Why Community is so perfect?
Why Community is so perfect?
The first few seasons were so comfy.
I love every season (even 4 th).
>that episode when Annie gets raped
Anyone else thought that that was a little too much?
I hate this show with passion. Contrived, tryhard humor, and for some reason I felt rather claustrophobic while watching it. Chevy Chase was the only good thing about. I managed to make it thru 2 seasons, and that's about it.
It was the perfect show, though it was weird that they started with Season 2 and finished with Season 3.
Nah, that was right up this show's alley
Would have been nice if the two black characters weren't out and out stereotypes
>Fat super religious chick who isn't afraid to get sassy!!
>Ex star athlete (ironic since Donald Glover looks like he's never caught a ball in his life) who is dumb as fuck
>Chink, Nigger, Jew, and Poo
no thanks
Seasons 1 and 2 were. Seasons 3 and 6 were ok, Season 5 was bad, Season 4 was absolute and utter shit.
Yeah, Donald Glover doesn't look like a jock at all, but at least his character wasn't so fucking annoying. Shirley is the worst character from Community by far. She didn't add anything to it.
>implying theres anything wrong with Alison
Homo detected
That really bothered me. Because he's funny, they just never developed him as a character.
Where are his jockish qualities? Surely he'd have some knowledge of or interest in sports due to his past. Even if he wasn't totally sincere about all that stuff, there's a crisis of identity there that could have been explored. His relationship with Shirley wasn't special in any way despite probably having been raised by big black ladies. Troy was a non-character.
>Shirley didn't add anything
I'm racist as hell, but she was pretty much the heart of the group. Removing Shirley was just as damaging for the show as removing Pierce.
Because they sold their souls to kek.
plebs fap to Brie
being patrician is waifuing Britta
>implying Frankie isn't the patrician's choice
>Where are his jockish qualities? Surely he'd have some knowledge of or interest in sports due to his past. Even if he wasn't totally sincere about all that stuff, there's a crisis of identity there that could have been explored.
There was an entire episode about him considering going back to football in season 1.
>1.75 good seasons
How much shit do you eat on a daily basis?
This tbph. Its reddit the tv show.
As someone said, Community is a show about dumb people with smart humor while TBBT is a show about smart people with dumb humor. But yeah, I give the credit to the writers first and foremost. They managed to make the first few seasons some of the best comedy TV ever, with appropriate levels of introspection.
I like this, but having gone back to 3 I'd put it higher than 6 and 2 a little lower than 1.
that's the feeling I get from it too
Knowledge is agreeing with this post. Wisdom is fapping to both of them anyway.
> Get in the thread knowing there would be someone that hates this so passionately they would not resist but to comment
Yup, thats Sup Forums. Also, Community is tha shit.
its not. its fucking garbage after s2
I like the honesty in this post.
Brie is the easiest, comfiest choice. Jacobs is the bold, daring one.
that's not nice
>>Ex star athlete who is dumb as fuck
Is that an exclusively BLACK stereotype tho?
Same here.
it has its episodes
but its really boring overall
Okay, maybe not a racist stereotype, but a stereotype nonetheless
Any new pics of Brie's hairy arms, pussy, or face?
Danny pudi is in it