im literally shaking right fucking now
Im literally shaking right fucking now
Did it give you PTSD, user?
With joy and pride in the human spirit?
>there are white people that will pay money to watch this
bongs BLACKED yet again
>im literally shaking right fucking now
Says the libtard
Nice try at sock puppetry, loser.
fuck off cuck
We've had multicultural mixing in tv and movies since the seventies. It's not a big deal here.
It's america that has the fetishisation problems not us. You're just immature as a culture that's all.
Why are Sup Forumstards so easily triggered?
>It's not a big deal here.
fuck outta here
Will the cucking ever stop?
>It's not a big deal here.
They'd have no reason for living otherwise.
Sup Forumstards please catch your shortbus back to your containment area.
>whites think they're the master race
>says jews own and run everything
Nice try assholes.
Im shaking with joy too user
England is already suffering so much, why do they need even more?
Their love brought down the Empire. Deal with it.
>Sup Forumstards
le buzzwords mememan
>jews are inferior
>but they're somehow sneaky and sly enough to control every single aspect of the white man's life
I don't get it.
>It's not a big deal here.
hahahaha you fucking cuck
The only truly bothersome thing about this film is Ruth Williams was a fucking fuggo, yet she's portrayed by a pretty hot piece of ass.
You guys get triggered so damn easily.
Please don't tell me you're such pussies in real life?
Married well within his league t b h
I'm with you user. Why can't these americans appreciate diversity like us?
Don't fall for the bait.
I'm shaking because I'm fapping.
Yeah, I'm not all too bothered by natural mud sharks. They're genetic garbage anyway. I've never in-person seen an attractive white woman with a nigger.
Is that Kang Arthur?