is there any worse case of jewish nepotism than these two?
they are garbage yet they keep getting roles
is there any worse case of jewish nepotism than these two?
they are garbage yet they keep getting roles
Agreed, opie.
Was gonna make a thread the other day as I'm getting sick of even seeing trailers with the skinny one.
He was good in Whiplash. But I think the director understood how naturally hatable Miles Teller is, and wrote for him appropriately. I can't put up with him in any role where he's meant to be likable or funny
My fav zionist actors, along with DUDE WEED LMAO
exactly this, fuck miles teller
That movie was actually decent tbvh
at least dude weed dude writes his own garbage
what did you expect? it has jonah hill in
Is this a sequel to army dog?
they both suck dick
What a shitty true story if that was the way it went down.
Hur I'm all coked up so I'm not gonna pay the trivial sums I owe to the people who are keeping my illegal operation afloat and secret.
I haven't seen this, put Jonah Hill's proven his worth in Moneyball and WoWS as a very watchable character actor.
>proven his worth in Moneybal' and WoWS as a very watchable character actor
>very watchable
good fucking goy
Jonah Hill was amazing as Donny in Wolf.
Other than that, both actors are unlikable trash.
Lena dunham and amy schumer
Am I wrong?
No, you're not.
That guy is just a pol retard.
Hill is great in Wolf and Moneyball.
>some folks are born starts playing
im not him but you're both fucking plebs
jonah hill has never been "great" in anything. you have terrible taste and should fuck off this board and go watch some movies that aren't shit
If it wasn't for mediocre Jewish nepotism, a much-better (and non-Jew) actor would have WON Best Supporting Actor for both of those films.
Instead, Jonah was what we got. This is the world we let happen.
>He was good in Whiplash
Except he wasn't. His character is pretty much one note and has no emotional range. The fact that you think he was supposed to be "hatable" shows you how poorly written the character truly is.
>Moneyball and WoWS
Stop being contrarian, WoWS is very watchable.
Still a good performance. Too many "ifs" mate.
Damn, that's really outdated, filled with lies, and misrepresents many other truths. Rupert Murdoch owns dozens of media companies/television channels, interesting he's only mentioned twice on the whole list.
Hi Jonah
Even the performance in War Dogs with a better actor would've had a shot at winning it. It was a juicy role and he did OK but it could've been amazing with the right casting.
The one dude(I refuse to learn his name) was in project x as the cool kid but he's got some birth defect you can see in his face if you have a keen eye.
Shit's mind boggling and I'd just like off the ride please and thank you.
yes you are wrong theres nothing i want to watch in his performances
im not pol and he isnt great in anything asshole
no it isnt you margot robbie loving fag
the whole movie was about jews being creepy slimy subhumans. when i was watching it i kept thinking about you pathetic poltards getting triggered
>should i be butthurt because this movie depicts my version of reality of because it disproves it at the same time?
kill yourself. jonah hill is one of the best young actors around. he is consistently great in everything.
> (OP)
>the whole movie was about jews being creepy slimy subhumans. when i was watching it i kept thinking about you pathetic poltards getting triggered
>>should i be butthurt because this movie depicts my version of reality of because it disproves it at the same time?
Please be joking. I let the whole 'he was great in wolf of wall st' because I was busy living my life but at some point the record must be set straight.
The movie was mostly cringe and try hard with a few decent scenes and almost twice as long as it should have been
>His character is pretty much one note and has no emotional range.
That was exactly the point of the character, and the movie. He cared about ONE thing, to the point that he ignored and sabotaged every other relationship and commitment in his life. Even his own health and safety. I wouldn't say he was fully "hatable," but he was a nasty prick to his family and that girl he dated, and the director used Miles Teller's anti-charisma very well. But anyone in the audience at the end, who only saw him when he was playing the drums, probably thought he was pretty great.
Criticisms like this are so obnoxious, it's like you took one screenwriting course and you think anything that doesn't follow the Syd Field formula is objectively "bad writing." The character was one-dimensional by design, people like him exist
why is so cool to not like anything?
Kill yourself
Does nepotism specifically have to mean family?
If so then Jonah is out because his whole career stems from his friendship with Dustin Hoffman's son rather than familial ties.
yes faggot the movie is tryhard shit for edgy reddit*rs
but jewnah was good in it
i will slap your head away from your body nigger
Jonah has Superbad at least and Teller is just boring.
Jewnah plays the same guy every film
He has moments but others that are negative not just neutral so calm your fat tits. B- or C+
Movie felt like Pain and Gain meets Lords of War
Yes, Max Landis.