Is Lost worth a fourth rewatch?

Is Lost worth a fourth rewatch?

The first couple of seasons are worth a first watch. So much unanwsered bs it hurts.

>durrr I have autism and need everything to be explained and to make sense

I was obsessed with this show when it was airing and enjoying rewatching shows like The Wire.

But every time I've tried to rewatch this I just end up stopping half way through because I can feel it going to shit and I know the ending is just them in purgatory

>le we are dead but not really meme

no, but it will make the fifth one more entertaining

It's not even worth a first watch of the first five seconds of a teaser video

>So much unanwsered bs it hurts
this is exactly why I haven't rewatched it

I have never watched Lost, apart from a few minutes when it was on TV. However, I saw the last scene picture, with that guy lying on the floor next to a dog.
Does that mean it's not worth watching when I already know that it's probably some kind of twist ending (all was a dream)?

Only if you think everything after season 2 will trigger an actually successful suicide attempt this time.


watch it

not the issue here they where just making stuff up as they go


worth watching purely for how hot mummy is

season 5 is pretty great

Dunno I haven't given it the first.


Once was enough.

For you? Probably yes.

Does it make me a freak when I want to lick her pits so bad that I start poking my desk with my fully erect dick just to lower my sexual energy levels

Hang yourself iFaggot

Hang yourself iFaggot