DUDE Global Warming is real and dangerous, but ignore my energy-hungry mansions, yachts and private airplanes LMAO
DUDE Global Warming is real and dangerous, but ignore my energy-hungry mansions, yachts and private airplanes LMAO
Also ignore all the recorded data, record number of polar bears, and growing ice sheets.
as a flat earther i agree
>I'm right but every single scientist in the world is wrong
I wasn't refuting climate change. Just the hypocrisy of these celebrities who contribute more to climate change than the average person.
>taking the word of the Australian blogger who started the 97% line with a BS study that was debunked by real scientists
>Citing some study that no one's ever heard of, saying it's wrong and using it as a strawman.
>This is how protestants actually think
>b-b-b-but my teacher told me it was global warming is real :"(
The Cook paper is the origin of the 97% line. Google it.
what is "the 97% line"? nobody knows what youre talking about dude
>the rest of the world is actively meeting and making shit to guard against climate change but its ok, I don't believe any of them
wtf is the 97% line?? Why do you think that bit of minutia is what the whole thing rests on?
I know people like you have deep seated emotional reasons for believing the shit you do but common, at least learn what fallacies are.
Nobody had to tell me it was real.
I grew up in Tennessee, lived somewhere else for 8 years, and just moved back. The climate is incredibly different now. This summer/fall was so dry that the leaves barely even changed colors and just fell off the fucking trees dead. You can feel it here and it's dramatically more pronounced with my having been away the better part of a decade.
But hey, man, keep being retarded. Don't let me stop you.
>Google it.
k, this is what I found.
It's a waste of time to tell people in the developed world about climate change. Our governments are (for the most part) concerned enough to actually start cutting emissions. The problems are China, India, Pakistan, Brazil, and Nigeria. Together, they already make up about 30% of the global population and that percentage is growing quickly. None of those countries are going to kneecap their own coal/gas/oil-based development because of the threat of climate change. And without them, any type of climate change talk is pointless.
So DiCaprio and the other Hollywood types should be brushing up on their Mandarin. That is, of course, if they actually want to make a difference and aren't just posturing to gain popularity.
I don't understand why we aren't burying trees.
not an argument
>Record number of growing ice sheets.
That is true neither on a short or long term.
No, the numbers did. Stop being retarded.
My guess is it's something like "97% of the scientific community agree that man-made climate change is real"
Where I come from, the climate is just about fine. DiCrapio and all the libfag cocksuckers can go fuck themselves. And didn't NASA and the Russian agency prove there's like 14% more green on the planet than 20 years ago? Why do I give a fuck if a bunch of Indians die from drinking a water they take a dump in? Why would I care about the pollution in some random chink shithole?
>retards think that "scientists" are egoless superhumans who are always "right" and unbiased about everything
Lol, yeah, keep believing things because scientists tell you to. They sure are omniscient and omnibenevolent
fuck scientists 100% of them used to agree the sun revolved around the earth
>Protestants think numbers collected at thousands of observatories world wide are just something some guy pulled out his ass.
oooo, a rare tu quoque falacy. You hardly ever meet people retarded enough to use that one.
This is true. Also, it would benefit everyone (excluding oil companies) to quicken the transition to non fossil fuel based energy. It would mean a huge change in infrastructure, but the rewards would pay off in the future.
Just put the political jousting of the global warming argument aside for a while, and work on using energy that we can reproduce with minimal environmental damage. Let's not fuck our future generations.
Better believe the scientists than some anonymous retards in a congolese arms making factory
Hows the wifi in appalachia?
Most of scientists get funded by either goverments or MN corps libshits hate so much. They're charlatans, they're whores. They can't make up their minds either, just look at all the nonsense they pushed for in the last 30 years, examples being eggs, fats, sugar, flourescent light, chocolate, sleeping, gaming, television, cancer, animals etc.
sup reddit
> just look at all the nonsense they pushed for in the last 30 years, examples being eggs, fats, sugar, flourescent light, chocolate, sleeping, gaming, television, cancer, animals etc.
Can you explain how these examples are "nonsense"? Genuinely curious.
Problem is current methods are inefficient and too expensive. Research should go into new methods not endless political talk of cutting emissions. The emissions she battle was lost long ago. Just pay oil companies to develop alternate systems or go full nuclear.
He's just trying to cop another Oscar.
Doesn't Trump want to go back to coal?
I wonder how these people sleep at night. I mean if you talk about global warming it's nice and all, but it's a little hypocritical to take a private jet to get to the venue and back. Don't they realise this?
I agree 100%. The money and the resources are there to make it work, like you're saying. Cut off the politicians' paychecks from special interest groups would be a good start.
OP, if you're so concerned, why don't you send him a tweet?
You can offset your carbon footprint by donating money to a good charity.
The environmentalists' reticence to use nuclear energy is a real problem because there is no way we switch to renewable energy sources without using nuclear power as a transition. I hope thorium reactors become widespread asap, I'm sure /sci/ call it a meme or something but it's the only way NATO will let developing countries like China, India, Brazil, etc... play with radioactive fuel without fearing they'll flip and nuke everyone.
>Eggs are bad. Eggs are great.
>Bacon is terrible. Bacon is awesome. Bacon is terrible again.
>Sugar is healthy. Sugar kills.
>You need to sleep 8 hours. Turns out 5-6 is just about enough.
>Fats are awesome. Fats are bad. Fats are awesome. Fats are bad. Fats are awesome. Fats are bad...
Just remember all the fucking happenings WHO and pharmaceutical companies creaetd in order to sell drugs. They literally make up diseases and conditions to sell you pills.
The environmentalists' reticence to use nuclear energy is a real problem because there is no way we switch to renewable energy sources without using nuclear power as a transition. I hope thorium reactors become widespread asap, I'm sure /sci/ call it a meme or something but it's the only way NATO will let developing countries like China, India, Brazil, etc... play with radioactive fuel without fearing they'll flip and nuke everyone.
((((Charities)))) to raise """"awareness"""""
My dream of the future is that one day a space elevator will become possible and we will have nuclear power plants in orbit.
I donate to the nature conservancy they preserve land. More forests=more trapped carbon.
If he really cared about the environment wouldn't he donate to a nature conservancy AND also not have wasteful yachts, private jets, etc
Lots of it is just misinterpreted studies by clickbaity "science" articles.
Sure, a lot of scientists nowadays use p-hacking to get their results published but their are too many studies both replication of previous ones and and new ones coming to the same result to ignore the fact that:
1-there is a measurable global warming
2-there is a measurable augmentation of CO2 content in the atmosphere/shallow ocean waters
Both of which have been shown to affect the ecosystem to some extent.
Wether those are man-made or not is hard to prove or disprove, but the two opposing position being
>People who dedicated their lives to the study of the environment and know more about the subject than anyone else are collectively wrong
>Scientists know climate change isn't man-made and are pressured into saying that by governments so it can be used as a geopolitical lever against "polluting" emerging countries
And they both seem in my eyes less likely than the commonly admitted position of man-made climate change.
thank you for correcting the record
You can't give conferences and meet with world leaders without a plane.
You may have heard he drives an electric car and this photo shows solar paneling on his house so he's not all hot air.
>All these global warming hoaxers shills
Did liberals pay you? It's been pretty clear that it's just a scam made up by foreign forces (Europe and China above all) to undermine America's supremacy. And that comes from independent scientists who don't believe in (((official science))) because they are all a bunch of fucking liars.
Stop being shills or simply retarded, or both. Sup Forums always knew it was all a ruse, read Sup Forums sometimes, it's all explained there.
>read Sup Forums sometimes, it's all explained there.
You expect him to regularly travel hundreds of thousands of miles around the world promoting his movies, ON A FUCKING BICYCLE?!
You're retarded.
As an Environment scientist, man made climate change is probably definetely real.
~95% of climate models cannot model the current temperature changes and co2 levels without an anthropogenic factor
Science is absolute guys, it never lies. Except meany old race science that shows niggers are more violent and have lower intelligence on average, we're all the same goy. Now enjoy your carbon tax scum.
Always thought personal full size basketball courts were a bit much unless you're professional basketball player.
You can pretty much do everything with a half court
>Let's not fuck our future generations.
They're already fucked dude. Regardless of whether or not man made climate change is real, natural climate change is very real. The next ice age is coming no matter what we do.
Nuclear power is bigoted lmao! Let's save the world through meme energy like solar and wind and positive feelings.
>1-there is a measurable global warming
>2-there is a measurable augmentation of CO2 content in the atmosphere/shallow ocean waters
No one is really denying that, it's just that humans barely have ANY influence on it. With or without humans, the climate changes, with or without the humans there will be another ice age in few thousand years, with or without humans, the day will consist of 25 hours in 100 000 years. Catch my drift? We LITERALLY cannot stop the climate from changing, we're a non-factor.
>muh water level rising
Like that's something new caused by white male-owned factories, you fucking libshit faggots. Did industry cause the sinkings of all those ancient cities as well?
What are the negative impacts of reducing pollution? Why are you so against this?
Why do you want to believe that?
>t. Shillary
>"I won the Oscar for best Director and Movie of the year, made the highest grossing film of all time, put Leo Dicaprio on the map, and I'm gonna get my dick sucked by Linda Hamilton later this night while I'm banging Susan Amis,.... Mother and Father my heart's truly full ... I M THE KING OF THE WORLD YEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"
best acceptance speech ever?
>My carbon footprint is probably bigger than most.
He says that in the doc so it's all good famalam
We can't change everything, but why not change what we can for the better?
We are all going to eventually die. That is a forgone conclusion. So should we sit on the couch all day, washing down donuts and crystal meth with drano? Or maybe, go out, get some fresh air and exercise, and try to make whatever time we have left the best we possibly can?
>Or maybe, go out, get some fresh air and exercise, and try to make whatever time we have left the best we possibly can?
I completely agree, but you're going to have to accept that being a hippie faggot isn't what most people think of as a good time.
Made me chuckle.
B-but scientists are supposed to be the be-all-end-all of morality and integrity, they science and shit.
>scientists are occasionally wrong
>this means we should never listen to them
Hey, Sup Forums sometimes goes offline, maybe you should never use this sight either.
Next time you need medical attention you should figure it out yourself. Don't trust those tricky Jews.
What is the fucking point to lie about global warming? It was all a big conspiracy lie completely made up for the sake of???
What possible seedy shit do you think would come from it? Worst case scenario we make the world a little more hospitable for our future generations.
god damnit Sup Forums. you faggots are actually right about quite a bit of stuff, but when you go full retard about climate change it makes people think you are all idiots.
climate change is real, and humans are a major contributor to why, and especially why it is happening so quickly, you can literally verify this yourself in a very crude manner with not a lot of effort. the models for what exactly is going to happen suck balls yes, but it's clear that it is happening, and it is not going to be a good thing for most life on earth including us.
no one is going to give up fossil fuels, the momentum of capitalism is far too great, so stop getting your panties in a twist.
They literally think it's all just a get-rich-quick-scheme for Al Gore.
[Spoiler]I'm an actual jew[Spoiler]
He probably wouldn't have any trouble inviting professional players over.
You suck at doing spoilers and banter.
They are mostly wrong you nut - especially wrong about global warming.
>implying the chinks care
>implying the jews care
He should practice what he preach.
FYI he drives an all electric car.
You're still using a blatant logical fallacy to discredit them.
Is his yacht and private jets filled with supermodels also driven by electricity?
>tfw grandpas friend had a french fry car
>grandparents started recycling and living 'consciously green' by the late 60s
>bought solar panels to run the house, sold excess back
>tfw it didnt do shit
Lel, how many generations will it take to save the world from global warming?
Personally, I think we just need to recreate a 'less is more/buy it for life' lifestyle in general
>Lived in florida for 15 years
>Summer used to be 85* all season with about a week of 90+
>Fall used to bring the temperature down to the 70s and start in September
>Winter started at the end of December where it would drop to the 50s and lasted 2 months
>Mfw there is no Fall anymore
>Mfw Winter starts in February and lasts 2 weeks where the temps drops to 60 at night only
>Mfw the rest of the year every day is low of 85 high of 95
>What if we do try to stop climate change and just end up making the world a cleaner place with less dependence on foreign oil for no reason?
maybe it was like that 6000years ago.
cycles etc.
scientists = religion.
No i am not, you are the one trying to credit them for bull shit 'facts'
If you're a rational actor in how you view the world you would look at 90% scientific consensus (at this point in time) and come to the conclusion that as far as you know man-made climate change is a very real thing and something to be concerned about. A few decades ago we went through this same song and dance with leaded gasoline which had just as much scientific controversy because just like now car companies and oil giants were quick to turn the topic into a contentious debate to ensure that nothing got done. Turns out that lead isn't so great for humans and burning it in cars and filling up the atmosphere with it was less great. We will likely have the same view of carbon emissions 20 years from now that people today do of leaded gasoline.
There is no harm in putting money into improving renewable energy sources, no loss in trying to make it more cost efficient and you can do a common sense transition away from oil coal and natural gas that doesn't make the economy implode. But dumb motherfuckers with room temperature IQ's seem to see the world in black and white and can't seem to grasp that.
Getting fucked in the ass by oil conglomerates and peddling their bullshit doesn't help you, doesn't help the economy, and it does nothing for the problems that we have. Why anyone would chose that as the rational course of action is beyond me, there is nothing to lose by working on alternatives, not a god damn thing.
No scientist claims global warming is a fact, and yes you are for sure using logical fallacies to try and sound smart.
He buys carbon I offsets .
Teachers also told us the Earth is not flat. They lied.
>No one is really denying that
Some retards in this thread are.
>it's just that humans barely have ANY influence on it.
That point is extremely debatable and I'd personally go with the scientific consensus on that.
>With or without humans, the climate changes, with or without the humans there will be another ice age in few thousand years, with or without humans, the day will consist of 25 hours in 100 000 years.
True, but does that mean that we should precipitate it? Or since you don't believe we affect the climate, does it mean we shouldn't switch to renewable energy sources? Coal and oil reserves are finite (and so are uranium and thorium reserves to a lesser extent), the energy crisis is coming whether we are responsible for it or not. Doesn't it make sense to preserve what oil/coal reserves we have and encourage renewable energy?
This is what gets me about the whole climate change bullshit.
You can apparently pollute as much as you want, as long as you pay someone who to my knowledge isn't particularly doing much to actually counteract man made climate change.
If you actually care about climate change, you don't pollute so much then just pay to have your sins forgiven. You just don't pollute in the first fucking place. These people are massive fucking hypocrites.
Not at all to try and sound smart, most people should have that sort of logic to not believe everything science says.
And of course, im basing what i originally said, off what scientists have been saying about muh global warming, and how important it is that we all understand what it is, yet not do anything about it.
People don't seem to understand the point of a carbon tax. The government already uses subsides and taxes to favor some goods / services and cut down on others. Making cigarettes more expensive keeps millions of people from buying them which lowers healthcare costs for the rest of us, and government subsides of agriculture keeps food costs low and generates a lot of business off of cheap as dirt corn, etc.. You want a carbon tax to spur the growth of renewable energy alternatives now instead of waiting two decades for coal to become more expensive. There is virtually no impact on the economy and you get faster change. But of course idiots see the word "tax" and lose their shit due to child-like emotional thinking.