away plot being started and ended in each episode, with a very loose conflict existing throughout the entire season. The shows seems to have been written that anybody could watch an episode mostly independent from what proceeded and what succeeded it, which has its advantages, but makes each episode and the series as a whole less impacting.
Are you retarded or did you just not go to college?
I only partially agree with that, but Tony wasn't nearly complex to justify such an approach. His character development mostly ends after the first season. You get that he's impulsive, that he's protective of his family, yet extremely frustrated by them, that he's a womanizer, etc, (we also learn later that he has a gambling problem). We didn't need an entire series about this.
That was a typo, obviously. As difficult as this is to believe, pointing out typos is not an argument.
pity plebs like you who cant appreciate the greatness of this show
I went to university in the UK, and the film course was all to do with close reading. I don't recall ever actually discussing a film as a whole, much less anyone recommending any.
I think I can, and while it has its merits, it's still incredibly overrated.
But it's objectively entertaining to watch.
i started watching it recently
all the psychiatrically related scenes feel completely out of place, unnecessary, and dumb
tony doesn't seem to be doing a lot about his problems, instead of getting mad and having problems, and again, all the psychology scenes just ruin everything
i liked the idea of having junior as a puppet godfather but they haven't done much with this either
and now it seems half his crew wants to turn on him for half-justified reasons
nice contrarian opinion nigger
>tony doesn't seem to be doing a lot about his problems
That's not going to change.
>but they haven't done much with this either
They won't.
>it seems half his crew wants to turn on him for half-justified reasons
Agreed. It would have been better if they spent the entirety of the season trying to justify this mutiny, but they didn't, and instead inserted throwaway plots.
I was only trying to say, from someone who might sympathize with this opinion, I still think OP was shitposting.
Kill yourself Chrissy you fucking pleb.
This is also not an argument. Try something other than shitposting.
Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there.
Why would anyone bother with your retarded opinions? There's literally an entire scene where Christopher discusses his supposed "character arc" and Paulie literally tells him to shut the fuck up and man up.
K and C are literally on opposite sides of the keyboard. The fact that you made the mistake of using K means you genuinely thought it was spelled that way, and that makes you an incontrovertible idiot. Thus, justly disqualifying your opinion for consideration
Huh, in my experience we talked a lot about specific movies and TV shows and their context within film as a whole.
>Entertaining to watch
>The Sopranos
Nice meme user
I agree, it's shit. Couldn't even finish S1.
>muh spec house!
I recently rewatched the last season for like the 10th time, I noticed some similarites with Chrissies "Arc" and AJs, culminating with AJ getting a job in little carmines "movie" business through sheer nepotism.
WATCH IT user!
But seriously, how can you even be this pleb OP ya finook?
There's literally a 4 season arc starting season 2 that begins once tensions rise with the New York mob... have you not watched the show? This show is great, it balances hilarity and drama perfectly.
>all the psychiatrically related scenes feel completely out of place
The entire premise of the show is an alpha male mob boss that visits a psychiatrist, which is a more feminine venture.
Super retarded premise huh?
>Christopher discusses his supposed "character arc" and Paulie literally tells him to shut the fuck up and man up.
I don't see how this confuted anything I said.
To be fair I did a course on production, so it was less about studying film and more about how to suck enough dick to get ahead.
Sopranos threads are a single thread type representation on why Sup Forums would never be able to handle a /cel/ or /film/ board. People create threads on an amazing TV show, have fairly regular discussions, Sup Forums demands everything be shitposting or meme and spreads "WATCH IT X" and now try to fight against the actual discussion and contain the autism. Meanwhile, Kino threads expand far beyond what Cunny did. I just don't understand why Sup Forums of all boards has to be the most autistic and bled into from /r9k/ like mongoloids, is it just the traffic? Does Sup Forums move so much faster its barely changed in 10 years as opposed to Sup Forums just being overrun with utter 'meme' garbage? It's the James and the Giant Peach of conversation.
>all the psychiatrically related scenes feel completely out of place, unnecessary, and dumb
gas yourself
I mean it would a typo in the sense that I meant to write, "arc," but spelled it as, "ark," just like someone could write, "your" for "you're," which doesn't make them an idiot. You still aren't giving an argument.
I think what is complex is the viewer's relation to Tony, especially in the final season.
i firmly believe any who dislikes the sopranos is trolling, underage, or shit taste.
its one of the best shows ever and youre being contrarian if you dont at least acknowledge the excellent writing and characters
Do Italians really deny that Christopher Columbus was a monster who'd sell 10 year old native girls to sexual slavery, cut off hands of natives who didn't gather enough gold and sent war dogs after natives who ran away?
All I know is that I've never watched a full episode
but a few days ago I had this dream where the dude with the big hair was in it fuggin bababooey like
and they made me kill a family of people or else they were going to torture me to death or something shit like that
fuck this show and fuck you faggots for putting these shitnuts faces up near my eyes
suck my dick
Retard. You know who else had an ark? Noah.
I enjoy it. The dialogue is a pleasure to listen. I'm on my second watch-through... notice something new every time.
Native Americans were savages and were treated accordingly. So what? Colombus was a great man
>Lurk, but dont think about posting.
That opinion is wrong and is just a way for you to mentally protect yourself from the fact that it may not be a very good show at all.
I haven't seen all of season 2, but I've seen most of the episodes from that season, and I have seen all of season 1. Regardless whether there's an arc or not, it's so loose and usually makes a small part of each episode. As I said before, the series would have been much better if each episode was focused on this arc and there was a progressing plot, instead of being a small part of each episode. Compare this to something like Hannibal or Death Note where there the principle part of each episode is dealing with a pressing conflict which compels people to continue the story. All most all the plots of each episode begin in it and end anticlimactically.
>inb4 anime
Not an argument. I'm only speaking from my experience, in which I have every reason to expect to find a compelling plot that needs to be resolved in my tv series, which the Soparnos woefully fails at providing.
okay reddit
K. Almost everything about his behavior is consistent with being sociopath which almost certainly shaped the writing process.
well i mean brits deny all their genocidal campaigns and yanks deny all their war crimes
its not very surprising
bro i've seen all of your favorite shows. they arent as good as the sopranos.
youre trolling
Maybe I'm just a fool, but I didn't see that being so until he killed Chrissy.
I wouldn't want to grace those faggots with my presence
Don't talk shit about columbus you fucking nigger
Your opinion is wrong and is just a way for you to mentally protect yourself from the fact that this may actually be a very good show.
>watching for the plot
number one sign of a pleb who isnt intelligent enough to understand what he is watching
See what I mean about mentally protecting yourself faggot?
What are you even talking about you nigger? Did you even read what I responded to? He was saying if you think it's not very good you're _____. And I was saying that was retarded. Just like you are apparently.
are you 8 years old? how do you not know which character is tony soprano? even people who have never seen the show know the character
Here are the symptoms of sociopathy according to the mayo clinic.
Disregard for right and wrong
Persistent lying or deceit to exploit others
Being callous, cynical and disrespectful of others
Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or personal pleasure
Arrogance, a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated
Recurring problems with the law, including criminal behavior
Repeatedly violating the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty
Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead
Hostility, significant irritability, agitation, aggression or violence
Lack of empathy for others and lack of remorse about harming others
Unnecessary risk-taking or dangerous behavior with no regard for the safety of self or others
Poor or abusive relationships
Failure to consider the negative consequences of behavior or learn from them
Being consistently irresponsible and repeatedly failing to fulfill work or financial obligations
Sound familiar?
>comparing fucking Death Note to The Sopranos
Death Note is literally exposition the anime. Not to mention the fact that the dialogue is childish and cringeworthy. Go back to your fucking shithole, faggot.
You didn't need to post all that, user. I do believe he is a sociopath; the goal of the show's last few episodes was to convince the audience he was a sociopath.
>muh arcs
lmao what the fuck is this dumb shit
Fine. The visuals aren't particularly impressive either and the dialogue is mediocre. That leaves the characters, which doesn't make a show, or at least not the greatest in history.
That was a mistake, but I'm very familiar with the show.
It's a character driven show you dense faggot. How hard is that to understand?
>Compare this to something like Hannibal or Death Note
ok. tony was a sociopath? so what? he's still an interesting and complex character.
name a single show with better dialogue. name 3.
>That leaves the characters, which doesn't make a show
uhh yes it does characters make or break a show.
>That leaves the characters, which doesn't make a show
maybe not for a muh plot pleb like yourself
>The package hit Chrissy with an implement and ran off.
Every time.
I think that this informs his character over the entire show.
you need to protect yourself from your reddit ways kid.
>the dialogue is mediocre
Oh c'mon, how can you not love back-and-forths like:
>"It sounds to me like Anthony Jr. may have stumbled onto existentialism."
>"Fucking Internet."
wait im talking to someone who hates the sopranos who watched only one full season AND likes anime?
im done. good night guys
characters are the only thing that matters
no amount of intricate worldstructuring or devious plots can support awfully uninteresting characters that nobody wants to waste their time being exposed to, certainly no amount of visual bullshittery will improve anything
t. soprano dissenter
That's not an argument. I see little reason to keep watching a show if a central conflict wasn't presented and the characters aren't nearly good enough to justify the praises the show gets.
Not to mention "intricate worldstructuring or devious plots" often feel contrived and forced as hell. Great characters are the only reliable way to make a great series.
This is the kind of post you can expect from some random weeb who thinks juvenile trash like Hannibal and Death Note has more depth than The Sopranos.
>cat staring at picture of christoffa
What did chase mean by this?
THIS. hory fucking shit Sup Forums worships this series as some kind of messiah. its mediocre at best same with Sup Forums cocksuckin The Wire.
get some fucking taste Sup Forums ffs
Not that guy, but true detective, breaking bad, the wire, off the top of my head.
I don't hate it but I really didn't understand the hype when I watched it
I liked it overall but I stopped watching it after the 4th season or so. There were some very high peaks but overall I didn't really find too many of the characters all that compelling.
>characters are the only thing that matters
False and even if that were the case, most of the characters are fairly shallow. This isn't even consistent with everybody else in the thread who's trying to defend the plots in the show.
>awfully uninteresting characters
I agree to some extent, which is why I don't care for this poor man's Goodfellas, because the writing does not make up for the uninteresting characters.
i think true detective (1) is kino but sopranos is merely good
if it makes me a pleb so be it
Literally unoriginal premise: the show
Italian mafia dramas have already been done to death in film. What makes this any different if it's told via television format?
I like this guy
There's remarkably little depth to the Sopranos, so it's hardly excusable in that regard. I was only using those an example of shows that has conflicts where each episode is devoted to furthering the conflict to its inevitable conclusion, which is almost completely lacking in the Soranos.
But the 5th and 6th seasons have some of the best moments of the show. Most agree that the final season is the best season.
Absolute pure redditcancer. You all should be in concentration camps. Fuck you.