Remember when original movies were actually huge successes?
Not just capeshit, sequels and reboots
Remember when original movies were actually huge successes?
Not just capeshit, sequels and reboots
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Remember when M knight wasn't a one hit wonder like the Wacuckskis?
I memeber
They still exist but you're too much of a faggot to realize it, instead you whine about "the good ol' days".
Signs was pretty good
>watch Sixth Sense in the theater
>get blown away by the twist
>a few years later watching it on tv with dad who has never seen it
>shortly into the movie dad says "I'll be he's a ghost"
I figured out he was a ghost the moment the boy told him he sees dead people
It wasn't too hard to figure out considering we see him get shot and nobody is interacting with him
Yeah? Well. Maybe I'm not very bright! You ever consider that?!?!?!
I can assure you that someone has
you bastard.
To be fair, I think most people were confused by the opening of the movie, in which Bruce gets shot and then suddenly he's walking around next scene. The thing is that Shiamalaman builds a lot of contrived dialogues to make the audience believe other people also see/interact with Die Hard throughout the movie.
This. Also, here's the list of highest grossing films the year The Sixth Sense came out:
1. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
2. The Sixth Sense
3. Toy Story 2
4. The Matrix
5. Tarzan
6. The Mummy
7. Notting Hill
8. The World Is Not Enough
9. American Beauty
10. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Six of those are sequels or remakes. The Sixth Sense was copied from an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark and Notting HIll is a fairly generic romantic comedy. That leaves two (The Matrix and American Beauty) actual original movies.
>tfw it won't be at least 20 years until this happens again
Studio exec here. Time to remake the Sixth Sense. Great idea OP!
Isn't The Mummy an original film?
The sixth sense, The Matrix, Notting Hill, American Beauty and The Mummy were original films
That's five out of ten compared to one out of ten in 2016
Not really. It was Universal rebooting an old franchise. Just because it only shared a name with the original doesn't mean it wasn't a rebboot; the same studio was adding another addition to a franchise they had the rights to. It's the same reason a new remake is happening soon.
Also, while I'm at it, the Matrix borrowed a bunch of ideas from 70s sci-fi, and lots of visual elements from anime and other similar late 1990s-era cyberpunk. It didn't directly rip anything off, but it wasn't completely original, either. Media in general is about recycling ideas, which is why posts like OP are weak bait.
Fuck man...1994-2002 really was the apex of good movies
Signs and Unbreakable are great films you retard
>The Mummy
Nope. See. It recycled a name and the basic concept of a mummy named Imhotep trying to resurrect his dead girlfriend.
At best, and depending on what you consider to be original (again, Shyamalan clearly copied the idea from an episode of a children's horror show), six of those movies are remakes/sequels/reboots. That's still a majority, and hardly indicative of some kind of golden age of originality like the OP suggested.
Still, that's a pretty solid list if you ask me.
I have so little faith in the higher ups of major film studios after reading the sony emails for a laugh that this comment triggered me.
It seems like hyperbole but seriously you are not far off from how they are green lighting their stupidest projects.
The whole system needs a crash
1999 was a pretty fun year.
I liked unbreakable a lot, it was well done. Signs was shit.
>It seems like hyperbole but seriously you are not far off from how they are green lighting their stupidest projects.
I just assumed they pick things to remake out of a hat
The best Mnight movie was The Village
get a load of this pleb
this, absolutely
The Village is so good that it is shocking that it was actually made by M Night as it seems far too smart and too well-crafted to come from the man behind such garbage as 6th Sense, Signs, Unbreakable, etc
>Not The Last Airbender
lady in the water is a pretty good film too. Underrated imo