Other urls found in this thread:
>implying Marvel is for Trump
>implying capeshit isn't for manbaby cuck losers
Great fucking get, OP
DC is the least shitty of the bunch tho
le epic shoop
Why are Trump supporters such whiny little bitches?
Trump is literally Bruce Wayne though. A jackass ayboy in public but in private protects and loves his city/nation.
>Upper class whites.
>Not being globalists.
When money is your religion, then everything is for sale including the future.
Don't be moron, faggot.
>muh elites
Implying that rich people is not better and smarter than white trash rednecks.
I hope this is satire... Jesus...
>globalism vs nationalism
>war on foreign powers vs isolationism
>tolerance on hate groups vs open declaration of criminalization
>funded by foreign powers including those directly funding enemies of the state vs self-funded but using the same tax and financial loopholes that have bugged the populace forever
>is actually a racist vs constantly called a racist
>in my fantasy
At least he is not funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
He's a big candidate
>not drupmf