It's a "Jay laughs at every joke Mike tells" episode

>it's a "Jay laughs at every joke Mike tells" episode

>it's a Mike gets drunk and sexually aggressive towards the fat guy episode

the newest episodes of half in the bag are shit.

I realize you may be on the spectrum, but most people will laugh at something their friend says even if it's not *super* funny because they enjoy their presence and the sense of camaraderie.

It only appears one-sided because Mike's sense of humor is so sardonic. Which makes his belly laughs when he breaks character that much more satisfying.

>it's a OP has never had a friend and will die alone episode

I love that one!

Does Mike have contempt for the other guys, besides Jay and Rich?

He kind of seems to ignore them, like he's above them.

Gotta earn that fat slavic cock somehow

longtime giant bomb subscriber here
congratulations, you've reach the next stage of the friend simulator, apathy and deteriorating relationships

>it's a "Jay laughs while explaining what he found bad with the movie to emphasize that it was bad" episode

>acknowledging beardfat & aidsmoby

That's what I mean, he barely ever shares a video with them, and if he does, he seems to treat them like they're not there.

Except for, you know, all the videos where he talks and interacts with them.

>It's a repeat


mike is genuinely funny and was in fine form for the Doctor Strange review

>there's no porn of these two

end my life


>he doesn't know


So do I. Mike's a funny guy.

Mike's a hairy guy

For you


rate 'em


they're on like every other episode of BotW



Drunk Jack is better than any of the Canucks.


[insert criminal's name here]


Jay has such womanly feet.

>Does Mike have contempt for the other guys

all if them

including jay

>insert criminals name here won the election
What did he mean by this?

Its a character you autistic fuck.

More like everyone in this thread, not just OP

I usually don't like Jack Packard that much but they should film him when he's shit faced more often. The last BOTW was great, even with no Mike in the discussion.

Oh shit. I wasn't the only one reminded of the nuTrek theme after watching Strange.

He meant that both the candidates are shitty criminals/con artists. It's a smart move to remain non-partisan ifor your show has nothing to do with politics

> Dr Strange's case of the not-gays