ITT: Actors you can't stand

>ITT: Actors you can't stand.

It's his fucking face, man.

You're being very loose butthole right now

Looks like a white version of a Singaporean friend of mine.


Also Jamie Kennedy

after I started seeing him outside of workaholics yea

mostly the commercials

his face don't bother me, he looks like a little babyfaced kid. i think thats his charm.

Don't worry. His career will be dead after that shitty show.

I could never tell if he's white or mixed asian, those small squinty eyes of mislead you.

>hating mongoloids
Edgy, bruh.

This guy always plays the type of person I hate in real life and pretty confident he plays himself in every movie he's in.

so loose

i'm not sure if its just his face or what but i couldn't find anything in workaholics funny. people said it was great but i couldn't get into it.

is it actually good? am i just dead inside?

Not entirely sure why, probably because of his face and voice.

Maybe because he's got a bigger schlong than you

I don't even care he's a murderer, I just want to fill his mouth with fire ants

I hate that guy. Also, Benedict Cuminsnatch.

cocky douche fuck? everyone hates "that" guy.

Have you seen tower heist? First movie I've genuinely enjoyed him in. Pretty underrated comedy imo

That fat fucking sheboon damn near makes that movie unwatchable. Eddie was hilarious though, as you said underrated comedy.

>well from the sounds of it there's going to be a gauntlet of lesbians

Its still on? I thought it got canned in 2013

i have a very shpecial shet of shkillss

He also pisses himself in public on the regular

>not enjoying Election

cmon bro


No his face is the best part of his persona.
So perfectly "almost handsome but not quite there, so he has a chip on his shoulder and thinks of himself as handsome but everyone can see the insecurity"
Great stuff.

He's never been funny

Apparently he has autistic level freakouts if people around him start talking about video games.

Can you elaborate?

He looks like an operational down syndrome actor

Mark Wahlberg and Jamie Foxx

He hates video games and when comedy writers or performers want to talk about them or play them with him, specifically the EA sports franchises (Will ingratiated himself with a lot of ESPN types when he was developing the Ron Burgundy character)

I've heard that he refuses writers to mention them in the room, have portables or consoles set up in their offices and insults anyone who plays video games as "idiots" and "losers."

>Playing the electric jew
He's right

he was willing to do a Twitch charity stream where he played videogames for cancer awareness, so I don't really believe this

>insults anyone who plays video games as "idiots" and "losers."
I wouldn't say he's 100% wrong, but that's sort of an interesting position to take.

Don't get Smithy.

I see you googled "Will Ferrel hates video games" and got nothing but the cancer results. Apparently these autistic freakouts were happening so often, his publicist put that together so that any search on it would come back with those results. They sold it to him as "What do you hate more, cancer (which killed his father) or video games?"

You're just jealous this dope is banging Olivia Wilde on the reg

nice source

He's not wrong though. Video games are cancer.

>If I can't google it, it's not true

The Wikipedia generation, ladies and gentlemen.

he's got at least a decade of shitty comedy movies to ride out before he's out of the limelight

see: that shitty movie he made with zack effront

nice source


I'm still baffled that he doesn't have downs

please provide a source

his teeth bother me