What's happening to Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios has always prided itself on having the reputation of being smart, listening to fans and criticism, and reinventing the wheel. While Doctor Strange was decent, the movie was carried just by its visuals. The actual story feels very made by the committee and tailored for focus groups. They also blatantly repeat the same mistakes of their previous movies(how many fucking times are we going to get a shit villain)? It seems the Netflix shows are the only MCU propertrties with any creativity left. Has the company gotten to the point where autistic out of touch suits have taken over(just like WB)?

*rapes you*

Critics need to stop giving them a pass for this shit because it stunts their creativity. If this keeps going on the Suits are going to get so high off the smell of their own shit that they'll end up destroying the MCU.

Read up on Kevin Feige. He has lead a brutal campaign to get rid of any talent and replaced them with yes men. His agenda taints everything. Marvel is disgusting.

The goddamn "humor" in Dr Strange shit me up the wall, so many unnecessary quips. They basically turned Strange into Tony Stark, rather than letting him be his own character.

That being said I think Dr Strange had good worldbuilding and action scenes. That and it felt more like a fantasy movie than standard capeshit.

Critics aren't going to stop soon. They are well aware most people are getting tired of the Marvel formula which is why everytime there is a new Marvel movie they all go "This is nothing like the one prior" and then the masses go and watch it and the process repeats.

In general, since anyone become a movie critic, the whole clique has been overwhelmed by politically-driven idiots who are only in it to push their agenda.

I liked Dr Strange, but man, some critics are wankers. The way they review movies, it's like they're just trying to exhaust their vocabulary rather than give a good critical analysis.

>Marvel Studios has always prided itself on having the reputation of being smart, listening to fans and criticism, and reinventing the wheel.
it has?

>being carried by visuals


>listening to fans and criticism, and reinventing the wheel.

Marvel focus groups every single piece of film they produce until they pull out the most generic mass audience pleasing script possible. Any deviation from this process or anything the execs think will get shitcanned or you fired.

What's crazy is that Downey Jr who gets money on the gross and paid at least triple of his closest memeber still has absolutely zero control over editorial. Do any of you realize how insane that is, that he still, after so many years and so movies and so many paychecks and he still has no control over anything his character does film to film? That he still isn't a producer on these things? That is not normal at all and a result of a structure in place where the studio decides absolutely everything and writers, actors and directors are all completely interchangeable. Just like their fucking comic books the only difference being that the comics editors don't give a fucking shit what their readers want.