ITT: Movies that could be Black Mirror episodes
ITT: Movies that could be Black Mirror episodes
Her, obviously
So basically psychological stuff + some tech
Groundhog Day, except he would wake up to the last day realizing it was all an experiment or something.
is black mirror good? should I watch
It's pretty good.
Truman Show
3rd season wasn't as good.
Not true
Inception, except it would be much better written and less action oriented
The only people who think this are people who started watching when season 3 came out.
started watching it and it seems like diversity quotas the show. is this a running theme?
Some episodes are better than others in all seasons, but I think the quality remains consistent. What do you think has downgraded on season 3, honest question?
Kind of. It's like QT putting footfag stuff in all his films. Still a good show if you can look past that though.
>Truman isn't female
>Truman doesn't have a black wife
>His best friend isn't a transexual who comes round to hang out with a 6 pack of starbucks
I can't see how it could be an episode at all
Only white male protagonist is a pedophile.
nice get
so its accurate then
you're forgetting the aussie
he fucked a cutie and just wanted call his mum
nintendo screwed him over
This is totally a Black MIrror episode
I personally don't even notice that kind of shit, it doesn't matter. You guys are too easily triggered.
ohh good point i'm retarded.
the american bloke
> It's an user doesn't know what The Truman show is
It's South Park-tier preachy, but they have some interesting concepts in certain episodes that they work out quite nicely most of the time.
Interesting to watch if you can get over Charlie Brooker shoving his shallow social commentary down your throat.
ex machina is the obvious answer