I've watched the Sopranos to the point I finally reached the scene where he does this.
I've watched the Sopranos to the point I finally reached the scene where he does this
why did this become a meme even?
not that I complain, I've started doing it irl to my normie friends and family, good fun
You motherless fuck.
I like Paulie but sometimes he gets so annoying
>that episode where he kills the russian with Cristopher
And it's not even Chrissy he's doing it to.
The horns of the bull, sign of the cuckold.
Did Paulie browse 4chinz?
he's an angry beta
[ ._.]/,,/
>based Patsy on the background
Watch it, Gloria
Watch it, user
Watch it, Paulie
Watch it, user.
Watch it, faggot
Watch it, Patsy
I've been seeing WiC threads for as long as there's been DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR threads, but only WiC has managed to reach peak meme status.
which episode was this?
Watch it Gabagool!
I'm on in season 2 desu senpai.
Now I'm leaving this thread before I read any spoilers. I hear this is THE one show you would kill someone for spoiling for you.
I gotta be loyle to my capo.
It was the episode where Tony gets out of the hospital after getting shot by corrado and at the meantime Pauline was intimidating the garbage business owners
It's also supposed to ward off the Malocchio, or the Evil Eye. Paulie was extremely old world and superstitious
brought to you by BaneSpammer. Providing forced meme services on Sup Forums for the past half decade. He'll never know what vagina feels like and he'll die alone but he'll convince each new group of jr high summerfags a random line from whatever he watched recently, and his aspie mind fixated on, is totally epic maymays. All done through the simple act of NEET mindless reposting and samefagging for 12 hours a day, every day, for the next few years.
clearly not old world enough, the illiterate fuck looked so out of place in italy
I'm almost done with season 3 and so far it hasn't live up to the hype
Nothin better than a piping hot forced meme
Yeah a lot of it is mostly superficial posturing. They go on about muh culture and muh heritage but they go over to the other side and everyone there sees them as low class Americans. In the eyes of real Italians, they're the same as the medigan they look down their noses at back in Jersey.
The balls on this prick
don't get me wrong I love Tony and his family even Janice
Kill yourself but before you do tell us which shows you like better.
>piping hot
fuck off newfag
>I've watched the Sopranos
stopped reading
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR is a way better meme than WiC
>the meme scene in question wasn't Paulie and Crissy but Paulie and the boom mic guy who was in love with pam/russ hanneman
What a time to be alive
>tfw you have thin frail fingers
>tfw you look like a pussy trying to do the paulie point
anyone else know this feel?
band of brothers and i, claudius
[ ._.]/,,/
Its a warmed over meme from like a decade ago that has only recently been forced due to an exploitable .png with transparency being slapped over everything
Actual scene isnt as memey
im the anti you.
i have fat swollen sausage fingers and it looks like im doing pink balloon tricks
they're like knitting needles- I wish I had THICC iti fingers
So in the scene where Paulie calls them all a bunch of fucking queers, were they actually communicating with the dead?
Now this is a story all about how
Communications got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
So just sit right there
I'll tell you how it means invasion of the planet Naboo from the air.
Patsy never looked like a gangster, he always seemed more like a car salesman or a high school teacher. That's weird.
Can you think of any other explanation?
That's cool. He's not even talking to Chrissy in the scene either.
So how did this even became a meme?
der ess a bee on yourr hat
stupida ffucking game
>Mr. Williams will never beat up your gf and shoot you in the fucking kneecap
What do friends feel like?
That's what made him so scary, a lot of real mobsters could blend into public easily and seemed harmless (remember the two old hitmen from Casino?)
Also Patsy is a college professor irl with several doctorates
Does somebody have the "you're killing yourself with marijuana" pasta?
>that time Paulie shoulda watched it
>not watch it ernie
The fuck
>tfw the last time Meadow's actress ever ran was during the final episode of the Sopranos because she's developed MS over the years
So you're saying she can't escape the rape?
>tfw my 75 year old uncle showed me this video
Do people like Paulie still exist? Or have all Italians on the east coast been kicked up to the middle class
"every day until you like it" is a real thing
the mob is still very real m8
I agree, but WiC has legs
>mfw the cast of Sopranos didn't know who should call her when Gandolfini died
>she was pregnant, no one wanted to be the one who had to deliver this most upsetting news
>Johnny Sack stepped up and made the phone call that no one wanted to make
What is chrissy supposed to watch?
I think you're misremembering.
Johnny died in jail, remember?
Yeah but even on the show guys like Tony, Patsy or Bobby are much more middle-class, "white" and modern than Paulie
le capicola face
yes. also, karen baccalieri's ghost moves a glass in one scene in response to janice denying that ghosts are real. there are a few other things that are more ambiguous on their own, as well.
Don't forget Pussy appearing in the mirror at Livia's wake. And that old guy who comes downstairs only to go back up again when Janice has everyone in the great room to talk about Livia's memory
I've never heard of this Janice/Karen scene
Or this guy who walks downstairs
Well if in this universe ghosts exist and shit, did Chrissy really go to purgatory? Why did Mikey lead them? Three O'Clock?
user please
I've never actually watched The Sopranos, past the first episode. It just doesn't seem interesting to me.
So I have no idea what that forced meme is from. I've kind of lost interest in new memes because there are so many boring forced ones these days.
>ywn be the GOAT
just kill me a bury me beneath the shadiest tree. let my tombstone read "stupid idiot"
Please help.
I suppose Chrissy really went to purgatory. The Emerald Piper sounds like an Italian American's total fuckin nightmare, so maybe it was hell. Mikey probably led them because he was the latest of Paulie's victim? Or maybe Paulie just made the assumption that he was the ring leader. There's a few times Tony and Paulie wake up at 3 am. Also if the Man in the Member's Only Jacket is the one who kills Tony, and he comes out of the bathroom, he'd be at Tony's 3 o clock
fairly sure it's from that one episode
>someone dies
>kid inherits company
>is going to sell it
>that's bad for their business
>Paulie has to threaten him not to sell
The irish bar is the one Tony and Pussy go to, the roman soldiers represent Tony and Pussy (where are they now? you're lookin' at them, asshole from season 1). Tony mentions the people who go to hell are the ones who kill for pleasure, kill kids (Matt Bevilaqua) and he talks with Paulie about "if you were in India right now you'd go to hell for eating cow", which comes up at the irish bar when Pussy and Tony eat big steaks. There's also a shot where Pussy's head looks like it has devil horns against the window of the restaurant but I don't buy into that one that much.
>this meme is the reason I started watching the show
>waited eagerly for the scene
>finally get to it
>he doesn't even say it
you have to wait until season 4
Here's the scene, sorry I don't have a higher resolution version of the episode. I think Janice is just moving her place mat though
While I'm at it, someone want another .webm? I can try to make a couple
Make one of the meme Watch It Chrissy scene (image from OP), not the actual one.
I thought this meme was related to the nutshack
What episode is that one from? I did the intervention scene because I knew what it was from
Ah I found it, thought it was in episode 2 or 3 of 6. It's in Fleshy Part of the Thigh
either of these good?
yeah, this guy fucks
>the quasimodo conversation was supposed to be between Tony and Paulie
>it would have been but that was early season 4 when the actor was having back surgery
It makes so much more sense. I didn't think Bobby was that dumb. He doesn't come up with shit like Snakes reproducing spontaneously.
>deepest lore
well done paisan, well done
WHy do his lips look so weird on CHrissy.
>those who kill and torture kids
>he sees Matt as a kid who yells 'mommy'
>it comes up in the next episode while at the mall and hears a kid calling for his mother
>right after killing a kid he goes and has hell-cow at an irish pub
what the fuck? Tony is so going to hell now.
user why are you so NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWW
other .webms? let me know the episode if you can, there's a lot of content to search through
I don't use Sup Forums much.
I clicked because my dad quotes sopranos at me all the time.
You just reveal your own ignorance. Also your dad sounds cute, does he browse Sup Forums?
I need one of Melfi getting raped from ep 304.