How will SNL deal with this one?
How will SNL deal with this one?
>white celebrities defend Hillary
>"colored" celebrities defend Trump
What does this mean?
One day at a time
Fucking based Dave, unbelievably based Dave.
Hilary Clinton is crooked as shit. Trump is many things but he isnt a crook.
They wont.
But Dave is a big name so they will let it slide, I suppose.
Hills is shit but less shit than Trump. I hope to god she only gets one term.
Maybe we whites should actually vote hillary?
twitter educated individual
He is though.
Being a billionaire business magnate doesn't come through being honest and fair with people. Literally a conman.
Hillary is just a politician son you already know.
I understand why people are against Hillary, but I don't see how any sane person can vote for Trump.
Yeah the new york city real estate industry is squeaky clean.
>“Something about this was backward. A gay white man and a white woman asking a multi-billionaire how he knows the system is rigged and insisting it’s not. Does that sound right to you? It didn’t seem right to me. And here’s how you know Trump is the most gangsta candidate ever. They asked him how he knows the system is rigged and he said, ‘Because I take advantage of it.’
But he is interested in making his business better, if hes president then america is his business and he'll be conning countries that have been fucking us for years
kek if you actually believe this
is that the only reason you are "voting" for Trump? does nothing else matter?
Having a bumbling idiot in power for 4 years is safer than dying in nuclear fire in 2.
Because we're ethnically Syrian and support Assad?
How is she "less shit" than Trump?
Okay, Trump offended a couple people and his words were taken out of context a lot of times.
Hillary let American soldiers die in Benghazi due to her incompetence and covered it up by deleting 33 emails. She also flip flops a lot and only says things to get herself elected. Like recently she said she supports gay marriage in an interview, but ever interview before that when asked how she felt, she said she was against it.
Trump may be a bit opinionated but Hillary is just flat out a liar and a crook.
OMG what a pig. They need to replace Dave Chapelle as SNL host with Lena Dunham immediately. #Imwithher
Not needlessly going to war with Russia seems bretty gud to me.
i voted for trump because i'm a white supremacist
i could see normal people voting for trump though as a way to send a message to the upper class that they need to make some changes if they don't want their playpen to get burned down
>literally believing what a con man is selling to you.
I don't know what else to say...
there is a difference between being a businessman and taking tens of millions (maybe even hundreds of millions) from foreign governments while in charge of foreign policy
>kek if you actually believe this
when was Trump ever in charge of anything except his own business?
Kek. What did he say?
wtf i love dave chappel now
*33k emails lol
Also this, she wants a no fly zone over Syria which will automatically trigger WW3.
Hillary was never a fan of the nigs
>directly and indirectly caused the deaths of many Americans, from supporting useless wars to mishandling situations such as Benghazi while SoS
>called a woman fat once
Obviously Hillary is the lesser of two evils.
Because it has to get worse before it can get better.
Trump even being nominated at all is the surest sign the system is completely broken we're likely to ever have. Thus, we need him as president in order to force people to stand up and realize the US government is completely fucking broken.
Something people could ignore with hillary.
>literally believing what a con man is selling to you.
then what do you think he plans on doing?
>He isn't a crook
What the actual fuck are you talking about? His foundation is operating illegally and he's using the funds from it for personal use. Funds he directs to the foundation specifically to avoid taxes.
Thats not even mentioning how he's avoided laying taxes for years by declaring money that he borrowed as a personal loss, which is also illegal.
>faggots who won't vote for trump
Enjoy war when Hillary brings back the draft for ww3.
I like how people exaggerate the whole WW3 shit. Do people not remember The Cuban Missle Crisis? Where both countries where literally close to pressing the button?
Its all a con right now.
Trump benifits from America prospering, Hillary benifits from America declining with all the investments and ties she has with foreign governments. Gee who the fuck do I want to run the country more?
I knew he would come through.
pussy ass crackers better pay attention to what he says
Literally every billionaire does this
He's admitted that the system is fucked and he's taken advantage of it and wants to change it
big difference is that Trump is in business. Hillary has been a politician her whole career ASWELL as the first lady at one point. She has a much larger responisibility to the public good not to be shady as shit.
Race relations were great during chappelle show era. What happened?
You realize the failed U.S. Bay of Pigs invasion led to that situation hitting it's boiling point in the first place.
Hillary's NFZ will be Bay of Pigs all over again.
>Thats not even mentioning how he's avoided laying taxes for years by declaring money that he borrowed as a personal loss, which is also illegal.
No it isn't, you fucking drone. Its literally part of the tax code so busineeses can start up at a loss (because EVERY single business starts at a loss) without getting wiped out
not to mention he still has to pay property tax, capital gains, etc.
fucking kill yourself
please show me the federal charges where hes doing all this illegal shit
This. Neither candidate could have handled that like JFK could
>Yesterday Sup Forums said Dave was a washed up loser has-been shilling for Hill cuz he was going to host SNL
>Today Sup Forums and Sup Forums say BASED Dave
Never change, 4chins
>Trump is many things but he isnt a crook.
Obama was elected
They're both huge crooks.
This entire election is a gigantic fuckup.
>putting someone who has directly benefited from the corrupt system in charge of fixing it
>not the definition of corruption
I hate how we have to play the "but the other side is worse" game. Why can't either side just admit how shitty their candidate is? And I don't mean going " they are corrupt but the other guy is worse!" shit. It gives too much wiggle room for cognitive dissonance.
>he shits on trannies and gays in the article
you better hide again while you can, dave
I don't see the disconnect at all, Mr. Reddit.
Being a washed up loser and /ourguy/ is one and the same.
The system is broken because in this day and age where all values and virtues have lost their meaning the only interesting thing to do in such an election is to vote for the meme candidate on the off chance they might "shake things up" whatever that means.
Voting for Trump however is logistically unsound.
He has no support from any part of the political establishment so he would not be able to accomplish anything and his "policy" is to merely make bombastic statements with zero thought or context put behind them.
Whatever happens he will get more media time which translates to more money for him since his name is literally his brand.
Not sure why in this day and age with all of history's lessons at our fingertips people are falling for this empty bluster and charlatan rhetoric.
While wanting to punish others who have also taken advantage of the system?
>do as I say, not as how I do.
Have your cake and eat it too I guess.
you're not wrong
he's the worst race-baiter in history
I heard he still voted for her, but this is about the best we could hope for. Dave's alright with me
Gay liberal here, voting for Trump solely because voting for a traitor is unconscionable.
Nobody with a basic understanding of geopolitics and who has kept up to date with the concept of wars (e.g. read about Kaldor's theory on 'new wars') will expect there to be another World War any time soon.
But this is Sup Forums and most people consider themselves experts without any education/research on a subject matter.
Hillary has had the opportunity to change it as a politician but she does nothing, she says shit but never does it, she's the fucking crook
>called a woman fat once
Whenever he isn't saying something racist he's insulting women left and right, like making false allegations that a person had made a sex tape. Or saying he didn't sexually harass the women who have come forward with the allegations because "they wouldn't be his first choice" and insinuating they're too ugly.
Weren't it the coloreds who voted Hillary to be the nominee in the primaries?
Newsflash m8, literally nobody gives a single nigger shit about those people that died and even less care about her fucking emails.
>He has no support from any part of the political establishment so he would not be able to accomplish anything
That's the point, you monkey.
He can't do anything. He only exists as a statement to the establishment to fix their shit.
There's no risk involved for the actual people.
We annoy the establishment and nothing happens. Sounds good to me.
they only care about
Trump would never build a wall, never get his tax plan through, never do anything. Republicans spent the last 8 years harping about limiting executive power and putting more back in the hands of congress. Nobody in congress likes trump. So he'll lame duck it up while having epic twitter battles with foreign heads of state any any celebrity that insults him. Trump wouldn't change shit.
You have to go back. You have to self deport.
its part of the tax code for a reason, or else nobody would want to start a business if they got taxed on money they fucking borrowed that isnt even theres to begin with.
>Hills is shit but less shit than Trump
Hillary and the people surrounding her are currently under at least 7 FBI investigations
Hilary aint based jfk though. Shes so eager to go to war with russia for some reason.
>why didnt this one senator fix every problem in America
I wouldnt be surprised if most of Sup Forums never took a civics class or heard the phrase "checks and balances"
People just asume pressing a button and nuking a country has no major repercussions with the world.
On both sides.
Yea and wheres your time machine, mcfly?
still is
Dave is just a guy that hates the establishment
If Trump was beating hillary he'd be against him
his whole shtick is that he's a contrarian
>Hillary has had the opportunity to change it as a politician but she does nothing
well sure, if we just completely ignore her entire political career, refuse to acknowledge democracy means one person can't just change everything at w him while in office and resort to making baseless generalizations
Is this the worst election in modern history?
In this article Chapelle admits he'd already early voted for Clinton but felt bad about it, which is how this race is in general. People voting democrat feel bad because they know Hillary is corrupt, while people can proudly vote for Trump because it's going against the establishment, even if doing so means the country will instantly crash into another recession.
There's a reason why most latinos are voting for Hillary.
Latinos have a higher spiritual knowledge than white people, they can see other people's souls and they have better understanding of the human nature, which is why they are so peaceful and prefer socialism over capitalism.
They know Hillary is a saint who can save the world, while Trump is a cruel tyrant who just wants money
Do you know what a senator or a sec. of state actually does? Because I don't think you do.
it's the most annoying one, that's for sure
I'll be glad when it blows over
She hasn't even tried to change the corruption or her husband, they are the elite dishonest conmen stealing your vote
More like why didn't this person with a shit ton of political connections and a vice grip on multiple presidents' cocks never showed any sign of doing the things she says she's gonna do if we elect her president.
He has a court case this month for racketeering.
Entering a cold war with another nuclear power would have the same consequences as WW3 if one or both countries pressed the button.
I also love how people think their vote matters for who will be president, and not the the electoral college. You know the only votes that matter for this.
Yeah because being s literal child rapist satanist is worse than Trump
Fucking sick bastards are running your country and you do fuck all about it
No, they predicted based on the previous evidence of SNL being AntiTrump/ProClinton that that would be the case. Based Chapelle turned out to be a horse of a different color, somewhat ironically...
Nice bait.
Im mexican, literally born in mexico and came here leaglly. Took me fucking forever too because all the piece of shit pisas coming here illeagly fucking up my shit. A lot of hispanics i know are voting for trump. Get fucked poor fag
Haha whoops I dropped something.
Lmao, I'm latino and I can barely function due to the raging maelstrom of pure, tormented autism that my entire being is.
Literally the opposite
They are fucking children for gods sale
Black people are the only race that directly have to compete with Mexicans for jobs. On the east coast all the menial jobs Mexicans do are done by black people.
Do you want to know how I know you are not mexican?
You are insulting your fellow mexicans. One truth about latinos is that they feel a deep respect for other latinos and would never dare disrespect nor hurt them. They are all like a family, unlike us white people who constantly kill each other and other races for fun
... uh, dog, the system is broken because of citizen's united.
>not fuckin kids
WEWEWEW laddy boy
>A lot of hispanics i know are voting for trump
An anecdotal evidence that will be seen more clearly next week
Every American should be ashamed of the current situation desu. Also Sup Forumsfags shilling for Trump at every board at every thread is fucking annoying
my stepmom's family is full-blooded Mexican and they're all voting Trump. They fucking despise illegals