What did you think of this movie?
Does it realistically portray those poor souls who are >18 and virgin?
Do you think those people really exist?
What did you think of this movie?
Does it realistically portray those poor souls who are >18 and virgin?
Do you think those people really exist?
Of course not. Everyone at least gets raped before 18.
lol yeah probably not. I mean, how the FUCK do you not FUCK before 18? Like, it's literally impossible unless you're homeschooled.
i dont understand, is this movie implying that its out of the ordinary for people to not have lost their virginity once they hit the legal age? What is the "normal" age for people to lose their virginity? I am 23 and have barely even talked to a girl before
All I know is being virgin is on par with being a drug dealer.
How embarassing that must be haha
>there are actually people out there who didn't have sex around 15 or 16
truly remarkable to consider
Is that Emma?
Fuck this shit Im getting a hooker ASAP
>I am 23 and have barely even talked to a girl before
Common age is usually 14-16
that means you're autistic tbqh famalamamama. seriously, fucking pathetic
Try 13-14 Americuck
I was quiet in school and didnt talk to many people, now all I do is go to work and come home and play vidya
What are you implying?
I know fucking loads of people that lost it in their 20s.
Teens lie. A lot.
I can't understand why would someone waste their time on fake achievements.
Here in Europe we have routine virgin shaming. If you haven't lost it by 15 you're a loser. If you can't produce your signed virginity loss forms on the first day of school you're ridiculed all year.
Statistics don't lie.
Also I bet you know WOMEN who lost in in their 20s since it's easier for them. Cunt. You made me angry.
I think an 18 year old girl with a budding sexuality is a good thing but they seem to treat sex like it's just a drinking game or something you do for fun - they take no responsibilities and just act like children as if it's freeing..let them have their fun.
Also it's seemingly degenerate because they're forcing the whole "I'm an adult now I can make adult decisions and fuck" but you're probably not an adult. I imagine a 14 year old norwegian is far more adult and capable of sex than even a 23 year old female american.
plus only low self-esteem babies and people who bought into the social pressure and memes care about being a virgin. I'd rather edge for 6 hours straight and blast a hole in my wall while stoned than have a 7 min drunk romp with some fuckhole.
Switch to reading or lifting user.
You can keep the vidya if you enjoy it so much, and try to find an autistic vidya gf.
I wish I had an autistic gf to play video games with.
I'm sad now.
I started lifting + kickboxing + writing.
Games don't feel like anything anymore.
>lost virginity at 14
>had sex a shitload during high school
>go to college, get fat
>its harder to find women now that they all have jobs
>haven't had sex in 2 years
Wizard should be age 20 in the year 2016.
This pic is from old Sup Forums.
The World was a whole lot different then.
>I'd rather edge for 6 hours straight and blast a hole in my wall while stoned than have a 7 min drunk romp with some fuckhole.
Spoken like a true ´virgin
What is stopping you from changing that?
I was like you once, and then I didn't change anything, 6 years passed and I still am like you.
Now it's only 2 months till I become a wizard.
Fuck man. What should I do not to end up where you are?
yeah but you can't even keep a straightface and tell me fucking for 5-10 mins is better than dripping on adderall and weed and jerking for hours
all I'm missing out is the "conquering" part but my self-esteem is fine so I don't need someone in my bed to feel like a man
there is a reason why men seek out relationships with vaginal creatures besides sex.
Otherwise every man would just use prostitutes.
>watching moving pictures on a screen for enjoyment
Get some other hobbies I guess, preferably ones that involve leaving your house and interacting with people.
No one is going to think a guy who just works then goes home and plays videogames is an interesting person.
One of the best ladies man I knew played fucking strategy games all day in his pad and at nighttime he was like goddamn batman slaying women everywhere he went.
>just become a sociopath around other people bro
>Do you think those people really exist?
Look where you are fucking asking.
Thank god i actually got a grip and lost it a few months before i turned 19.
you made me tear
What did you do?
>having sex at a normal age and bragging about it
Started doing more weed, more alcohol and using tinder
It's still working fine i guess, also i started taking Effexor a bit before 18.
I live in norway and every1 i grew up with lost their virginity around 13-14-15
you can find girls to fuck on tinder at 19?
You'd think they'd go for older dudes.
Where's the movie for those of us that lost it at 25?
well that's because your life there is so bleak and a lot of you are whores
but still my sentiment that you're generally more mature than us americans stands
Wha-what's going on here!?!
people usually lose it by 16
that's the age i was, anyway
Taxi Driver
Lost your virginity, but still managed to remain a faggot... how surprising...
This always annoyed me about the poster and is probably the reason I never even watched this movie... "whoa he's a virgin so embarrassing oh my gosh"
>I'll be a wizard in 2017
I lost it at 15, when I used to be Chad.
check em
You don't stop being Chad.
Guys, keep trying! Soon you'll meet the special girl of your dreams :)
You do when your fiancee breaks your heart and you fall into depression, start hanging out with the wrong crowd. Start doing drugs and then end up a nervous wreck at age 27, trying to rebuild your shattered life.
I went from 77kg of muscle to 62kg.
My cousin bought this movie and said it was a huge laugh, so we watched it. I have no idea what the fuck he was on.
great source really glad we have such dedicated researchers to teach us all about the vaginal menace!
You've never been on Tinder then. It marks the end of the average man. For every average woman, there are a 50 guys hogging her ass.
Was the plot?
>tfw 20 in three fucking days
>girls cheat and have casual sex
>girls prefer muscular endowed men
I'm a bitter virgin and I can't even attempt to feel mad.
Why do other virgins get so mad? Let them fuck and have fun it really isn't bothering me any.
Im 21. It gets worse the more years go by trust me buddy
Ive never used tinder, but most of my friends do.
The first time I heard about it, my friend told me all about it and complained that all the girls only "want to meet friends" when he goes out with them.
Then I spoke to a different friend and he showed me his phone. He had 300 matches and fucked a different woman every night.
More like in three ( non ) fucking days
yeah man if it wasn't for hardworking sexologists such as yourself we might never know that the average woman has 50 guys fucking her regularly. thanks for sharing such potent red pills brother. how many are named tyrone again? i forgot.
>Sup Forums
The plot is that the cover girl needs to fuck someone at a party that never ends, and for some reason that turns out to be difficult
I can't remember anything else, other than that whoever edited this movie must have just discovered iMovie scene transitions, because the visual effects were nauseating.
You can find 18/19/20-yo girls to fuck if you're 19 easily.
Man, that makes me feel kind of shitty. Dudes are either
>Trawler Boat Captain
Hauling in tons of fish, but feel nothing for them and have nothing felt in return.
>Bestilled Betas
Going nowhere, doing nothing and slowly going nuts.
I wouldn't care if this was 18-24 year old kids screwing around, but 18-35? Damn.
Did she fuck?
4 months here, it's a cosy feeling.
I lost mine at 26. I'm 28 now and have slept with over 25 women since than.
Nothing physically or mentally wrong with me. I was just too much of a pussy in my teens and early 20s.
I had so many opportunities earlier, but was too scared to do anything and became a shutin for a while.
It is never too late, stop being scared of chicks, and don't be afraid to make the first move.
This is a very heavy spoiler, user. This event decides the entire plot of 18-year-old virgin
Well you must be habdsone
I want to fuck some sluts but I don't want a facebook. Shit.
Normalfag masterrace ww@
>lost virginity at 15 while drunk at my girlfriends pool party
I turn 26 this month, I guess I have some hope now. What was the biggest change you made in your life?
>tfw I had one girlfriend in freshman year of high school and hated it
I dunno, I just find that the girls that you're really attracted to can end up being a total bore to be around
I live in norway and I'm still a virgin at 33.
Holy shit
Sup Forums is autistic and think sex = peepee friction
That part where she puts the chicken cutlets in her bra to make her tits look bigger should be here in webm form.
You guys disappoint me
>Co workers talking about all the sex they've had
>quietly nod and act like im in the same boat
Start working out, dressing nice, and eating healthy. If you care about your body and how you look, it projects to the chicks that you have some value.
>work out dress nice and be physically appealing. this lets women know you have some value
so why not just admit women are shallow whores who will take the tall handsome guy 500:1 the mediocre looking guy who is funny and has a good personality
I already do that mate. Now what.
Ever since I gained weight I'ved stopped getting looks from chicks, feels bad man.
Also quit porn completely, that shit just makes you lazy and lowers your sexdrive. You'll actually gain more confidence from this.
>yfw you find out people are attracted to attractive people
>havent had sex in two weeks
kill me
I can confirm this is bullshit.
>start lifting a couple years back
>cannot stop comparing my lifts and body to others
>become obsessed with how much I lift and how I look
>get incredibly depressed and angry for a whole day when I don't break a PR or a lift stalls
>horny all the fucking time
>no gf
It only works if you don't have a healthy relationship with porn
Holy shit art thou me
Man my hopes for a woman that doesn't fuck around keep getting smaller and smaller. I'd probably have a better chance finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
literally a 25 year old virgin
Go outside and socialize? It won't just fall in to your lap if you stay inside all day.