Post some political kino

Post some political kino.

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shoot em all. bring back bernie or ron paul.




this image makes me sad for some reason

Bernie was a shill too tho

They were good friends.


>unironically liking Bernie Sanders

there's a reason he lost, his plans were fucking batshit crazy

*smacks lips*

They were not his friends

This was the last time they spoke as friends.
Donald is wearing dark clothes, Hillary is wearing light clothes.

watch Primary Colors in the context of this year's election.

who ralph nader here?

there is an advert for this show like every time i open fb. is it that bad?

Not even a Bernie fan but he was obviously screwed by the democratic party


>is it that bad?
What? No, it's the best thing on tv right now by a lot.


Yeah because they didn't want to lose the presidency because of DUDE WEED tier undergrads





>corruption is okay when it benefits my point of view
They made a mistake. People may hate a proto-socialist like Sanders but even more despise Clinton and find her untrustworthy.

even the Democrats knew if he got elected it would bankrupt the country probably

Looks like they are still his good friends

>the last time they spoke as friends

Me too desu. Too much unneeded hatred from both sides in this election.

Hillary and Trump lowkey have a thing for each other.

what are they screaming?

Charlie Wilson's War
The Baader Meinhoff Complex
Face in the Crowd
The Great Dictator
The Queen
Three Days of the Condor
Wag the Dog

>one in black
>one in yellow
its like pottery


Trump is clearly tsundere for Hillary

bill and donald should swap wives for a week

>I don't understand politics

wtf I ship it now


>Hillary you nasty woman!
>please notice my energy
>I swear I don't like you! I'll throw you in jail!


Trump: Did you know that Hillary gave me oral sex and Bill watched?


Why can't we all be friends?

Worth it just for Julianne Moore's depiction of Sarah Palin

Will they shake their hands after the results are in?

>liking a sell out who played all the goyim

They won't be in the same place on the night

yes, because trump is secretly a hillary plant

screencap this post


You mean Bernie "White people don't know what it's like to be poor" Sanders? He is only memed so much because nobody has actually looked at his ideas. He was even lighter on policy than Trump in the primaries.

Nigga don't you realize Ron Paul and Bernie are polar fucking opposites?

Wow so deep that really made me think

Sure. Well, except for all the many similarities their policies share.

>trump and go to illuminati party
>they swap wifes for giggles
>Bill gives melania trump herpies
>Trump get herpies by proxy
>vows revenge on hillary

So you're saying Bill and Donald shared i-indirect k-kissu?


they all looked so happy, except bill who already is starting to look like the lifeforce has been sapped out of him by the dark side\AIDS

and look at hillary, how happy she looks, almost make me sad, I'm sure she might have been a good person once, before the darkness and corruption completely consumed her soul

Network /thread

Will make you vote for Trump after watching

True and get all his voter base is voting for the very person that cucked Bernie

Makes no fucking sense

Thank you for Smoking.
Pretty good movie.

To be fair, they don't have a lot of good options left.

It's inevitable considering how long she has been in politics. The road to hell is paved by good intentions.

Kung fu dino posse

Clinton just effectively won the election. Look on CCN coney just rescinded the charges.

They have Stein , Jhonson and Trump

It should be between these three at this point but no Bernie fags are out of their mind

You either die a hero or love long enough to see yourself become the villain

fuck off dinoposter

> Don't get sarcastic with me, son. We burned this tight-arsed city to the ground in 1814. And I'm all for doing it again, starting with you, you frat fuck. You get sarcastic with me again and I will stuff so much cotton wool down your fucking throat it'll come out your arse like the tail on a Playboy bunny. I was led to believe I was attending the war committee.

both of them are faggots

People don't want a president who is owned by corrupt businessmen, so they want to skip the middleman and directly elect a corrupt businessman to the position instead?

Good choice if you were with Bernie because you wanted the gov. to back off, but not if you disagree with the libertarian plans for education. I agree that at least some of Bernie -> Hillary voters should probably want to go Johnson instead, but it certainly isn't clearcut

Another good choice in theory. Maybe even the closest to Bernie in terms of policy? Many might be put off by her pandering to the tinfoil hat crowd.
Also see comments about Johnson above.

The problem arises when you eliminate those last two as options. If they limit their vote to purely Hillary vs. Trump, Hillary is the closest many voters are going to get to at least some of Bernie's talking points.


Watched this once because my family owns the DVD. Did this seem pointless and boring to anybody else? I mean it's been a couple years but I remember virtually nothing about it except the feeling of boredom and disappointment. Worthless.

In The Loop is GOAT

No one has posted fucking Game Change yet???????

They're neets on Sup Forums that are better educated than Johnson, he didn't even know where Aleppo was.

And by tinfoil hat crowd, I mean specifically the "they're injecting aids into our fruit, and pumping cancer out of our wee-fee boxes" tinfoil hat crowd.

The big two candidates involve a whole separate other style of tinfoil hat.

I guess it's the inner child in me but if I get cucked or fucked over I'm getting revenge no matter the cost. Nothing matters but revenge at that point

Maybe I'm just selfish or edgy I don't care

>muh "democratic socialist"

That shit died out about 40 years ago, and Americans seriously bought Bernies lies.


I probably wouldn't have ever known what Aleppo was if it weren't for all the talk about Johnson not knowing it. I also probably wouldn't be able to answer the question he infamously flubbed about leaders of other countries he admires, because the only foreign heads of state I ever hear about are the ones to do something stupid or evil enough to get mentioned.

Then again, I'm not running for president.


wait a minute

How will she do when throwing the pitch?

Thanks for reminding me, this was pretty kino.

Flip flop.

You're allowed to have your primary favourite team and your secondary favourite teams.


If you can overlook the accents, it's fucking fantastic, and the best portrayal of the Borgias ever. It's on Netflix.


Rand's only good idea is to raise the retirement age

which Weiner documentary is better?

I'm getting showtime soon btw



*steals bike*

wew lad

audible chuckle

Worth it for the qt sister incest alone

Meanwhile Clinton thinks the wage gap is real and Trump thinks global warming is fake.

But let's all shit on one of the few non-terrible candidates because he (a staunchly anti-war guy) didn't know one tiny factoid about one of dozens of conflicts going on in the Middle East.

Will Sup Forums be allowed to have a general thread on election day? I mean the results will be in tv.

Who else voting for Gilf Stein here?

I was really close to voting Stein again this year, but in the end I just couldn't do it. If I had the option to redo it right now, I'm still not sure which way I'd decide.