Post shitty films that you unironically enjoy. If you say you don't like any shitty films then you're lying. Pic related.
Shit films you love
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Judge Dredd
Robocop 2, 3
Con Air
can't think of any others of the top of my head.
Hackers. It's fucking perfect.
Idk what it is about this movie that made me enjoy it. I think it was all the stereotyping and sandlers accent.
The joke of him fucking old ladies got played out too much for my tastes, but everything was actually funny
easily one of my top 10 favorite films, it's a masterpiece of ridiculous cyberpunk schlock
Jingle All The Way
Only prequel I found enjoyable. Not as good as the originals, but enjoyable.
I adore this kino
>this film is shitty
>Con Air
Pick one
This one
what's bad about con air, other than the shitty reason nic cage ended up in jail for?
Whenever I'm feeling down I watch this
As good as cutting off somebodys lips.
one of my favorite movies of all time. it's comfy as fuck.
As if there's any question to the right answer here
Mark my words, this will be a "cult classic" in 20 years.
Fuckin movie's great.
Is that considered shit? Most people I know liked it.
This is fucking kino-tier shit.
"Your pecs are epic."
This and reality bites are the most 90s movies ever
I know alot of ppl that hate it and coulden't sit through it
jesus christ i hate 90's movie posters
Based answer. The One is great.
I fucking love this movie and have watched it several times a year for the last 16 years.
No sequel my ass
that movie series is funny
I also love the sequel.
And have watched it several times a year for the last 15 years.
Honestly, I need help.
I feel the same about this and European Gigolo
All films considered "cult" have had at least a small and loud following since the release.
Repo Men does not.
The first time I saw this I fell in love and have forced each and every grillfriend to sit and watch it with me.
Even one on her own birthday.
Granted I haven't seen the movie for at least a decade but I loved that shit.
Poor girls.
doesn't top the original of course but still a lot of fun
You're 100% right.
Not just for having to see the movie but mostly for dating me.
That's just plainly good.
considering you're from reddit, of course they did
I personally don't pursue the relationship if a girl doesn't like Macgruber, and can't stand a 50-turn game of Mario Party.
It's my double-barrelled shit hurdle test.
cult classic means that it has a small and devoted fan base
a small but very enthusiastic fanbase like westworld
not every one is watching it and its not that great but its few fans wont shut the fuck up about it
You werent even a tinkle in yer daddys eye when I saw that in the theatre. back to memeing for you gen-y scum.
Suicide Squad
not sure is suspira would count
brubs is good and so is phenomina, wat'chu doin man?
i prefer the episode of max headroom thats entirely ripped off from
I fucking love this movie.
I say regardless of how one felt about the overall quality, the first 45 minutes or so are fucking amazing. I just wish the final fight wasn't god awful.
The part where he starts digging in the main characters yard, and the immediate results are really great. I enjoy the fuck out of this movie, too. Colin Farrell just fucking oozed steely manliness pretty much the whole time. Also Ed should have shown back up.
you're implying alot
poster looks like lizard people conspiracy
El Problemo Childo 2
the story behind this movie is legendary
Mah nigga!
shit my ass
this movie is great, and ironically it follows the original much closer than any other adaptation
Tennant was great in it too, very OTT and camp. That's what saved Jessica Jones for me. guy's talented.
I love how the guy with death flags on him for the whole movie survives up until the end before presumably dying offscreen. Then he shows up riding on a surfboard right before the credits.