Hacksaw Ridge and Mel Gibson appreciation thread

Also how many times did you cry during this perfect movie?

Movie's a steaming pile of shit.

>music swells every five seconds
>Garfield going Full Metal Autist in the theater
>an hour where nothing happens then an hour from a completely different movie
>that terrible, no good, very bad CGI
>Garfield the Cat pulling the 6'5 200-something pound Vince Vaughn across a battlefield at the speed of an Olympic sprinter (guess there was lasagna at the other end)
>whenever an American unloads on the Japanese the movie goes full Call of Duty
>that fucking scene where he grabs the corpse and run-and-guns like the meatshield from Gears of War 2
>yo human life is sacred except when it's the Japanese who are getting killed

Worst movie I've seen in years, and I liked Gibson's earlier stuff.

Still waiting for a good torrent.


Hugo Weaving was the bright shining spot. He was so fucking great.

>he never killed and also helped several japanese soldiers
>adrenaline rush does wonders in warfare
>your ADHD ass not being able to understand pacing

One of the greatest war movies of all time. Makes FMJ look like a child's home video.
Gibson is the premier kinographer of our era.

Just once at the end.

There was no pacing in the movie.

Scene ends. No transition. Cut to another scene. Bravo Gibson!

Oh, and where was the third act? Where was the ending? That's right, there weren't any.

>he never killed and also helped several Japanese soldiers

It's in how the movie portrays the violence. It's about how violence is bad but it goes out of its way to make the violence look fucking awesome.

And those "several" Japanese soldiers? We only see one. He probably got killed later by some dude yelling heroically with a machine gun. The rest are only alluded to, definitely a cop-out.

The worst thing about the movie is that Desmond Doss probably would have hated it.

Based MEl!

Cried like 3 or 4 times:
Beatdown scene aftermath
Flashback scene with drunk father
Rescuing Doss scene

Probably forgetting a scene

"God, help me get one more."

>proceeds to shed tears of pride

>How to detect a pleb
Roddot is down the hall and to the left. You're confusing a well directed movie with a movie glorifying war.

>tfw no nurse waifu
Feels awful man

exact moments i cried as well.

Heartbreak Ridge >>>>> Hacksaw Ridge.

This was the first time I've ever been shaken up by violence in a movie.

If you thought this movie was glorifying violence, you're borderline a psychopath.

No, it's just glorifying violence when Americans do it.

The Japanese got arguably better scenes, though. That bayonet charge?

This movie made me hate Japs.

Really appreciated this movie. There was no element of irony or subversion in Mel's story telling, it was all so sincere in the way it was formed.

ADDENDUM: ur a faget

Sincerity is dying in out culture and people like cannot even understand what sincerity is when they see it. Many people are starting to think that only irony can be cool or intelligent and that sincere people are stupid people.

what an awfull opinion

I really felt this in the romance between Doss and that nurse. It had a geniune touch of romance to it. Something lost in other modern love stories.

Did anyone else see Hugo Weaving in the crowd of soldiers before they all climbed the net for the first time? I swear I saw him looking all sad and shit behind Desmond.


This is the first time I've seen Sam Worthington actually act.

How does this film rank into Mel's filmography according to you? I'd say it might be his best.

The violence isn't supposed to look awesome, it looks awesome maybe if you are a gore porn junkie and that's the kinda action you like but the intent is that it's horrifying and extreme to hammer the point that war is chaos and violence on an extreme level.

>yo human life is sacred except when it's the japanese who are getting killef
Doss Never killed, and actually saved some japanese soldiers

Why was this movie named Hacksaw Ridge when we don't see one limb get hacksawed off?


also one of the best war movies up there with black hawk down and saving private ryan