You're not brave. Men are brave

>You're not brave. Men are brave.

Post yfw

*rapes you*



BvS was trash , but there are the rare lines like this one which hint at the potential that was squandered.

>BvS was trash


>get an upperhand thanks to underhanded trickery after getting his shit smacked
>time to spew noble oneliners


He's got a point, you can only be brave in the face of mortal danger. Supes is literally walking around in god mode.


>Now you get to learn what it means to be a man

Why was this cut altogether? would be a great line in the context of the BvS fight

Compelling arguement,my fellow kino-isseur

I was asleep

It really wasn't though

A sure sign of a pleb

BvS was great.




stop making sense user, this isn't the place for it



breathe it in

I do kinda dig Batman's aesthetic. I usually think "heavy" versions of superheroes come off corny but I feel like his design was well done.

Got the webm of the punching scene?

>but I feel like his design was well done.

Thanks Frank Miller!

Is there someone taking flash photography? That strobe is pretty excessive for a storm.

>Is there someone taking flash photography?

He's in Central City, so doubtful


That's it. Thanks family.

seriously it was great

Have ever seen a tropical thunderstorm?

the line is
>It's time you learn what it means to be a man
It's so fucking badass I can't forget it. I noticed its absence too. I imagine he could've said it instead of OP's quote and the scene would be the same.

Why were the five minutes of Jonathan in BvS so much more impactful than the entirety of his character in MoS?

because zack snyder is just a complete fuckup. he consistently manages to turn 10/10 source material into average at best films.

>can't I keep pretending I'm your son?
>you are my son.
That scene was pretty impactful, if you ask me.

>stop, my invincible son

>I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-orry superman p-p-please don't hurt me

Why was batman such a bitch?

>not accompanied by laughing Evans gif
One job user.

This scene got me, not gonna lie

Should have gone deeper with this.
This line could have really bothered Superman because he is fundamentally incapable of being brave because of his lack of fear.

I'm trying to save mook's bandwidth

This "action" is garbage. It either looks like CGI fake bullshit or really lazy choreography.

On one hand I love the reaction but on the other it just seems out of character especially since right after Batman gets on top. Was he just deceiving Smug Supes into a trap?

>he is fundamentally incapable of being brave because of his lack of fear.
I imagine he was shitting his fucking pants throughout General Zod's antics.

BvS warehouse scene remains the greatest action scene in capeshit for a decade.

>Gadot as wonder woman

So WW is a Jewish woman?

>This line could have really bothered Superman because he is fundamentally incapable of being brave because of his lack of fear.

Except he can be afraid, if not for himself but for others, failing them even. That was the whole point, Batman saw him as this static unflappable alien but had no clue he had been raised as a human who had his own share of experiences that ran the gamut of emotions.

Saying Superman has no fear makes no sense.

Bullshit. Superman can fear lots of things besides physical harm to himself.

>Was he just deceiving Smug Supes into a trap?

He probably didn't expect him to recover from the Kryptonite so quickly, it was a genuine reaction. Unless you prescribe to Batgod shenanigans

>underhanded trickery
thats right, he should've beaten him up fairly.
you fucking mong.

>Batman punches Supes repeatedly in the face
>Supes starts to recover, every punch with less of an effect
>Batman punches what seems like a steel girder of a face
>Supes cocks his head, Batman looks scared
>Supes lunges at Batman, taking him through the floor
>Hans Zimmer music intensifies


Fear stems from the knowledge of your own mortality. Death is the primary root of fear

Superman cannot die, he cannot know what real fear is


Which coincidentally is why I never liked Superman.

>He is completely invincible
>He also can fly
>And shoot lasers out of his eyes
>And blow hurricane force winds
>And run at super speeds
>And he has hyper strength
>And his only weakness is an element so rare it doesn't even naturally occur on Earth

Ya. Really compelling hero there.

There were some great scenes in bvs, which really heightened he butthurt when the final product was so underwhelming

>missing the point of superman

And then, because this Superman is a retard, he falls for the trick of running into the kryptonite gas a second time.

>there are still BvS threads

He's supposed to represent an ideal. A physical manifestation of our best qualities, that which we strive towards. That's why the best Superman stories are the ones where he's tested ideologically rather than punching his way out of a problem.

Childhood is idolizing Batman. Adulthood is when you realize Superman makes more sense.

And we will race behind him, stumble and fall...

he literally can't die as the end of the movie showed anyway

Hope never dies.


>Men are brave
>Everyone scared af of alien except of few braind-damaged crazy billioners

>except of few braind-damaged crazy billioners

Get some sleep, user

Superman started it

Does anyone actually stop and think how fucking stupid it is to have Batman get in a fight with Superman?

Do comic book kiddies actually get excited seeing such a fucking retarded concept play on screen? "Huurr normal human just like me xD can totally go toe to toe with an OP alien". Off yourselves.

The phrase you're looking for is "Unless you SUBSCRIBED to Batgod shenanigans" you don't prescribe to anything you stupid fuck you GET prescribed. Sheesh I hope you're not a native english speaker because otherwise you have no excuse for being so stupid.


I'm not the only one that got misty eyed over Batman throughout this entire film was I? First time I've ever seen the character done passionately. Fitting since he's the villain I guess. I will be upset if this is the only time we get to see Batman as a fucking monster.

Bravery cannot exist without fear, idiot.

Ya, I get that. Superman is supposed to represent what good a man can do if he doesn't fear death.

The problem with Superman is that he's one note. He can only be truly challenged ideologically or philosophicaly. And if you defeat him in those manners he just sulks back to his ice dildo fort to take a shit, drink some coffee, and shitpost "Hmmm. Really made me think." before patting himself on the back and going about his merry way.

Other, more compelling superheroes can be challenged on both physical and ideological grounds.

Get into a fight with an op alien or actually fight an op alien? Not the same thing

This desu. I realised a few weeks ago actually that Superman is probably my favourite superhero.

Grant Morrison said it best "Sometime during our darkest night, we created the story of a man who would never let us down".

>you don't prescribe to anything you stupid fuck

Actually you can.

I forget, did Superman know Doomsday was Zod? Because holy fuck if I knew the indestructible monster was the tragic kryptonian I put down years before I would be totally warped. I'd murder Lex first chance I got for that.

That's Spider-Man.
Superman is only for manchildren that want to act morally superior toward other people.

Supes symbolizes the need for a God in which you trust to save you.
Batman symbolizes mens effort to overcome difficulties.

Superman's weakness is mankind. He is a slave to human will, an instrument of it. He is not all-powerful but he is all-good. By reducing him to an instrument of mankind, he also removes the burden of ruling over people, becoming a God over them.

Batman never realized this. He saw only himself in Superman. A crazy vigilante that could snap any moment. This is why Batman fears Superman. He simply cannot comprehend an all-good icon. Bruce Wayne is the lost soul. His cynical philosophy is revealed through his hatred towards powers above him.

Comic book people don't. Normies does. No one actually likes Batman vs Superman concept. They're bestbros in comics.

Well after seeing it pause and look at his statue then proceed to bash him over the head with it, he had a pretty good inkling, plus the only kryptonian left beside him was a corpse

It's not bravery if they can't overcome fear, retard.

It's also why this new age Superman sucks. He sees helping humanity as a hassle, instead of a joy. While Batman is supposed to see the bad in everyone and plan for it, Superman is supposed to see the good in everyone and try to bring it out. New Superman is sort of like an edgy kid that wrecks the cool kids' cars and tells them to back off "or else".

Why aren't there webms of this?


I genuinely wish there was a real superman. Let all the demons of hell spew forth, superman will always save me

The one and only great moment in the movie.

There were several user


No there weren't.

>superman will always save me
He can save you from destructive acts of god, but he can't save you from bad parenting and other deep seeded injustices. :(

As a man who hate BvS as terroble adaptation, I must say that there were several. Like scene in storehouse

I guess its subjective but i thought the opening act was fantastic the music was also great

But he can...

> he thinks capeshit can be good
> current year
I remember being 13
and having down syndrome

All i wanted was this superman, my superman

But he can't. There's a great chance she later on slit her arms in the tub. I love Superman but he can't fix humanity... not unless he becomes God Emperor and initiates eugenics and other programs.
