>with family
>put on movie
>5 min in
>dad-"i dont get this"
>proceeds to leave
how do you "get" a movie in 5 minutes? idk, shit people say during movies that annoy you?
>with family
>put on movie
>5 min in
>dad-"i dont get this"
>proceeds to leave
how do you "get" a movie in 5 minutes? idk, shit people say during movies that annoy you?
your dads life is so shitty escapism doesn't work for him
holy shit user they made you come out of your room for family movie night didnt they
your dad went off to balls deep your mom
He was talking about you, his failure of a son. Not the movie, you big silly.
>why can't dad understand my chinese cartoons! They are deep!
My dad will leave after five minutes if he thinks he's figured how the movie is going to go, because eh thinks it's cliched. He is often wrong.
hmm, makes sense.
i feel like thats worse lol my dad and i tend to like the same stuff. not this time i guess
Maybe he meant he didn't get the appeal?
nicer way of saying it's shit
Nice projection faggot.
>Born black
>Five minutes in
>Dad: "I don't want this."
>Proceeds to leave
What movie op?
Too bad I don't have a mum and my other dad was sitting right next to me dumbarse.
yeah these make sense.
mirrormask. we were both high so i thought a trippy fantasy would be good.
Last movie my dad saw was the Titanic. The one before that was the Exorcist at the cinema when it came out.
>how do you "get" a movie in 5 minutes?
after the first fart joke in swiss army man, it was pretty obvious is was going to be as stupid as people were saying
Screenwriter here, a movie has only 5 minutes to catch the attention of the viewer, otherwise the script is considered shit.
You're dad is just smarter than you.
what are some productions based on your work, screenwriter?
chek'd and did kekkings
It hurts because it's true.
Feel bad for your alpha dad having to live with the fact that his son is so beta.
Post a pic of your dad now