About to drop out of college because I have no idea what to do in the future and missing high school and scared of soon turning 20.
Movies for this feel?
It always helps to watch movies about feels for some reason.
About to drop out of college because I have no idea what to do in the future and missing high school and scared of soon turning 20.
Movies for this feel?
It always helps to watch movies about feels for some reason.
Eagle Eye.
Make a purpose in your life you homo.
"finding yourself" is the biggest joke around. You don't "find yourself," you make yourself.
This means picking and choosing things you enjoy.
How do you take your coffee?
It only gets worse and it's almost impossible to pull yourself out of your position. Just let the panic attack consume you.
Into the wild
Zero Charisma, Dark Horse.
Diarios de motocicleta
Muh teenage angst. Fucking grow a pair of balls you fascina
>scared of soon turning 20
you piece of shit fuck you I'd kill to be 20 again
>tfw almost 30 and still shitposting on this stupid website
>Tfw there's a picture of me like this somewhere out there
I fucking told my dad not to take pictures man I was 20 too what the fuck dad
You're a child. I really hate people like you who are a dime a dozen but pretend you're a misanthrope, down on your luck depressed dark genius..what are you nick drake you cocksucker?
You're fucking 20. Go watch bojack horseman and feel sorry for yourself you nothing haha.
Change your major to women's studies then go into politics
>scared of soon turning 20.
Nigga come back when you're 28 and have accomplished absolute 0 in life and spend all your days on Sup Forums.
Kung fu dino posse
Lost in translation
This is a good idea
>20 y/o thinks he's hopeless
epic I remember that feel
early 20s is hard as fuck for men, try not to be neet and try to figure out what profession you wanna go for
don't envy grilsl your age, they are peaking looks and social wise and it will make you depressed if you compare yourself to them. it's ok to be lost for a while, as long as you try to make a plan for yourself. good luck you anime loving piece of shit
That's what I'm trying to do. To make myself I have to choose what I want to become, and that is what I am doing. It's kind of hard though, as I don't wanna spend the rest of my life wishing I had made a different choice.
Black with no sugar or milk because that's disgusting.
howd you fuck up that bad user
That one seems really nice and I had never heard of it. Thanks.
i like this post
Nice trips. my dude.
Is that actually you? It's one of my favourite sad pics, so thank you for that.
>tfw mines going to say 25 this year
that pic gets me everytime
Haha what. I think you're extrapolating a bit much from the information I provided in my post.
This picture is just the saddest shit I've ever seen, I feel like fucking killing myself from just looking at it and I'm pretty normie.
I don't think I'm hopeless. I'm just lacking direction and I have always hated growing up. I really just wanna stay a teenager forever but that seems to be impossible, according to my research.
Good taste. What brand do you prefer? I'm assuming at 20 you're not grinding your own beans.
Choosing what you want to be is not choosing how you want to live life. I've met computer programmers who weight lift and construction workers who visit museums.
What's your aspiration? Do you want kids?
I'm 24 and I got the same feeling
I'm not some sperg or anything, I kinda fixed many things last few years, finished uni and about to get a job, but I have a feeling best years of my life are past me
40 in 2 years.
get on my lvl
>mfw started to get this feel
>mfw graduated college anyways
>mfw starting a $45k/year job in January with no debt
>mfw I made it
Youre very young.
I'm 23, turning 24 soon, and just now starting university. You have plenty of time to find yourself still, my friend.
Thank you, I also like this post.
I'm struggling to find my way, but I will figure something out I'm sure.
that's because they are. no matter what anyone says it all goes downhill from there
>scared of soon turning 20.
if you're not even 20 and you're already a failure at life, you need to kill yourself
No it's not me but when I turned 20 my dad bought me a birthday cake
I was contemplating suicide around that time since it's around Christmas. My life was in the shitter. Had no friends, gf or family. Parents had been divorced for a long ass time and having to grow up with my mom was a nightmare. It was like prison in so many ways. After 10+ of no contact dad shows up with a fucking cake and takes a picture of me with it
I'm sure he out it on Facebook. Good thing is though 3 years later I completely turned my life around and things are much better and I'm almost done with my degree now
>missing high school
yeah, thought so
it's not even that I missed out on much or something like that
I just have an awful feeling I never be as happy as I was at some points of my life until now
maybe when I get kids, who knows
not OP, but I also didn't go to high school
I had this feeling too. Ended up dropping out of college and working for a year while going to the gym. Then I joined the army and now I'm trying to ascend in the chain.
Basically just do regular stuff that normal people do to improve your life, like learning a language, playing an instrument and working out. Force yourself a little at the beginning and then keep going from there. Don't settle down and try to improve a little each day. It's really simple as soon as you fully commit to it..
>Basically just do regular stuff that normal people do to improve your life, like learning a language, playing an instrument and working out.
This a hundred times. Don't let yourself become a slob OP, keep doing stuff, anything, or you'll slip into NEET-depression within a few months.
> tfw I have SAD and it's starting up again
Highschool is structured and takes all the thinking out of your hands.
Same way that guys who've spent too long in prison or the military have trouble readapting to every day life.
>"what will your order be sir?"
>oh fuck this isn't a cafeteria line and I haven't though about what I personally would like to eat in years
>"I-I'll have the french toast."
>that's what people order at Denny's right? The french toast?
or OP could have skipped high school. His wording is a bit vague. Both kinds of people exist, the ones who skipped school and the ones who consider it the high-point of their life.
If i could go back I would have gotten a job sooner, any job, and then i would have worked on my employable skills at home, like microsoft excel, access, learning sql, vba, python etc learning the vocabulary of business, statistics, make sure my math is on point...these things open up many jobs and the salaries are very good, and people actually respect you because you're a professional.
I would also have paid more attention to my social wellbeing and put myself out there more, joined clubs, gyms, taken up hobbies and shared them with people, gone abroad and seen the world...
High school sucked too but it was better than the hellscape of post-highschool life
I'm Swedish so Arvid Nordqvist is my favorite brand.
That is true. Right now I want to work with something I have a passion for or has to do with one of my interests. I want to create things. I would want to direct movies but it seems so hopeless to get into that from my position of a hobby director. Software startup seems like a more realistic path and I would be very interested in that too, I think. But I am interested in a lot of things so I have a hard time choosing.
I want to life comfortably in a big city close to nature and the sea, because I want to be able to sail a lot. I want to move away from Sweden to a place with better climate and happier people. But what I really don't want to do is work an office job I'm not interested in and give up on my interests, like I see so many older people do. I also want to somehow make a small mark on the world. Make my life not meaningless even a while after I die.
I don't have much direction.
I would want a wife and kids eventually, I think.
>it's ok to be lost for a while, as long as you try to make a plan for yourself. good luck you anime loving piece of shit
That's actually really nice to hear. My family keeps stressing me out over all this shit and I'm afraid to commit to something I don't enjoy, and I feel so overwhelmed sometimes. I'm 22 and lost as fuck but eventually I'll find my way. Thanks user.
But is it a job you will like?
If I could go back, I'd fuck every girl I had a chance to fuck but didn't, and I wouldn't fuck all the girls that I did.
Thank you. I like hearing stuff like this. Good luck to you.
Oh, that sucks. I'm happy you turned your life around. Hope you keep it up.
How do you feel about your dad now?
I did not skip high school. I miss having a purpose (finish high school) and seeing my friends every day.
i just started reading med and theres a lot of people in my class aged like 26, 30, 35 etc.
i think people rush things too much
that said get a job and don't be NEET
Computer animation is a growing field. Gets you into the entertainment industry and gives you the connections to pitch a script to the studio. There's the VFX side of things as well.
Ever thought about writing short stories?
>be 21
>have dream of becoming doctor
>get in to med
>horrible le depression meme period
>stop going to school, fail exams
>have to move from dorm back to parents
>cute grills from class message me "where'd you go user, i havent seen you in forever"
not a good feel desu
Army user here, you are expecting too fucking much. Start slow and pick up something, you like softwae then do it. If you don't like it you can set back a little and try something different. You have a lot of time. Most lives are meaningless, best and easiest way to leave a mark is to have a good family and care for most people.
You're an idiot. This is the dumbest post I've ever read.
>waaahhhh I'm turning 20 waaahh!!
Yes, because you're the ONLY one turning 20, right?
Major in whatever. Seriously just pick something. You're better off with any degree than no degree. I'm a 20 year old college sophomore and I have no idea why you're feeling this way. I never felt bad about turning 20 and neither did any of my friends.
Go seek counseling.
But seriously don't drop out of college.
>grills from class message me "where'd you go user, i havent seen you in forever"
Oh shit, this thread is filled with people like me. One of them even sent something like "you don't remember me anymore?" Fuck me for not answering that.
Why'd you get depressed?
>Major in whatever. Seriously just pick something
thats horrible advice desu
Yeah, I actually did some animation and modelling last year because I wanted to pursue a career in it, but I kinda stopped because it wasn't that fun to actually do the technical parts. I still like the idea of it though, and it might be more fun after I learn it better. VFX as in After Effects type stuff is really fun I think. But I do think I would want to be in a more creative role, like director or writer.
But there is just so much stuff that would be fun to work with, and I can only pick one.
I have actually thought of writing short stories, yes. But mostly as a way to get into writing for movies.
Too close to home. At least you didn't start drinking for the next two years
I don't understand how he doesn't know what to do though. Everyone I know has their shit figured out.
i haven't told anyone but I got some weird infection on my dick and now it won't get as hard anymore, I get it to like 70% erection level
I haven't dared having sex with anyone since, I'm afraid that I'll have to live like an eunuch for the rest of my life
gonna meet a doctor next week and tell him though, hopefully it can be fixed. Otherwise i'll probably off myself
Are you fucking serious.
You dropped out because of a dick infection.
Try being a NEET of 4 years in his mid 20s.
>you are expecting too fucking much
Yeah, that's part of my problem right now. These last years my expectations of life have lowered significantly as my dreams have been crushed. You would laugh at this post if I made it at 16.
When I said leave a mark, I mean like, some people watch and feel moved by a movie I made, the company I started lives on, people I helped benefitted from that help or just someone remembers something I did in general. Accounting for Generic company X is not going to help me with that.
>Ever thought about writing short stories?
that shit's a hobby. don't poison people with that. fucking nobody is making money off short stories.
get a real ass job, that culture shit is great for culture and side pennies but don't be 'that guy' that says he's a writer or an artist but irl is just a goddamn bum with high minded excuses.
kafka was an accountant.
you don't understand user
I look at girls and couples and I'm afraid that I'll never be able to be a functional man again.
I haven't told anyone ever so maybe my brain is blowing this out of proportion though.
But like, I stopped going to school and the gym and showering because 'whats the point if I'm a dickless biological freak' you know
anyways pic related
Oh I'm working of course. 35+ hours a week.
When I say drop out of college I mean drop out and start next fall instead. Or find something different to pursue.
And I feel sad about turning 20 because I have always hated growing up and I feel like I wasted my teens. I'm still a virgin (kinda my own fault for having high standards) and I feel lost in choosing a career.
I think you're overreacting to my post.
At least you are a family man, right?
Ok, taking a break from college is completely fine as long as you come back. If you really need a break to figure things out then do it.
And I don't know why you're stressing out so much about turning 20 and still being a virgin. I have a TON of friends who are still virgins and are perfectly content. Focus on your studies and career.
Also, where are you currently studying at?
what's a good length for a nap bros
Dude, don't listen to that other guy. Your situation sucks and I understand why you feel the way you feel. Hope a doctor can fix it.
Kinda unrelated but this reminds me of how I feel about Theon in Game of Thrones/ASOIAF. He has no dick and even when things go well for him I can only think it's pointless anyways because he has no dick so he's not a complete man and he can't have a sexual relationship or have children or anything. I don't even know why it bothers me so much.
1hr is the perfect power nap
20 minutes
There's a quote I like.
"Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt"
If you have a hunch, act on it. Leaving a lingering doubt only gets you into trouble. If you've got an interest, pursue it.
You've got all these interests but you're not putting the time in to focus on them. Don't just think about writing short stories, find an author you like and tear his work apart to find his method for writing. The way he constructs his prose to get a certain emotion. Then re-purpose his method and build back up, actually putting words on paper and writing yourself.
You can apply this to anything. It's part of Stanislavski's approach to understanding the characters in a play. It's just putting the time in to study something.
You can pull an Art Babbitt and tear down how people walk until you can build it back up and have characters walking with their feet on backwards and look completely natural.
I'm aware it's a hobby.
It's the thought process behind studying and working on something, anything, that matters. So long as it's possible to perform an action wrong, it works fine as a hobby. The dangerous activities are the ones that cannot be wrong, because then you can never improve.
Ken Liu doesn't make his living on it either.
>tfw I have to spend a third year in community college before I can transfer
I fucking hate this.
I'm Swedish and studying physics at Lund University.
I feel sad about missing out on teenage love (r9k meme I know) and like I wasted my teens on being too much of a pussy to engage in social interaction that was out of my comfort zone.
I think I will take a break, get a job and travel around Europe by train this spring. I would like to do that. Or stay in uni. I don't really know.
Jesus why are you so conflicted? Physics is a great major and you're going to a prestigious university.
Just take the break and come back. They allow you to defer for a semester or two right?
Try aging another decade and see how you feel. 20 is nothing these days, you're barely more than a child. Then when you hit 25 you're supposed to be on the road to "adulthood" because by 30 you have to be married with a kid and a good career or you're a failure.
>Black with no sugar or milk
Mah nigga. I also happen to be an aimless 20 year old.
Maybe if you're an extrovert normie
Thanks for this reply. It made me think. Maybe I should just pick my biggest passion and work for it. It's pretty scary though.
It's really interesting what you said about studying something to break it down and build it up, because that can be done with anything really. It's what I'm currently doing when I'm studying physics. See a phenomenon and break it down to its fundamental components. Elon Musk said this process was what gave him his success.
I will have to choose something and stick with it and work hard, but it's so difficult of a choice. Maybe it's even harder because I feel locked in place by the degree I'm doing right now. And it would be easier if I took a break and started next fall again if I still want to. A year off to try different things to find the thing to stick with doesn't sound so bad.
I like your advice. Please give more if you want to.
Mullholland Drive.
screen capping this post, thank based user
It gets a lot worse
I took a break after college and worked for a year then went back into education.
At university I struggled to make friends in my first year as I wasn't enjoying the course much and got quite down about it but I stuck it through.
Graduated a good number of years back but I've got a good job, a great group of friends and a partner that means the world to me.
Keep at it OP! You'll get there.
thanks user i kinda needed this
>tfw qt more ahead of me in life grill cancelled our date today
feels bad anons
Let me guess. You majored in a social science or humanities.
I'm about to turn 26 and I have accomplished nothing OP. The only job that would be suitable for me is a professor and in my field there are basically zero possibilities and as the years go by the interest in my discipline has been shrinking. I have to basically either commit myself to pursuing a career that I know I will hate and bring me no satisfaction, or continue on in the way that I have been going which is just further isolating myself from any possibility of adjusting to "normal" society.
What field?
Any chance of applying it to a job that sends you to the antarctic research stations or some remote northern cabin where you watch and measure glaciers?
I imagine the demand to have jobs like that is fairly low, especially the watching glaciers bit.
I did my undergrad in English and History. Unlike the average student of those disciplines, I was actually committed and passionate, perhaps overly so. My mind became acclimated to the field and the intellectual exploration that was afforded by both avenues. Little I've seen in the world post-undergrad has offered even a glimmer of the challenge that my years of study provided. I recently dropped out of teacher's college after seeing how egregiously low the standards are for high school students. I think the only place that makes sense for me is in the academic realm but the job situation in the humanities is extraordinarily narrow due to the overabundance of people with PhDs, many of whom continued getting degrees out of fear rather than genuine passion.
There's a Herzog documentary that is about people living much the same way that you described. Seemed pretty ideal desu
Why do English and History degrees still exist?
They're only there so you can become a teacher anyways.
Some people still think that trying to understand human beings matters I guess.
Don't worry though, the way things are going it's incredibly unlikely they'll survive.
I'm not much of an academic, but do you think you could spin the History into studying geology/archeology? I'd imagine there are overlaps once you get far enough into the past.
The English bit would justify being the one to write up research papers perhaps.
Then it's just applying for research grants or joining up with someone doing research, right?
I don't know if that's the type of challenge you're interested in, but it's work.
>normie is suffering
Good thread